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About Plissken

  • Birthday 06/04/1981

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    <p> Superheroes<br /><br /> Brother Eye Takedown </p>

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    Lego, Movies and TV Series, Music, Indiana Jones, Star Wars


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  1. I bought the Tomb set today, just because it has my favorite Indy outfit in it (complete gear with gloves). The other two will follow in June, when normal retailers play their discount game :D. The set is better in hand and a fun build. I will put a lot more snakes in it and fill out some of the empty space behind the statues. Maybe add a skeleton to the back section. As an added Info, the set I bought only contains one hat piece. Seems like the early sets with two hats were something special.
  2. My first thought after reading this vague Statement was: "Maybe the DoD wave is so lackluster that they needed a great Set to optimize the wave and the Temple is released later this year." Wishful thiking, but who knows? :D
  3. I'm a Fan, too. I've waited a long time to buy new stuff, too. And guess what? We all are going to be able to buy new Indy-merch in the coming months, even new Lego. The Leaks are exactly this, leaks, never meant to see the light of day. It's great for us to see new pictures and speculate, but it's not Legos Job to reply to that. I think they have their reveal planned and stick to it. Maybe it's in the last week of march and they reveal the first DoD set with it? We don't know and we won't change their plan with constant speculation about how bad they are treating this line. All we know is, that we are getting three Sets at least. And that makes me happy.
  4. This is a bit dramatic, don't you Think? In the comments of the article on Zusammengebaut they say, that they are still waiting for Lego to give them an explanation. They know nothing more than us. I don't buy the controversy-rumour. Like others said, all of these Sets held "problematic" stuff. I'm leaning more to a quality problem. Maybe some new part doesn't hold up over time, and the reschedule of the movie was a blessing to fix the error and release the set at a later time.
  5. The Osprey had a part destroying mechanism. The uproar about the vehicle being military came pretty handy for them. They never mentioned this design flaw. We can assume that these sets are over a year old. Maybe some parts don't work so well and will be replaced with newer ones? Maybe ToD is a retailer exclusive and will clog the shelfs in every Smyths Store coming April 1. We still don't know and this pessimistic attitude in this thread is very exhausting and based only on assumptions (as are mine, more positive views 😉). So let's just wait and see. I'm pretty sure, that everybody will get his Indy-fix😁
  6. They used this picture: Promo shot It is from Temple of Doom!
  7. Maybe it's just me, but if Muldoon isn't one of the two figures, the set looses all appeal.
  8. Exactly! This whole cancellation-discussion got way out of hand without anything verifiable. A lot of rumors and guessing without any real evidence. I also think that we will get the ToD set a little bit later down the line.
  9. After inspecting these clearer pictures I noticed that Indys hat got more generic. The old one got the top shape right. This new one got a complete different style. Still good looking.
  10. The whole ToD-situation is even more funnier because the boxes got a picture of ToD Indy on their sides :D I'll be optimistic that the set will be released at a later date and that a third and maybe final wave will be released in the spring of 2024 mirroring the release in 2008/2009.
  11. Thank you! Thank you! The boat felt a little bit small besides the Old Fishing Store. With the added length it is a more natural fit and will be displayed beside the house.
  12. When the first pictures of the theme appeared, I fell in love with the little Shrimp boat. It was the first set I bought from Hidden Side and I liked it a lot. But I also thought that it could be bigger and better. So I modded the Wrecked Shrimp. First I got rid of the ugly colour wheel/engine thing. I added two inverted slope segments to lengthen the boat and moved the bridge to the end. In front of it I added the new engine hidden under a wooden facing. Then a movable mast and fishing net, a crate and some barrels. The mod was complete and I was happy And a little horrific scene. Father and son were shocked, as they discovered what the net brought to the surface. Unbeknownst, that a unspeakable terror is right behind them...
  13. Ah! I just realised, that the Baryonyx uses the Indoraptor legs and got the raptor-claws on his feet. I know, it's a toy and it still looks great, but it's absolutely inaccurate. A small letdown regarding this cool dinosaur...
  14. So much great stuff. Congrats to everyone... It is a good start for the year, let's hope this amount of cool pieces will become the new standard.
  15. Lego was quick. Two days ago, I received my latest haul. I'm happy :D
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