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Eurobricks Vassals
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About That_Guy

  • Birthday 10/13/1992

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    I'm a big fan of anything sci-fi, concept art (for anything, I love it all), pokemon, assorted video games, and Lego

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  1. Unfortunately the 2011 white version included in both the weapons pack and battle arena are "Chinese plastic". As for the key chains I happen to only have Sensei Wu (part of that promotion back in January where you spend 50 bucks and get him or something like that) he not necessarily "Chinese plastic" but hes not the plastic used for mini figures included in regular Lego sets. Hope I helped in some way.
  2. If someone could PM me the pics or link to pics that would be great. Thanks in advance to anyone who does.
  3. Well rested and fed, the trickster Loki returns to find the hall very much alive with the hustle and bustle of heroes. Always interested in making new acquaintances, Loki strides forth, pausing a moment to observe a man talking to a chicken, towards a knight and barbarian in conversation "hello dear friends, it seems as though you mortals are always doing strange things such as talking to chickens, I am a bit confused by this but none the less intrigued by these seemingly ordinary customs. Anyway how goes these adventures quests I am hearing so much about?"
  4. This is so incredibly cool, accurate and fun, this must of been a joy to build. Great job on the podracers but the real draw for me is defiantly the scenery, it has a very clean look to it and is nicely detailed for the scale. A question though if your willing to share, how did you build those stands?
  5. Having studied the quest board long enough, Loki steps forward. Deciding experience is the best teacher he takes to signing up for Quest#29: Journey to Dastan. Then, taking a step back, he ponders his decision and calls into question the readiness of his new mortal form, but is confidant it will live up to his standards. Wandering about Loki suddenly feels the pains of hunger, a pain he has not felt in a long time. As his mortal body grew tired he rested, dreaming of grand feasts in the halls of Valhalla.
  6. A sly smile crossed Loki's face as the Intimidating figure approached him, a slender hand stretched forth to meet the stranger. In a cautious voice he spoke, his words rolled off his silver tongue like butter "Very very nice to meet you, I am Loki Sølv Tungen and it seems as though I have become trapped here, for the time being. While i'm here I might as well at least try to make my self useful, even if these mortal trappings lack the prowess of my true form, my cunning and wits are none the less about me." Loki motions his hand in the air almost as if silencing himself. Standing up Loki composes himself and sways over to the quest board.
  7. A thunderous noise suddenly echos from the hallway, and then falls silent. A slick, suave, imposing figure slips into the guild hall and slides swiftly across the floor, at the center of the room he begins to speak but pauses "..." and remains silent. In hushed tones he glides to the to stairwell of the tavern and inquisitively mutters "what an interesting lot ?". A deceptive smile crosses his face as he takes a seat.
  8. This is so cool, it feels very vintage but at the same time unique and distinctly recognizable. My favorite has to be Lord Dark Helmet Lord Vader.
  9. My god, all I can say is that you sir have my respect. This is a wonderful moc and portrays the flying Dutchman perfectly, the organ is superb and it almost looks as if you have plucked this right out of the film.
  10. Just got back from toysrus a while ago, I almost caved and bought the hulk set but the 10$ markup is just to much ,so I guess i'll be waking up bright and early to pick it up at the local target. Looks like its going be a hulkerrific Easter.
  11. This is simply a micro masterpiece combee, it actually took me a moment to realize what you did with the little wall there, all I can say is that this is simply to ingenious.
  12. Thanks for the review man. I'm really surprised at how well the whole set comes together, but on a side note the adjustable wings aren't doing anything for me and they almost seem a bit floppy. Other than the disappointing black widow mini figure this set is a win.
  13. That's so cool, loving the use of all the dark tans and dark greens. This kind of makes me want to go watch the movie.
  14. There is, it's one of those little "snake hoods" discussed a few pages back. It is apparently present on all generals and warriors, oh and pythor of course. It does restrict movement but if it didn't their necks would probably look a little strange.
  15. That is funny because I just got back from toysrus with the same ones, the cosmic cube escape is a beauty ain't it. I actually like it better than power armor lex. And for those wanting to see a side by side visual comparison of iron-man's and batman's helmets. Helmet Comparison So in all actuality they are pretty much the same size, I also really like iron-mans because it has that neat little flip up function.
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