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About Wojtasz78

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  1. Hello there. A while ago I was working on getting my LDD models for Unity to create some form of an application to display my models and just play around more with Unity itself. What I came up with works for me and I wanted to share it. It contains and app that can display model, all in red for quick preview so you know what you are exporting and a console based exporter you can use to quickly expert multiple files via windows command line or batch file. Exported models originaly used obj format but I modified it to contain more informations like colors of specific pieces and what pieces are connected. I called this format obl. Second part of this project is the importer. It contains unity editor script that allows you import my obl files and play with them like with any other mesh. I also provide some basic materials that reflect every color from LDD palette, including some hidden ones. Those materials are used by the importer to give the pieces their color. Pieces are organized in a hierarchy based on what is attached to what, it's not perfect though and flexible pieces will not end up flexed. Here's the github link to the project https://github.com/Vampyr7878/LegoGeometryViewer
  2. I would suggest that you try that with real bricks. It might work, pieces in LDD as you can see are not perfectly round and overlap is quite small so it might be caused by that imperfection.
  3. Thank you for your opinions. I've updated the blog with 3 new creations btw. Thank you again.
  4. Hey guys, I just want to show you my blog where I did put some of my creations. wojtasz-lego.blogspot.com What do you think about them?
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