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Eurobricks Vassals
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About Tyfett

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    Mostly Star Wars, with a few sets from Indiana Jones and the Harry Potter lines

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  1. Thanks Flieger! I kind of knew that it had to be in Europe, but I was hoping I might have been able to get them a little early.
  2. And to answer your question, Republican, officially the release date is January 1st, 2014, but sometimes they pop up earlier in stores like Toysrus
  3. Hi Flieger is that Lego store in the U.S. by any chance? I know they aren't officially supposed to be released until January but you never know.
  4. To be honest it would have been better if they had just updated the helmet from the 2005 Kashyyyk trooper with the new paint scheme.
  5. They could put Commander Cody in one of those sets since it doesn't seem like he's in the ones we've seen so far. One of them could possibly be similar to the battle of Hoth (75014) set Lego released in January 2013 with a mix of droid and clone forces. Just a thought.
  6. I was going to ask the same thing the only thing I can think of is if they've seen more pages of the retailer's catalog or something.
  7. Yeah that's what I was thinking about too the preliminary pictures said there would be lower price points for increased purchases, or something to that effect, which is why these prices seemed a little off.
  8. I guess it just seems like a big jump; I'm not really sure how many of them people will buy given the higher price point. But its just preliminary information so it could change
  9. It seems like the prices are pretty steep for the battle packs, even though they are new minifig designs
  10. I will be making a trip to one of the lego stores near me in September so I'm pretty sure I'll be able to pick up one of the lieutenant figures so I'll definitely post some pictures. I really like the sergeant too and its a shame that the battle pack didn't include more clones like the new ones coming out in winter of 2014; it would make it much easier to build an army of them.
  11. Thanks for the comments Obi-wan Kenobi and ablake90! Yeah the extra sergeants are a result of how the battle packs are designed. I thought I might as well throw them in there since I had them . I'm looking forward to getting the blue lieutenant minifig in the September promotion too. I've had my eyes on him since he was given away at that special event in July . And I've also wondered why they changed the color ranks too. I suppose it could be a functional thing, so the droids wouldn't know who to pick off in a battle, but I bet it was more of a move to give us a greater variety of troops. Just my two cents.
  12. I think there's a decent chance we'll see a Utapau battle pack; if I recall correctly set number 75036, the Utapau battle pack, wasn't among the preliminary pictures. I hope we get one
  13. I guess I meant more that it would be nice if they threw in an extra clone and maybe had only 2 battle droids to balance it out. Just a thought. But yeah you're right there wouldn't be much of a difference
  14. Yeah now that you mention it i think you're right. But it would be nice if they added an extra clone to balance things out and made one of them Neyo or something.
  15. Under the description I think it says BARC trooper, so I guess were not getting a Commander Neyo figure But who knows, things might change.
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