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About Calanon

  • Birthday 03/18/1996

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    <p> Star Wars, all the sets I got at Billund (there were a lot, but an example of one would be Kessel Run Millennium Falcon) </p>

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    History (especially the High Middle Ages), literature, geopolitics, anthropology, linguistics, technology and gaming.


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  1. Reading this I'm surprised people have become so anti-clone - I'm quite pleased Lego are finally getting around to doing P2 clones of more corps and legions than they used to. I will say I'm not as excited as I used to be but that's down to the new hybrid prints and thinking they look worse (except the legs). Plus I think displaying Jedi generals and clone commanders together is just cool. The V19 Torrent is also one of my favourite starfighters so glad to see it getting another set, hopefully it'll be less oversized.
  2. Very sleek, gorgeous build and I love that you've demontrasted it with TIE/lns and AT-ATs.
  3. Excellent as always.
  4. Somehow I don't think I've ever seen this - looking fantastic.
  5. RE Imperial rank insignia in the R1 visual dictionary it says different sectors used different rank schema, so we can put inconsistencies down to that (although there's weird things like Pellaeon in ToE wearing an army captain insignia). I have my own personal headcanon for rank structure etc. I really should get onto learning how to do custom torsos so I can make minifigs of them. I keep putting it off. I like structuring my troopers into squads or teams - so for stormtroopers nine of them, one sergeant with a white pauldron two with black pauldrons (corporal and specialist) and the rest without. I did some reading up of different US Army structures to give myself more variety, examples: Stormtrooper Scout Platoon (based on USMC scout sniper platoon) Platoon leader - 1st lt or capt Platoon sergeant - staff sergeant 3x squads, of each 1x sergeant 1x corporal 4x specialists Imperial Army ITT Platoon Platoon HQ 1x Platoon leader, Second Lt or First Lt 1x Platoon sgt, staff sgt 1x combat medic, specialist (optional) Section A 1x ITT 1x platoon leader 1x driver 1x gunner 2x rifle squads Section B 1x ITT 1x platoon sergeant 1x driver 1x gunner 2x rifle squads As for pauldrons I decided as orange seems to be 'commanders' but a commonly seen one I'd have them for 1st lts, with red for captains. Undecided on the rest of my headcanon pauldron colours (staff sgt = light grey, 1st sgt = med grey, sgt maj = dark grey, major = light blue, lt col = med blue, col = bright blue, brig gen = bright green, maj gen = dk green). With the combat drivers I decided the AT-ST drivers in light grey jumpsuits or AT-DP drivers in dk grey armour light grey jumpsuits are cavalry scouts - makes sense with them being in scout walkers and speeder bikes, so light cavalry, armored cavalry and light armor. Can also fly LAAT/les for the army. Armor crewmen either in white armour like the tank drivers or the jumpsuits like AT-AT drivers. Medium armor and heavy armor. The black jumpsuit drivers as seen in Rebels are infantry drivers and drive ITTs and trexler marauders. In R1 we see infantrymen with red armbands and combat medics with white, following that I made up an armband colour guide for different corps of the Imp Army: Infantry Corps - red. armor corps - yellow & red, artillery corps - red & blue, stormtrooper corps - white, air corps - blue & orange, military police - black, engineering corps - green, medical corps - white & red, logistic corps - blue, JAG corps - blue & yellow
  6. Good shout - I think 85861 or 3386 work well as a minimal stand for it. At the back is something I was trying for X-wing but not sure.
  7. Sounds exciting professionally, even if highly frustrating from a hobby point of view. If you have time to do anything in stud.io I'd love to see more small builds - I found a 1l bar with clip attached to bucket handle for a 1:1455 X-wing elsewhere and I used a 1x1 half circle extended for A-wing but I'm pretty stumped on a B-wing in that scale.
  8. I don't even care that'll be hybrid printing (I still don't love it, but I'm coming to terms with it) I'm incredibly excited for the prospect of finally getting the Nova Corps.
  9. Just seen these all for the first time and these are great! I'd wanted to make some mini task forces/battle groups and these are perfect.
  10. Really nice build, very smooth but still recognisably Lego.
  11. My ads on mobile are identical to the screenshots idlemarvel posted (including the initial half-page eBay ad) - less obtrusive on PC but still much more annoying than ads in the past.
  12. Unfortunately, yes.
  13. This brings back some great memories. Very nice build!
  14. Sure we're always going to have a lot of repeats of the X-Wing, TIE/ln, snowspeeder and Luke's landspeeder but the sets this year are either all new or only have been made once before. Not always getting as excited can also be because of other reasons - I've experienced this too at times but for me it's because I'm older, I have less space for new sets, I'm much more into MOCing and so builds don't excite me in the same way (except for new pieces or colours) and the stormtrooper and clone trooper print changes aren't my thing. But all those are for me, none of those are that LSW is dying. They've gone quite heavy on the helmets and the 18+ dioramas which aren't my thing either but they must be selling well enough to keep doing them for several years and they've put out more cheaper sets too.
  15. Wow! This is fantastic, so many great details here. Love the seats and the lift. In the corridor to the cargo hold etc, is there actually enough space for a mini to stand?
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