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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Yes! Arctic is back again, my all time favourite sub-theme. The research lab and crawler sound interesting.
  2. From seeing the pictures the BPs stand out the most for me from the entire wave. Finally an imperial gunner! This minifigure has been on my wish list for years. However I will say that the minifigure selection for the DS BP is strange, it could have very well with some stormtroopers in place of the guards, but then again these pictures are preliminary. Also the Salucami set doesn't look like a BP, and it's not even listed as one. I'm thinking it will be something like the BARC Speeder with sidecar set we got this year.
  3. Great and very well detailed review WhiteFang. Looking at the Tiki Warrior up close, the detailing on the mask is very well done. Though I'm a bit surprised by some of the distribution in this wave. Especially the Tiki Warrior's. Only 2 per box? I shurely thought it was going to be one of the 'army builders' of this wave.
  4. Mountie is right, the 41st are not part of the 501st legion, however there was a dispatchment on the 501st that fought on Kashyyk. The entire legion was spread out among various planets during the final months of the Clone Wars like, Mygeeto, Felucia, I woudn't be surprised, but for a CIS type set, maybe a Droid Gunship? Or an Octopurra Tri-droid from the Mygeeto scenes woudn't be a bad choice for a set either.
  5. They usually only release 2 USC every year. Last year's where R2-D2 and the B-wing, and this year's being the X-wing and Ewok Village.
  6. I'm shure they will change the minifigure eventually to add more detail. Just like the recent Han Solo minifigure included in the A-Wing. I always thought the version included in the USC Falcon up to recently was the best and most accurate Han minifigure we could possibly get. However TLG took another leap forward and added vest pockets to the new figure.
  7. Oh I see. I've just never seen someone use that function before so I thought something went wrong. XD
  8. Well according to what I am seeing on my computer this thread has gone out of hand, so far in fact, that I am seeing some older posts appear after they have been quoted...ugh.
  9. I live somewhere in the vicinity of Houston, TX, USA.
  10. Wow, the jazz musician looks better than I anticipated, and to top it off, he has a saxophone! I play the saxophone in real life, so this minifigure just took the number 1 spot for my favourite CMF. The scarecrow, constable, tiki islander, bavarian girl, yeti, and gingerbread man are up there as my favorites as well. I'm not really too excited for the rest of the series, though they all look quite nice, except for that clockwork robot...
  11. I'm really looking forward to see what sets TLG will make out of the new Rebels TV series next year. Hopefully Lego will make sets on some other Rebel vehicles, like the T4-B Tank or AAC-1. It would really be a brake from the usual X-wing/Y-wing/Snowspeeder rehashes TLG makes everyother year.
  12. You are right about the storyline, however it was classified as a City-subtheme, and there was no opposing faction, just mainly Arctic exploration, however some of the sets did include polar bears.
  13. I would really like to see the return of an Agents-style theme, as I was a big fan of the original Alpha Team. Also an Arctic theme remake would be great too. Even though the previous one was more or less a sub-theme of city, but perhaps this time with an opposing enemy, or like what they did with Alpha Team: Deep Freeze. I also agree with a new steampunk theme, that would be awesome.
  14. I have to agree with you, the promo polybag version looks more serious and determined than the other version of Darth Maul, as his character was meant to be. The new CW version looks a bit too goofy and cartoonish in my opinion.
  15. The new Yeti minifigure has to be my favorite so far out of this new series, that is perhaps until the Jazz musician is revealed. Also is anyone getting tired of seeing the Scientist's hairpiece? It's by far the most overused piece from the Lego minifigures line.
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