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Eurobricks Vassals
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About Jocko

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  1. Here is my version of a skellie grinding-killing facility...courtesy of Jocko Industries. Hinckley had NOTHING to do with this...I didn't even let him look while I toiled away in his warehouse of LEGO. This is my first competitive vig! Hope you all like it. And don't worry, this won't happen again soon, so if I win, I will stop competing until the next time Hinckley has a birthday. Note how difficult it is to get out once Jocko pushes you in! Slip sliding away... No bones about it, he's about to get ground up! Or down... Oops. He's gone to pieces. Let's just say we'll be patenting this skellie killing machine...it's that good!
  2. Sir Dillon, You are thrilled, I'm sure, to be the first to be whacked by Jocko (me). I'm thrilled, too. It's always good to hit someone or something with a shovel after a tough day at the office, don't you agree? Hey, at least I didn't tie you to a rocket and shoot you into space. But I've got some ideas... Enjoy the whacking, as they say. Thanks for whacking me. That felt funny. Jocko :-/
  3. Jocko

    Jocko's pond

    Great pond Sinner! I love the golf course idea. I'm obsessed with grass. I want it green, but then I curse it when it grows too fast and all I do is mow it. ok, i'm weird. So what sins have you committed? Was vodka involved? cheers, jocko
  4. Where's my knife? Thanks for the whack, but when I recover and find my trusted knife, I'm sure Hinckley will help me whack you back :) Hey Sinner, I reserve my stream of conciousness stuff for EB only. It takes me forever to compose work emails. But sometimes I'll reply to someone and say "hey, thanks for asking if that date works for lunch. let me check. nope that's not good. can we do the next friday? oh wait, i have something that day. call me." Hope to meet your sane wife when we all meet up for some adventures in NZ...a hoped for vacation someday! Thanks to everyone else for making me feel welcome. Hinckley is standing over my shoulder making sure I say something "nice" to everyone who replied, but honestly if I did that, I'd become Hinckley (BOO!). One of us has to do the laundry. :-P Jocko
  5. Thanks for the welcome everyone! While I may not be a huge collector of Lego (can one family support more than one?), given that I buy Hinckley most of the big sets, I do know enough to be dangerous and I often find myself in a Lego store or in Legoland California. Somehow all of our trips end up in one of the two... So you can imagine Christmas at our house is quite eventful. You'd think a kid lived here, but it's simply Hinckley and our dog Riley. She (our dog) doesn't have a sig fig yet, but she has been bugging me to get online for the last few months, so I'm sure we'll break down and let her paw her way to a cool avatar and sig fig. Her biggest challenge is putting the sets together, what with long nails and paws. She isn't very patient and sometimes get frustrated. The results can be chewy...or chewed. She just sighs and goes frog hunting. Ok, signing off for the next few days. I expect a huge mail bag of e-treats awaiting me when I return from Kansas City. Hey, that reminds me, why is it that Hinckley gets little packages in the mail all the time filled with rare Lego pieces? Maybe I should have someone send ME stuff every day of the year. It'd be like Christmas every day. Gosh, he sure is lucky to have someone send him such things. Hmmm...how do I lay my hands on a set of friends like that? Oh right, my credit card can get me lots of similar friends I'm sure. Notice I write in random stream of consciousness style? Yep, my creative writing teacher in high school passed me because it was entertaining enough to keep her awake. I hope I have the same effect on the Euro-clan. Ok, ciao for now. Jocko
  6. Hi, I'm Jocko, I'm Hinckley's partner and I'm here to see why he keeps laughing at his computer 18 hours a day. I try to leave him alone down there in the dungeon. He claims he's wacking his walrus down there. We like physical comedy, so his comic strips and Fabuland Housewives make me chuckle :-D Now to the topic of the day...is Jocko an AFOL? The answer is, unfortunately(?), no. I'm a POAAFOL -- partner of an AFOL. I'm sure there must be a support group out there for us somewhere. Please??? Ha ha. Actually, I'm really glad Hinckley has found some international friends here in Eurobrickland. We might actually get him to leave the basement and go out of the country to visit some of you. Just promise me you'll show us the sights in your home countries and won't just play Lego the whole time. Other interesting facts: I love vodka. I'm an Aquarius. I like to do laundry. I like to work on landscaping (have you see our waterfall and pond?). I also work a lot since I own my own real estate consulting company. www.hundenpartners.com Now you can make fun of me AND Hinckley. By the way, Hinckley designed my website and he is obviously pretty good at it. Ok, back to work. Do you like my Avatar?? I do. He's cool. He can kill you AND clean up the mess...and prepare you for dinner. yum. Cheers, Jocko
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