I think my honest answer to "Where do you want to see constraction go from here?" is pretty simple: "Whatever the cheapest way is that they can sell me new and interesting Bionicle/ccbs parts or parts in new colors." Maybe one route to go down would be Creator style sets focused on Technic and CCBS. Like lets say you have a "Hero" themed set that focused on a simple function and gave you ideas for a few different body styles and gear. Then just rinse and repeat for your "Creature" set, "Alien" set, etc. That being said, I also like some of the other ideas proposed that may fall more in line with what you would expect from a Bionicle/HF successor: Exo-force revival, Tron-esque digital dudes, Zoid-like mecha creatures. I'd just be hesitant for any other licensed CCBS lines. Largely due to all the issues Star Wars had with likenesses, builds, parts selection, and pricing.