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Maxim I

Eurobricks Grand Dukes
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About Maxim I

  • Birthday 06/29/1991

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    Lego, Climbing, Lego, Bowling, Lego, Hiphop, Lego, Partying, Lego, Gaming, Lego, Girls, Lego, History, and of course Lego.

    Favourite series:
    Game Of Thrones, Southpark, How I Met Your Mother, Camelot, Fresh Prince, House...


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  1. Stunning architecture you did here! I love the statues you incorporated in the walls and the chariot with horses on top makes it shine. Great job!
  2. Alright, this gives me some motivation to build something. Also nice that it is 20x20, so I can start building again with something small :D Sooooo, if it is not like E1 and E2 with fixed factions, could this mean... Rebellions? Independency wars?
  3. *thud* (falls out the sky). Wow, shame on me that it has been so long since I visited the forum. Anyway, in the meantime, baby numéro 2 is already 5 months But building time is nihil. I hope with the daughter becoming a bit older, that I can start creating stuff with her. Anyway, some feedback from someone who was there in the beginning. automatisation is much needed (I read this will be the case, so hoooray!) The AMRCA was a nice part of ERA II, altough it took way too long to get feedback from the Gamemasters, killing the building-vibe so now and then for me. Automatisation of the TMRCA would be awesome to reduce waiting time and to keep the intensity high (deadlines and new ideas after events). I hope some bonus could be forseen for very high quality mocs. It has been a frustration since long for me who spends multiple months on a vessel with full intensive rigging to see it being destroyed by a ship built in less than a day. Same for properties We need a journal After being gone for a small period of time, it is really hard to know what's up An idea for automatisation could be that when a player fills in the form to register his MOC, he fills in a line where he describes in 1 sentence what happens in his/her story/MOC. A list of these events (journal) is visible for everyone 624/01/18 - [Eslandola/Maxim I] - Captain Grey inspects his new recruits in Damaborg - link to topic (<= link) 624/07/10 - [World/Maxim I] - Damaborg hosts the new World Cup - link to topic (<= link) ... Other events could be included (TMRCA outcomes, events, faction announcements, ...) Looking forward to what ERA III brings! PS: I will ask to some ex members what their feedback is and what could bring them back
  4. Traditionally seen, the last day is always the most busy day of Oktoberfest. People are gathering one last time before the month ends. During the recent stay of troops in Punto Sur, officers ordered construction of a MAESTRO office to oversee trade on the island of Maldria. The troops have been sent to Seawatch to remove the Lotii blockade over there. Oktoberfest was for MAESTRO always the best month as sales of their Apple Ciders and Wines go through the skies. So also this last day of Oktoberfest, the MAESTRO office opened it doors once again so everyone could enjoy a nice glass of Apple Cider. --- OC --- Will be licenced as small commerce 2 months ago I visited Cartagena in Colombia, which is a must-see for everyone here (just keep your own safety always in mind). Inspired by those colourfull houses and wooden balconies I was very eager to try to build it myself. The balcony on this MOC is an exact copy of one of the balconies I saw there. Together with the greenstuff and the streetlamp, I think I succesfully catched the atmosphere of the house I used as inspiration. Something I discoverd there (well, I never thought of it before), is that there is no sewer in those old Colonial cities (at least not in Cartagena). So hence the stone doorstep to make sure there won't get water inside the house after a very rainy day (rain just stays on the street in big pools). It was fun using the HP wands in the balcony and the bar 1L with clip Mechanical claws for the streetlight (put in a 2x2 inverted round dome slider) @Ayrlego: I might have taken a few looks on how you did your corners in your roofs Enjoy and thanks for C&C
  5. Awesome cathedral mate! A cathedral is sth I want to build as well in the future but you set the bar very high 😅
  6. Wasn’t me this time 😃
  7. Haha again a deadline I did not make 😅👎
  8. Hmm excellent question :) I guess there will be written who attacks who or that a detective can find these things out 😃
  9. As stated by Capt Wolf, it has been brought up and there are some limits to it. Don’t see the possible friction with Oleon in this? Do I miss an event that could explain your thoughts? There is a difference between ports declaring not to share information to authorities (reference: Nassau wich was a port of the British Empire, but for a brief moment was in facto a pirate heaven) and sailing fleets dissapearing from the map constantly (Stealth technology was not yet invented 😃) A black flag vessel sailing in a normal harbor will still be reported to the KPA. It’s not like all of their movements are hidden. Storywise, it makes sense since at this very moment, Eslandola lacks central power to interfere in the shady activities of both settlements due the intern struggle (check the minichallenge). Note that Trador (the capital of MAESTRO is not doing this) I can not understand how this (ref Nassau, but also Garveyan settlements) is comparable with a faction complely hiding their shipmovements. last point to adress this: both settlements are open to black flagged vessels from all factions versus the benefit that only Oleon would gain by hiding movements
  10. Trador - July 622 After the somewhat impossible defeat of both both Margot and Princesse Margot to some small overmanned rafts, MAESTRO decided to focus on creating a new part of the army & navy: Marines. Skilled sailors and excellent fighters. The harsh training focusses both on fighting on land and on sea. To train stability when fighting on a ship, the Marines are put on small rowboats where they have to practise one vs one untill someone slips or ends in the water. General Whitedragon oversees the training. His typical white dragon plume was safely removed from his hat as it was very windy. Will be licenced as 2 companies in the city of Trador --- Elysabethtown - July 622 With the events in the "New Haven Sea" between Lotus Empire and Carno, the turnoil within Eslandola itself with the struggle for power between the King and Count Lewisham and the welcoming of notorious captains to still be able to fill the treasure, the mayor of the settlement of Elysabethtown decided to raise some an extra company of Dragoons. With the flourishing horse ranch producing the finest and strongest horses in the whole region, the Dragoons are a company not to cross when you have bad intentions. And they are also perfect to patrol the coastline. Will be licenced as a companie in the large town of Elysabethtown
  11. Since I have 4 (or more, I can't keep track) damaged vessels, do I have to build 1 moc for each damaged vessel?
  12. Public Service Anouncement MAESTRO PORTS welcome black flagged vessels! Given the current political struggles within Eslandola, the still unknown official status of the island of Berelli and the need for supplies in Damaborg, the harbor authorities of Elysabethtown have succumbed to the continious attempts of bribing of Captain Grey. On the other side of the ocean, the growing settlement of Damaborg is in need of more supplies and inhabitants and prefer food and income (even from pirates) over spilling much needed funds and resources on keeping pirates away. From this moment onwards, the harbor authorities of Elysabethtown (zone 20, value 290) and Damaborg (zone 50, value >80) will not further share the list with anchored vessels to official authorities or even the KPA. As Elysabethtown and Damaborg are still part of Eslandola, the only restriction is that before arriving in the harbor, no Eslandolan vessels were harmed, destroyed or captured. If this would have been the case, the assaultings vessels could be seized by the settlement of Elysabethtown/Damaborg. (OOC: if you want to visit Elysabethtown or Damaborg, don't attack Eslandolan ships that turn). Furthermore the officials from both harbors are warning that within the city walls, Tullips and Pnences are not considered to be legal methods of payment! If certain Black Flagged captains have questions, feel free to contact your local Apple Cider merchant to discuss this further. Official statement of MAESTRO: "Blame it on Count Lewishamilton or whatever his name is. We still are not as corrupt as he is and income will be invested in the development of our settlements and their residents. And Pnences are a fraud just like Tullips. But we do like Gwuinees, they are cute"
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