Many thanks, Klaus-Dieter, for sharing the review!
100% agree on the fact the truck is way too large. When image of the sets appeared i've built the truck from #4208 for myself and i've instantly realized LEGO has started to make vehicles even larger than before. These 30*14 wheels are definitely wrong. And, as far as i can see from 2012 City range, this off-scale is quite common. Moreover, the front of the boxes are designed to hide this fact - the figs are shown bigger (or the vehicles smaller).
Local russian LEGO prices have risen overcoming real overcome real inflation rate, which is approx 15% in Russia: the $20 sets were priced 729-799 RUB in 2011, now the $20 sets are 999 RUB (it's 25-30% increase), so i have to admit that almost every set is overpriced...
The tires used in #4441 are bigger than the ones used before - i do not understand why - even the older ones used in the vans/trucks are quite big as compared to the height of the minifig. Using the standard tires for smaller cars is not the good practice, IMO. The old small tires/wheels were fine and the cars looked like those one can see in the street. In 4440 LEGO has used the new big tires for quad bike - it's not even funny to have the quad bike with man-height wheels...