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  1. Excuse the bump! So, it's coming up to the time to rebuild this, I was just wondering if anyone has mirror built it? I think only the roof might be tricky, but it looks like it should be possible from the part usage....
  2. I really like the use of the brick effect pieces on the ground floor. Nice one! I love this set - although I wasn't keen on the gap in the white between the two sides of the sloping entrance porch, so I fitted a white 2x1 jumper plate under the protroding centre black tile. I think it finishes it off quite nicely. Try it - what do you think?
  3. Fair do's! I though it might have been one of those 'I'll use that there to prop it up' type things. Really curious about this, given the amount of testing and rebuilding that's done to create the instructions. Looking forward to the answer....
  4. Hi, infrequent poster/lurker Spiralpad here! Just looking at your issue - is the problem that you've put a technic pin underneath the axle? The inset in step 8 shows the cog being threaded onto the axle, then upwards through a technic plate (you can see the little cog peeking out from underneath), with a small bush pushed on afterwards. Your photo shows an additional dark bley technic pin at the bottom which I don't think should be there. This would allow the axle to sit lower and give you the room you need... Maybe?
  5. Hi there, (first post, long time lurker ) I had this problem too about 2 weeks ago, & I contacted Lego for replacement instructions and when they arrived they were the same. I'd already finished the build by then so I just let them know that they still had an issue and left it at that. The downloadable ones from lego.com don't have the problem, so I guess it's a oddly selective printing error.
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