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    Code Lyoko, Lego, Bionicle, Oban Star-Racers, Girls, Music, Culinary stuff, etc.


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  1. Yeah, but that's a different story, seeing as how that's not a character we've been waiting eight years to be made into a set.
  2. Since it appears you guys are mentally incapable of discussing this subject in a mature and civil matter, I'm going to request this topic to be locked. Seriously, people. Especially you, Darth_Legodickhead.
  3. It'd be MUCH better off as a large $90 Set, IMO. THis would be the perfect lineup for the huge sets next year. $30 Set- A New Exo Toa-type thing $50 Set- Some sort of giant Rahi $90 Set- Mata Nui. And Brown and Gold? Ew, no thanks. Especially if it's the 06 gold.
  4. The mask could be made out of real megablocking gold and it'd still be a bad idea. \
  5. Give me a break. The movie was given tons of poor reviews everywhere. What makes yout hink a cartoon would be any better?
  6. Look buddy, I don't give a crap if you're in a bad mood. And I've got news for you, LEGO's made themes out of SEVERAL other shows, idiot. Now go take that brick out of your megablocks and learn about respect and civility.
  7. Mata Nui is going to be a canister set? ... ... ..Whoever came up with that needs to be fired ASAP. We've been waiting EIGHT YEARS for a Mata Nui set, and they're going to give us a CANISTER set. *facepalm*
  8. Okay, it appears you dipshits have reading problems. Was it not clear enough in the first post that this thread was for CIVIL discussion? And it's just so lovely how a moderator seemed to be encouraging the flaming. Way to go. Get the broom out of your megablocks and discuss it in a civil way, or don't even discuss it.
  9. Is that confirmed?
  10. LEGO F-Zero would be awesome. I'd buy it just for the Captain Falcon Minifig.
  11. Classic BIONICLE month.
  12. I see Orange Mahritoran Blades and some System Chains. I am getting these.
  13. Listen buddy, I'm being pretty effin' calm right now. If you want me to turn into the agressive, pissed off Italian, I will. Have you ever even watched it? Probably not. I never said it was only popular in ONE country, idiot. I said it is MOST POPULAR in France. Actually take the time to not be ignorant and READ next time, mmkay? Action Figures =/= Lego. Learn the difference. Those are two different products. And that sounds incredibly fake, as they would have done inventory by then and put it back in it's proper place, plus, I'm sure they have someone make sure the shelves are in order. There's the flaw in your story, now goodbye. You don't live in America, therefore what you think is wrong. You just lost the game, bye
  14. CIVIL Discussion here. News: -IT'S NOT ANIME. -Episode 78 Airs in America on CN on October 3rd [supposedly] -Three 70min direct-to-DVD movies will be released in 2009 -Season 5 comes of France in 2009 I've got a theory as to how XANA will come back. Nicolas and Herb go check out the factory again, turn on the supercomputer, and get scared and run off. XANA somehow is reawakened. Yay. I've been able to find a red longsleeve shirt, and wore it under a black t-shirt, and several people called me William. xD
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