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Mutant Orc

Eurobricks Knights
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About Mutant Orc

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    North Wales, Great Britain
  • Interests
    It was the Lord of the Rings and Hobbit sets that brought me here (hence the odd name heh) and along with those themes I also like the Modular buildings, Hero Factory and Bionicle, Star Wars, Mixels, other historical and sci-fi themes, some Marvel sets and CMFs. I'm sure there are a couple I've forgotten to mention there though.
    Aside from Lego, I enjoy films and books, you can probably determine what sorts from my Lego interests, history and science. I enjoy a good museum and going out to eat (and eating in general really...)
    As far as my activity here on EB goes, I don't do much but lurk!


  • Country
    Wales (UK)

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  1. Looks like I won't be getting the full collection, as at Shop at Home they're listed as having retired (whaaat) and fora few series now the stocking in actual sotres of them has been at best patchy. I dont think Ive seen series 9 at all. :/
  2. I think the choice to go with grey fits a lot better than the tan. The tan version is a lot brighter and doesn't have the same polish as the grey version built. Nice work
  3. Wow that's quite a first post, this model is full of really cool parts usage! The way you managed to encorporate so many odd parts into a good look model is commendable, especially when the parts come from varied different generations of constaction. Looking forward to seeing more of your work!
  4. That DNA helix is indeed very nice. The balls are "voodoo balls" I believe, they're used in constraction (BIONICLE and the like).
  5. Yknow it never occurred to me to stick a mini-ball joint with axle into a voodoo ball to make it CCBS ball & socket compatible. That's really neat
  6. You're welcome, looking forward to seeing the result
  7. The bay window in the house is 6 studs wide. So if the whole thing is going to be 24 studs wide, the windows will only take up half the total amount of studs availiable, you'll have more than enough room to move things about and decide on a door placement etc
  8. Nice, I had been wondering what it would look like. I'm much more tempted to get Lava Beast now and try that on it, and then see about the rest of these sets.
  9. That's a good idea, I'd like to see what that looks like now...
  10. Dissapointing to see just how poor he is in comparison to the boxart, but I guess at least I can appreciate that the people doing the boxart are doing their job's very well here (i.e. making something rather rubbish seem miles better- some sets in the past I've found the boxart to actually be a pretty poor reflection on the set e.g Queen Beast but I digress). His torso print and mask don't seem useful, and since the rest of him offers nothing appealing I will probably end up skipping this one.
  11. I also started off not thinking much of this set, but the masks it contains have grown on me and are tempting (even if black would have been somewhat nicer in Umarak's mask). I've noticed a new problem here though that seems weird, and that's his legs. In comparison to the size and bulk of his upper body they look far too short, the lower leg especially, but the thighs as viewed from the front look scrawny as well... Maybe I'm being too picky with this wave, there seems to be something I'm finding amiss on all of them..! Thanks for all these reviews!
  12. I like the mask on this Umarak more than I expected myself to, but the rest of the figure is nothing special. The trans colour isn't one of my favourites (in fact they're all getting a bit meh to me, I'd like to see some new ones) and I agree that he's not as interesting as a figure as Umarak the Hunter was. His massive chest and skinny skeletal waist isn't brilliant either, nor is the lack of a forearm as his hands take over them. I moslty built him from my own parts collection the other day, and I found that his shoulder connection was a bit weak with just a single pin and an axle holding them into two pin holes. Is this a problem of the set, or are the parts I used a bit old and running low on friction..?
  13. I wouldn't be so hesitant to buy these, especially not Lava Beast as he is my favourite, if the heads/masks had been better. As it is, the weird static jaws and the chin of the neon head coming through bug me somewhat.
  14. Nice work! Huh for some reason I never thought to use the legs from scorpio as horns, maybe because I'd forgotten about him until I dug up his bits recently!!! Looks pretty neat.
  15. Everything seems to be there and working now for the UK S@H http://shop.lego.com.../BIONICLE-Theme Edit- oh wait yeah UtD and Quake beast are indeed missing
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