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About peterab

  • Birthday 02/04/1966

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    <p> I'm an AFOL who builds trains. </p>

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    Melbourne, Australia
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    Trains Town and Modular Buildings


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  1. There are a few models in the wild that were given out to fan sites for reviews.
  2. You know the rest of the world just calls them rock dots don't you :-) Donnerbüchsen is a fairly rock n roll name for a train carriage, though in Australia a thunderbox is what some people call a toilet :-)
  3. Ah sorry about that, I should have cut and paste instead of writing from memory. German is my second language and spelling isn't my forte :-)
  4. Did anyone try to get it from www.lehman.de ? As far as my understanding of the 100steine thread goes, it is available for order there, but others speculated if it wasn't available from the publisher then www.lehman.de will probably not be able to deliver.
  5. I guess one has to ask if these designs are really innovative or obvious extensions of a track system. If we wish to use the argument that they are innovative, then of course the first mover is owed some protection. I'm pretty sure the first time these switch ideas surfaced in LEGO track was as modified 9V track over a decade ago. If there was a patent (and I'm not sure you would find a patent office willing to issue one on what are common elements on other track systems, which copy a prototype which has been around for hundreds of years) I hope 4D Brixs has licensed its use. If it were proven TrixBricks has used 4D Brix models I'd be far more sympathetic, but that doesn't seem to be the case.
  6. This is a little inaccurate. The ME models kickstarter offered both plastic and metal track. They started selling the plastic track before they had fulfilled the kickstarter pledges because the cost of tooling had blown out. The plastic track gained a reputation for needing to be glued otherwise it would burst apart if being moved and even when being used. The metal track prototypes failed to conduct electricity well and were eventually replaced with a system that used model railway fishplates to connect the rails. The production costs blew out and many pledges (even all plastic track like mine) were never fulfilled. Essentially it appears the availability of 3D printed single piece track overtook the ability of ME to trade their way out of the cost blow out.
  7. I read that to mean modifying by printing onto LEGO parts rather than 3D printing.
  8. In past discussions with LEGO employees I've been told TLG really hates modified parts for one very good reason; their logo is on them. They get a lot of complaints from parents about all sorts of bricks, it is pretty easy to handle if they can say "that is not one of our products". It is really hard to handle if the chrome is flaking off, or there is a non child friendly print and there are LEGO logos on all the studs. Inferior modifications harm their reputation.
  9. When you see those large displays you are normally looking at the result of a club with many members, or if it is a private collection, one which possibly spans decades. There is no denying this is not a cheap hobby, but it is cheaper compared to some of the high quality model railway brands at least for rolling stock. If you plan on parts intensive scenery the cost rises quickly. Most clubs and their members do end up buying track in those boxes, we have sometimes been able to get track in bulk but in my case not often and only in special circumstances. I've been a club member for a decade now and I cant predict if I'll be able to again. At least it isn't as bad as the cost of the metal tracks, they really do cost a fortune.
  10. It might be a more helpful thread in the future if we knew what the roadblock was and its solution.
  11. Actually what Ashley has said is he saw and handled the new parts so we know the new design is a fact. What we don't know is if they will replace all the future train sets with these wheels. For a little more detail Ashley attended the Melbourne Toy Fair and saw the new train there. He was able to handle it but not take photos. Ashley is on the committee of my train club and I've known him for about 10 years so I have no doubt about what he says.
  12. As someone who knows and loves you; completely un-hinged, stark raving bonkers, bat shit crazy.
  13. As soon as I can get it shipped to Australia I'll buy one. It will look nice next to my German and English versions of the first edition.
  14. I've had another thought, most of the PF train sets will derail in curves at top speed, so any videos will be at some speed less than that.
  15. Assume a standard train is a perfect sphere; sorry that's not helpful but I studied physics. On a more helpful note, if you really need to know how fast a lego train is, you could always calculate it yourself. Start by building a simple track, perhaps the standard oval that comes in the set. Calculate the length of the track, time say ten circuits at top speed for greater accuracy. That gives you enough info to convert to km/h.
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