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Renegade Clone

Eurobricks Citizen
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About Renegade Clone

  • Birthday 04/13/1987

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    <p> Star Wars, Betrayal on Cloud City</p>
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    HP 2020 wave

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  1. I was on the Lego Inside Tour this year and although they didn't specifically mention the pupils/eyes, they kept stressing how they want everything to be consistent with their products. But TLG has never been consistent because it is a toy that has to evolve and adapt! Over the years we have had: Creator Expert becoming Icons, every changing inclusion of minifigures (exclusive or not) in UCS sets, the brief dabble with Master Builder Series, baseplates vs road plates, adult-orientated sets featuring the black boxes, the list goes on! I'm not a fan of the new system governing the pupil/eye graphics, I get the logic behind it, but they need to ask themselves "does this look good?"
  2. It's somewhat annoying that the 4+ AT-ST had ditched the leg printing on the driver's overalls. Getting a bit of a MCU set vibe unfortunately!
  3. Love me some rebels!
  4. Overall I'm pretty happy with the TX-130 tank. It's been simplified for the price point and age range, but the length is bang on for UCS-scale (3 s/m) at 24 studs / 8.2m.
  5. I popped into my local Smyths Toys in the UK yesterday to find they are pretty much handing out the BeatBoxes for free... yikes.
  6. If it is an AT-AT, a good bunch of the parts will surely be used for a display base (probably snow) as that would be one way to mitigate the known stability issues.
  7. In the Herbology set, do Cedric and Neville have their respective house ties printed underneath those ear-muffs?
  8. Could someone kindly let me know how to insert an instagram post into a forum post?
  9. Wow, they sure are throwbacks to the early years of the license!
  10. The Batwing looks to be roughly 58cm wide (72 studs), the length is a bit trickier to determine.
  11. Is there an upcoming issue of the LSW magazine with Bespin Luke? I swear it popped up in my instagram feed, but now I can't find it. If so, that solves my Bespin Duel problem!
  12. I'm probably going over old ground, but I realised that the two empty alcoves in 76167 Iron Man Armoury have stickers for War Machine and Blazer/Hot Rod.
  13. The Lambda-class from 2010 is roughly 59 studs long, making it 3.0 studs/meter - which is in perfect scale with both UCS Falcons.
  14. Awesome work! I was considering my own version ages ago but never got around to it. I've come across various attempts of digital models of it over the past few months and suddenly these two fan works appeared recently - pretty close to perfect despite the lack of official reference material. Links are in the images.
  15. Awesome looking diorama! Love the way you have put it all together! Shame about the movie.... :( and the Saga :(
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