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  1. Hi guys! I am glad to see there is still some interest, and again, I am sorry to say I can't be sure when the digital file will be finished.. I still have the truck built, but dismantled into larger components as part of the plan to finish it, but like I said in the other topic, time and technical problems has put the project on a halt. As for which sets you'll need, I really can't point the finger at any one set. As a matter of fact, I'm not even sure the 8109 is really needed, apart from some of the stickers and the two panel pieces used on the cab roof. You'll obviously need a LOT of gears, as well as ten wheels/tyres and a bunch of red and yellow parts. That is, of course, if one wants to build it in those colours. I didn't concider which sets I was using when building it, as I simply took the needed parts from my stockpile. If I had to say one set, I'd say 42009 would get you a long way. Once the LDraw file is complete, I'll make a BOM, and it'll be a lot easier to see what is needed
  2. Hi! I'll keep that in mind for when the file is eventually finished! Thanks! Yeah, the model was finished in physical form, and worked as intended: The topic can be found here
  3. Hi guys! It's been a long time since my last post, and even longer since I actually built something new! I still frequent the forums to keep up-to-date on what the guys and gals here are up to, but I can't say I've contributed much this year... I have been busy with work and new hobbies (Enduro biking, mostly), and haven't really felt the urge to build - which kind of annoys me! I want to make something! I also want to finish the CAD file/instructions for the Tow Truck, but I sat down on my computer, destroying its screen... bummer I do still have it assembled, solely as an inspiration to finish the CAD file, but so far it hasn't panned out unfortunately.. I'm sorry I can't give you an estimate at this point as to when/if the instructions will be completed...
  4. Looking forward to the (promised) review, as I haven't bothered building it myself And great to see you finally have a decent camera at hand!
  5. Please point me toward the source of this information. Buckets that wide seem rather strange for such a machine...?
  6. Seeing as nothing (at least as far as I can remember reading/seeing) regarding 2H sets have been 100% confirmed. As far as I know, we only have the set numbers and names due to someone trying/looking up different combinations in the lego.com products pages. If the three/four sets are indeed the Volvo excavator. a Claas tractor, a bucket wheel excavator and an "ultimate IP" car, here is just my completely objective and somewhat logical conclusion to what we might see when the sets are revealed: Claas tractor: Flagship set, possibly womehat similar to the Unimog in size, functions and building style. Obviously as a tractor, so probably no live axle suspension etc. It could be RC, but that could pose a problem for more complicated attachments if they do make it of a modular "make-your-own-attachments" setup similar to the Unimog. Volvo Excavator: Mid size set, utilizing four of the new 2x11 pneumatic cylinders. Given the scale of these cylinders, they would fit a semi-large excavator (8043 size) pretty much perfectly, and I suspect their mere introduction last year, along with the V2 pneumatics, means they'll be heavily used in a (licenced) set this year. Remember, 8043 only had a little over 1100 parts, but was expensive due to the PF components. I think (hope) this will be a decently sized wheeled excavator, with manual pneumatics, maybe with the possibility to add a motorized compressor. Price point could in this case easily be in the $100-120 range. Bucket Wheel Excavator: If anything, I think this will be the smaller of the sets, in the $50-60 range. Either that, or it will indeed be a huge set, but I don't think they'd make a huge set of a so specialized and unknown type of vehicle. IP Car: If this will indeed turn out to be a $300 UCS Technic set, I would be very glad indeed! Given of course that it introduces true to life solutions for gearboxes, and preferably some really advanced building techniques. If it is a licensed set as some seem to think, speculating in the actual brand is pretty senseless before we have some actual information pointing towards one or another. I know the BMW i8 was featured briefly in that one commercial, but I sincerely hope that is not the case As for RC: I highly doubt it, unless they make acompletely new RC drivetrain system with stronger, redesigned axles and joints to go with stronger motors. I know the norm from the last couple of years' flagships have been RC model one year, and non-RC model the next. But nowhere is it written in stone (at least to my knowledge.. maybe in TLG headquarters in Billund?) that this is an absolute rule. Same logic applies to the sets' numbers. Again; this is just my thoughts/speculation on 2H, given the information we have (or lack thereof). Can't wait till we see actuual pictures!
  7. Happy holidays people! Hope you all have a good time, and that some of you hopefully have more snow than we do here (record high temperatures for this time of year, and obscene amount of rain)!
  8. Legally and "purely" it's the same as any other 3rd party parts, whether it be other brands like MegaBlocks, RC tires, etc etc, however, SBricks seem to be more widely accepted by the community than say, using MegaBlock parts. Them being allowed to use in several of the recent EB Technic Contests, while other third party stuff is not allowed, is kind of "unfair," but obviously I can see the logic behind it, as Vengit has been providing prizes for said contests.
  9. That does indeed fit reasonably well, but there are those huge balls though. A brick built solution with almost the same form factor and connection options is fairly easy to build:
  10. On what, exactly, are you basing this conclusion/assumption?
  11. Haha, I can only imagine the outrage if the preliminary picture of the fire truck showed red #3 connectors :-D
  12. I just noticed this too! Was going to buy some of the new Technic pieces (btw, all new parts from 42043 seemed to be available, except the pneumatics) a couple of days ago, but B&P started acting up (as it often seems to do), and when I was going to try again today, it was simply gone! I really hope they haven't abandoned this service!
  13. Hey Jim! Just one quick question: Is it correct that the only set featuring the new 3L axle with stop is the Drag Racer? I know it's only pointed out in that review, just want to make sure if that is indeed the case Thought this was a pretty unnecessary part to introduce, and what do you know; I've already come across a situation where it is needed! Also; is there only one of them included in the set? Thanks
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