Thanks for the welcome everyone! While I may not be a huge collector of Lego (can one family support more than one?), given that I buy Hinckley most of the big sets, I do know enough to be dangerous and I often find myself in a Lego store or in Legoland California. Somehow all of our trips end up in one of the two...
So you can imagine Christmas at our house is quite eventful. You'd think a kid lived here, but it's simply Hinckley and our dog Riley. She (our dog) doesn't have a sig fig yet, but she has been bugging me to get online for the last few months, so I'm sure we'll break down and let her paw her way to a cool avatar and sig fig. Her biggest challenge is putting the sets together, what with long nails and paws. She isn't very patient and sometimes get frustrated. The results can be chewy...or chewed. She just sighs and goes frog hunting.
Ok, signing off for the next few days. I expect a huge mail bag of e-treats awaiting me when I return from Kansas City. Hey, that reminds me, why is it that Hinckley gets little packages in the mail all the time filled with rare Lego pieces? Maybe I should have someone send ME stuff every day of the year. It'd be like Christmas every day. Gosh, he sure is lucky to have someone send him such things. do I lay my hands on a set of friends like that? Oh right, my credit card can get me lots of similar friends I'm sure.
Notice I write in random stream of consciousness style? Yep, my creative writing teacher in high school passed me because it was entertaining enough to keep her awake. I hope I have the same effect on the Euro-clan. Ok, ciao for now.