Star Wars license discussion
Personally? I think they should end the license with Lucasarts. Although, I don't think the license will end.
Does Space Police III promote racism and xenophobia?
I agree. That would be cool. For now all we could do is switch heads.
What are you listening to?
Dragonforce-Through the fire and flames.
Your dream Lego theme
Hm... Lego Tron? I would buy that. Unfortunatly, I would agree with most people to say that today is indeed April Fools Day. My dream Lego License is Resident Evil. (Which they would never do.)
Nintendo Flagship Series
That's my favorite too. I liked the whole idea.
REVIEW: Prince of Persia 7571 Fight for the Dagger
Another good review Svelte. This is a set I can easily pass without regreting.
REVIEW: Prince of Persia 7569 Desert Attack
This is amazing. On old school skeleton? I hope TLG uses the old ones from now on. (Which they probably won't) Oh by the way nice review Svelte.
(first look) Harry Potter Deathly Hallow Trailer
Can not wait until the Brickfilm is finished. I love Harry Potter. Great work by the way!
What is your SigFig?
If only I could post mine. Bloody Camera. Anyways I use: This Hat: This Backwards: This Suit with black hands: These Pants: And this gear in one hand: And This in the other: And a custom black trench coat that cover the back of his head (So you can't see the rest of the face.) I'll try to get pictures up with my first MOC.
Queens' Quest Chapter III: Ambitions
You know why I enjoy your comics? (I've been reading them) You use both Peach's and the original Yellow. I like to use them both. Also I like the story and the way you built Cloudgarden.
Le Vigilant
Very Nice. I like the captain. Man, I got to get some Pirate sets.
Nintendo Flagship Series
As shown by my Sig Picture (Till I get my camera working) I like Metroid and Super Smash Bros Brawl the best. My best character is Wolf in that game.
What's in a name ???
I made a mistake when typing my name. It was supposed to be Vxxion. The background behind mine is actually quite clever. As a fan of Organization XIII and my favorite character is Xion . Vxxion is an anagram. See. Vxxion turns to No XIV with the X left over. (Like it should be) Oh well. I'll have to stick with the E in it instead.
What did you buy today?
I got the Indiana Jones set Ambush in Cairo and the city set Small Car.
A Full Metal Alchemist Fig? Pure awesomeness. Back to topic. Your Naruto fig is nice. No. Great. All we need is some action scenes with his jutsu's. Sexy Technique!
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