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About Grunneger

  • Birthday 07/14/1970

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    The Netherlands

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  1. Take a look at my BS-folder. I made a movie of my BR50 with BBB-wheels and working driving rods. I doubt it will work on a normal track, but it works perfectly on my own. Here's the link. http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=338586
  2. Hey there Didn't notice there was a Train tech Registry topic here, so here it goes... My name is Jan "Grunneger" van Dijken and I'm a trainfan as long as I can remember. Legowise it all started with and later Gathered a lot of sets in my childhood and started with my dark age when I became 15. Picked up my old hobby after trying to built a H0-layout which didn't succed (long story but included a girlfriend ) Found about the incredible community after a few hours searching the internet and was blown away by the marvelous creations I saw, especially the steam engines made by Ben Beneke. I don't have any original sets in one piece at the moment. Everything is used as parts for other trains or added to my ever expanding collection of bricks. Engines and rolling stock I have at the moment... Designed and made by me... BR66 http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/Grunnege...66/dscf0006.jpg Umbauwagen 4yg http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/Grunnege...en/dscf0019.jpg Coal wagon http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/Grunnege...al/dscf0033.jpg Designed by Ben Beneke and built (and changed) by me... BR23 http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/Grunnege...am/dscf0022.jpg BR24 http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/Grunnege...24/dscf0040.jpg BR50 http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/Grunnege...am/dscf0031.jpg Designed by Puntcom and built (and changed) by me... http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/Grunnege...en/dscf0050.jpg My largest project was building my own track. I don't like the standard curve LEGo made so I decided to make my own track. http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/Grunneger/MOT/dscf5191.jpg It's based on standard 1-gauge track made by PECO. More information can be found in the third Railbricks Issue. My plan is to built a complete layout situated in Germany during the 50's/60's. Don't know when it will be finished. I'm currently in a big pause because of a young (5 months old) and lovely daughter who decided that her dad needs to spend a lot more time with her and a lot less with his hobby. I hope it will change someday and maybe we'll be buidling together in a not so distant future!
  3. Voted for the Amsterdam tram. It was a very difficult choise between the PF freight train and this tram. Both are very realistic. Tha pancho train looks nice, but it's not the scene that's important. The train is and these two are more my cup of tea.
  4. Do I have to mention my entry here?
  5. My entry to the contest... It's called: "A Christmas break" Every year the hard workers of the Deutsche Bundesbahn are bringing christmas trees to their colleague's at the signal boxes and posts, to give them a bit of christmas at their lonely stations. Every year they take a break along the line for some hot chocolate and marshmallows. And every year they have a special visitor.... Santa!!!
  6. Another question... Does it have to negotiate the standard corner and turnouts, or is running on a straight track enough? I've got my own track and the radius is a lot bigger than the standard radius. http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=319884
  7. count me in!
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