Custom LDD bricks and fixes
Ah, I could have sworn it was stud-sized, but upon checking with the IRL piece, that's indeed not the case.
Custom LDD bricks and fixes
500185 (aka Bricklink part 50018e, aka "round 1x2 plate with stud on one side, stud receptor on the inverse face, and bar on the opposite side and inverse face") seems to have the connection point for the stud receptor on the inner face (next to the bar) missing, or, at least, no connection point seems to register for any stud-based parts when I try to connect one there. I'd try and find a fix myself, but I can't pinpoint the appropriate .xml file.
Custom LDD bricks and fixes
That works! Thank you.
Custom LDD bricks and fixes
This is the best screenshot I could manage, but the issue is basically that 35189 tries to go in too far into the hubs that are supposed to accept its weird variant pin, and as such they collide and can't be connected.
Custom LDD bricks and fixes
Any chance brake disc 35189's connectivity could be fixed? It seems to try to pop into hubs "behind" where it should, making it conflict with them.
It wouldn't be that difficult to create a leg mold that suitably represents the ghost from the banner; effectively, it'd only really need to be leg tubes and several translucent spikes jutting downwards forming stud-clutching holes (plus the obligatory rectangle in between to hold it all together, of course). Definitely as simple or simpler than the ghostly goop leg mold Ninjago introduced. I doubt a mold so similar to the existing one would be created though, even if the banner ghost actually shows up as a major villain at some point. Really, the only thing I majorly dislike about the possessed figures is that they look like the ghostly elements are just tacked on. The ghostly elements would look better if they were partially combined with the color of the figure, or perhaps more translucent if the idea is to communicate that parts of the ghost itself are just sticking out of the possessed people.
Well, whaddayaknow, I just came up with a project that uses a lot of spring green. Those 18646s eyebrows and hero factory claws are going to be very useful. Not sure about the theme itself. Yes, some of the parts look interesting, especially the minifigure stuff (the ghostly wings piece is a nice addition to the current line-up of wing pieces, although from the looks of it it's a collar-type wing piece rather than a pair of wing pieces attached via clips, which would be more useful for non-minifigure applications), but of the sets shown so far, none really excite me.
A question regarding universal joints
DraikNova replied to DraikNova's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingAh. Thanks for the help. I managed to find a solution that let me simplify the section I would have attached this to to the point that I can work without the weird angles that prompted me to try to use universal joints in the first place.
A question regarding universal joints
DraikNova replied to DraikNova's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingI meant clockwise and counterclockwise as seen from the top (the plane in which the rotation of the axles takes place); although, of course, if this whole assembly was straightened out, that would amount to it all rotating the same way. At any rate, do you have any advice on either a sturdier mechanism to use or a way to make this setup sturdier?
A question regarding universal joints
I am trying to figure out whether there's an easy way for me transfer motion between these two axles (yellow) that are at 120 degrees to one another (anchored in place relative to each other by the pieces in red). I have both terrible intuition and limited understanding when it comes to stuff like universal joints; can anyone tell me whether this setup of universal joints (with a horizontal bar formed by two of the yokes of the universal joints in the middle in blue) would reasonably work to transfer rotation so that if one of the axles was spun clockwise, the other would spin counterclockwise?
[WIP] Fright Fortress - Nexo Knights
I'm debating which dragon head design to use; the base version that is just a large brickbuilt rendition of the classic LEGO dragon's head vs. versions that mix in more bat-like features, such as larger or smaller versions of a spectral bat's nose spike or frontwards-facing nostrils, and perhaps even bat-like scoop-shaped ears. Thoughts?
[WIP] Fright Fortress - Nexo Knights
I ended up making a portcullis myself using the Nexo Knights spear tip pieces, and settled on making it triangular to make it more futuristic. This version, unlike the original, also has a drawbridge attached. I have no clue how to make a sci-fi oil drop trap, nor are there particularly sci-fi options for curved roofing, so I replaced the oil trap with swinging axes and the slopes at the front gate with lights. The tr. red shield inlays will be the Crimson Bat power if this ever gets built. I'm going to incorporate the tower prison cell, the upper walkway trap door and if possible the skull-crystal ball feature, but I'm considering mixing in aspects of a set that I've always admired for its play features, Citadel of Orlan, because I also want to incorporate the original castle's dragon, but a full dragon build is a bit much given how large this is going to end up being (I didn't realize how large the gate was getting while building it) and just going for the seven-piece dragon the original used would be a little underwhelming. So I'm probably going to end up adding the neck and head of a large dragon sticking out from the rocky Magic Manor part of the build, as well as using minifigure bars to create climable vines. Might end up recreating the Magic Manor's little helicopter build as well if I can incorporate a way to slide a launch area out from the side of the rocky area.
[WIP] Fright Fortress - Nexo Knights
I really liked Nexo Knights, and I really liked all the little nods towards older castle themes without established locations potentially taking place in its world. So, I decided to try and create a Nexo Knights-refurbished version of two classic sets from the Fright Knights using LDD: Witch's Magic Manor & Night Lord's Castle, albeit combined into one, so that the Magic Manor serves as a sort of hideout/base under the Night Lord's Castle. The bit that I am currently stuck on is a suitable castle gate. The simple wooden doors of the official Knighton Castle set looked a bit weird, and as such I am trying to create a more sci-fi looking portcullis structure or portcullis alternative, in tr. neon orange of course. So far, I have tried using a bunch of 30064 stud/stick pieces (difficult to create a suitably sized structure without running into difficulty connecting the two sets of bars into a structure that can move as a single piece), the large sword pieces from Clay's mechsuit (as with the original use, strange-looking due to the lack of depth combined with the pattern and width) and finally the 4218 rolling gate pieces (serviceable, except the only source of these in tr. neon orange is over two decades old, and I'd like to actually be able to build this thing in real life at some point). If anyone has any recommendations, I'd be glad to hear them.
- LEGO Ninjago 2018
- LEGO Ninjago 2018
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