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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Good job Teazza!
  2. I'm Italian, I found this MOC is beautiful! Do you have a photos from back? (Sorry for my english )
  3. Pix

    MOC: Yacht "Sirius"

    Hi ER0L! it's a beautiful MOC! How do you have use to make this hull? Sorry for my english, it's a very shi... :o)
  4. Pix

    (WIP)-City Canal

    Kevin is one of the best MOCers in Italy!...
  5. Are you planning to produce a first batch of sbrick and to implement soon some new features also from the hardware point of view or just to refine the software management? From the video review it's clear that the lower PF connection is one plate outside the original IR receiver shape: is there any technical reason for this odd solution? Last question: did you think about a high degree of integration of sensor management for the use with train and rails?
  6. Read up...
  7. Hi pasztorl, one questions, when sbrick will see the light, how much is the cost for one sbrick?
  8. Sooooo good! I like this!
  9. I found your project very interesting. But I've some concern about the performance in a big Diorama. For my LUG I'm a Project Manager for our City Diorama. The last Diorama had a dimension of about 75 sqm, with 7-8 trains running at the same time. The 9V tracks are very expensive now and the PF system isn't the best system for a big diorama (IR is terrible for long distance, but it's perfect for a toy, we don't forget LEGO is a toy for children). According to you, is this brick a good solution for a diorama with the same dimension? One questions: for a perfect train layout, and a beautiful train automation system, the most important items are the sensors, because with these you can control all the trains, with start, stop, ecc ecc... What we can do with sbrick for this?
  10. Edit: Your vote for Cat B don't count as you give only 2 points instead of 4. Category A 2 - 1 point 3 - 2 points 16 - 1 point Category B 5 - 1 point 7 - 1 point
  11. I've all nine, I'm lucky man? bah, I don't know...but I spent more money with these Modular.
  12. I love this!...
  13. Would you like post the LDD file in the future?...
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