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About ZueriHB

  • Birthday 01/08/1983

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    Trains, Star Wars, Lego, Japanese Animation, Video Games and Comics (Anime & Manga)


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  1. That must be a great honor for you to be able to work with Stadler this closely. Congratulations! Forgot to mention, but I dig the lightning on and in the train. (fyi: the drivers cab is dark during driving)
  2. I'm for the large and very large radi not because of speed (seldom use a setting above 4), but because it just looks better. Also this technique seems to be great to built curved stations.
  3. Wouldn't work with this particular set, because of the bi-level base plate.
  4. Very nice! I also like the colour-scheme of the new FLIRTs. Looks great with the old FLIRT too. Thanks for sharing your new creation. Did I read that correctly, your brickmodel has been unveiled at the same time as the new FLIRTs?
  5. Isn't this just a Door 1 x 4 x 5, you counted the snoted bricks as non-snoted.
  6. Just updated my old Topic about the 4559 PF Convertion: http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=42466
  7. I just see that all old phtographs aren't online anymore, so I repost my stuff here: Modifing the Motor Car: Modifications on the first car to place the IR Receiver: Roof Section: Battery Compartment: More Photos: https://plus.google.com/photos/+%C5%92lkStadtbahner/albums/6000023308469772289
  8. The Increment / Decrement commands are implemented in the variable remote control used and supplied with the PF train sets. The turning of the wheel just sends the increment / decrement commands, which go from -7 to +7, incl. 0.
  9. Update! Update! Update! I now fitted the steering car with PF lights and finally assembled all 7 cars (Some pieces still missing):
  10. Just a photograph I had to share with you guys: S-Bahn and InterRegio enter the station in parallel Rush hour! All tracks are filled with trains, just waiting to depart.
  11. Finally found use for all those leftover curve pieces:
  12. I'm on a roll! a wild Station appeared! What will Train do? Train has stopped at Station, it's super effective! Also DOOM! Erm, Cargo Railway.
  13. @James: Do it! It's totally worth it! Also I have now way more than 1000 straights. @Zephyr: I don't particulary like those stiff Layouts used by others, no wide curves, no flexibilty, just straight, 90° turns and no idea of how to operate a railway! @Doom: Only have one picture for you this time, but it should be worth it! Now in no particular order: Tripple Unit S-Bahn train (about 3.6m) New MOC DTZ (Doppelstock Triebzug = Doubledecker Multible Unit) at Obergunzigenwil Stop Obergunzigenwil after during Renovations (One Platform has been extended to over 2m) The Mines now have something to mine in (lot's of 2x4 Bricks) New Stop Pischii Enschin on the way to the docks Final Passenger Stop just before the sea port and container terminals New Sea Port: Maersk and CargoRalway "Wasp" at the container Terminals And here a nice Photograph of a Wasp in a banked S-Curve And here the new MASTER PLAN:
  14. I do it like Andy, but not because of more speed in the curves (just make wider curves, don't expect high speeds around TLG's standard radius), but because it looks way better: Edit: It looks SO MUCH BETTER!
  15. I went the easy route and taped the moving part down. If you'd like, I can post more pics of my wasps.
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