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Everything posted by Boomchil

  1. [pid][/pid] Introduction Welcome to my seventh review on Eurobricks! On my way to review every old Pirates set that I buy new (full story on my 6247 - Bounty Boat review), here's another set from the first wave that saw the day of light in 1989. This one has a special place in my heart since it's the first Lego set that I bought with my own money when I still was a child. Its name is Shipwreck Island, and ya better be warned : this review won't be objective ! Product Details Set No: 6260 Set Name: Shipwreck Island (USA) - Treasure Island (UK) - Le repaire des pirates (France) - Piraten-Schatzinsel (Germany) - Haai-Baai (Netherlands) Theme: Pirates Released: 1989-1991 Minifigures: 2 Pieces: 71 RRP: $12 Purchase Price: €55 new on Bricklink ~Box~ Front Wow, how could it be more piratey? Lonely island, treasure, palmtree, monkey, parrot, cannon, gold... Everything is here to make some fantastic stories! At the back, we can see what seems to be the Eldorado Fortress. Back Four (!) alternate models, which will be covered in the next chapter. As with all classic pirates sets (though I didn't mention it in my previous reviews), we can see a hand-drawn model of the actual set on the map-styled background, which adds a nice touch. Sides As usual, we have an alternate setup of the main model. All the legal stuff (my box is an european version). ~Alternate models~ Alternate model 1 Alternate model 2 Alternate model 3 Alternate model 4 Well... as awesome as the actual set is, its alternate models are quite bad in my humble opinion. The "least worst" might be the second with the camouflaged cannon, but the palmtree only has two leaves left... What are your thoughts on them? ~Box opening~ Yo-ho-ho! Every remaining MISB Shipwreck Island now has gone up in value! Inside the box The lovely island-patterned baseplate is loose, and comes with three bags. Instructions and promotional flyer The instructions and flyer are folded, let's have a look at them. Instructions As always, the tricorne hat is way too big. At the back, we have an alternate setup of the main model (with only a few placement changes), and two alternates models already seen at the back of the box. Random instructions page After only six steps, the build is mostly finished. There is no part callout, but it's really easy to follow. One interesting fact, unlike almost every other Pirates sets, is that the palm tree is being built with parts added each step. Usually it's build apart either at the beginning or at the end of instructions. Promotional flyer It's almost the same flyer as the one I got in my 6245 - Harbor Sentry review, although this is the european version, showing firing cannon. It's a fantastic diorama, which would have been even cooler including the mighty Eldorado Fortress. ~Parts and minifigure~ Part layout Here are the contents of each bag. Excepting the baseplate, nothing here is especially interesting. However, pirates fans never have too many parrots, monkeys, cannons, palm trees, half-barrels or gold coins! This make this set a good pirates accessories pack. Minifigures Your common classical pirates minifigures! At least we don't get another captain redbeard. Back in 1989 though they weren't seen as "common minifigs" and when I got this set (my first "real pirate" one, the other being a bluecoat one : Sabre Island), I really loved the eye-patched guy, with his nice brown tricorne hat. The red bandana was also a nice touch, although at this time it was a lot more common than the blue one. ~The build~ Building the cannon Before everything else, we start by assembling the cannon. 23 years later, it still looks awesome. Notice the little spot inside the cannon? It's only found on firing models and helps guiding the cannonballs (round black 1 x 1 bricks). After step 2 The first step is a bird-eye view to help place the yellow tiles, which will help for inserting the treasure chest. After step 4 The rock-like structure used to hide the treasure chest is finished. After step 6 The build here is almost finished, only lacking accessories. When compared to the finished model, we clearly see that accessories are really what makes this set a great one. Without them, it would really looks empty. ~The finished model~ Box cover view Simply awesome. With all its accessories, every free space is now filled. The green leaves add a nice touch. However, despite its name (Shipwreck Island), there's no trace of any shipwreck... Maybe the half-barrel is all that remain of the ship? Side view Why is the pirate standing in water...? You can see that the structure really cover all the island, I wonder where do they sleep? Back view Hiding the chest Simple but clever. The chest fits nicely. I remember being amazed by this when I was a child (like I feel today when I discover new technics used for Modular Buildings) Sailing in a half-barrel "It's all about recycling!". It's really a nice idea, and something we only ever saw in this set. ~Final thoughts~ Design: 10/10 - I can't see any flaw. Okay, it doesn't look like a "Shipwreck Island", but who cares? It's beautiful, full of life, full of Pirates stories! Parts: 9/10 - A fantastic accessories pack! The baseplate is also very nice, and only found in two sets (the other being Sabre Island). Minifig: 8/10 in 1989, 3/10 nowadays - As great as was the first pirates waves, it was clearly lacking some variety for pirates minifigures. These two are now very common, but still nice if you don't already have them. Build: 7/10 - Nothing spectacular, but simply pleasing. Playability: 9/10 - Adding a bluecoat would have make it perfect. However with all its accessories and animals, it still has a very strong playability. Alternate models: 2/10 - I really don't like them. Price: 10/10 - Today it can be found for ~$15, which makes it a fantastic deal for getting pirates accessories. Conclusion: 10/10 - I told you I wasn't being objective :). It's a beautiful set, packed with useful accessories, animals and vegetation. An absolute must-have for every pirate lover out there!
  2. Well, they are three awesome sets. However, only two of them can be considered legendary : Eldorado's Fortress and Imperial Trading Post. They're way better than 6273, which is already a very nice model. Eldorado's Fortress is a massive plain structure, whatever angle you look at it, it don't have any flaw. Imperial Trading Post is big (64 x 32), with a fantastic small vessel, and has a nice commercial feeling that's really rare in Pirates theme. Of course, I would recommend both (they look fantastic when displayed together), but if I only had to choose one, I'd get Imperial Trading Post first, because it's harder to find. If you still really can't decide, one simple solution is to ask yourself "do I prefer bluecoats or redcoats?" and choose accordingly :)
  3. Hey, very interesting! For those who don't want to search, it's all in this sentence : "A new take on one of the LEGO classics launching 2HY 2013." If I'm not mistaken, there are only 3 Lego themes, currently not on shelves, which can be named "classics" : Pirates, Castle and Space. However they probably don't want to release a new Castle theme since LOTR has just shown up. Also, there is a new Space theme coming in 2013, and it certainly doesn't look like Classic Space sets... Just my two cents :) I think this thread can definitely be renamed "2013 Pirates" though...
  4. Do you want minifig shots like this? If you want I can provide you original HR pictures from all my reviews.
  5. To be exact, very early US BSB do have firing cannons. Mine has them. I also don't understand why there are so many names for a same set, and on top of that why do we use American names considering Lego is an European product? We'll never have the answer. However I think that American names are much better, so that's not bad :)
  6. Hi, here are high resolution pictures of the box.
  7. Only the US versions have the small text under the lid. I have two BSB (eu and us version) and shot the US box under several angles, I'll upload them tonight.
  8. [pid][/pid] Introduction Welcome to my sixth review on Eurobricks! On my way to review every old Pirates set that I buy new (full story on my 6247 - Bounty Boat review), I've chosen what I consider to be the first Lego Pirates set ever (as it has the smallest set number among the first wave) and one of the two impulse sets (the other one being 6245 - Harbor Sentry). Its name is Buried Treasure, which is one of the most iconic scene for any Pirate stuff. Is this treasure a real jewel, or should have it been kept buried? Product Details Set No: 6235 Set Name: Buried Treasure (USA) - Bo'sun Will with pirate treasure (UK) - Le trésor du pirate (France) - Pirat mit Schatztruhe (Germany) - De Schatbewakers (Netherlands) Theme: Pirates Released: 1989-1991 Minifigures: 1 Pieces: 16 RRP: $3,25 Purchase Price: $17 new on eBay ~Box~ Front As with all first wave Pirates sets, we have a classic yellow box. The picture shows a pirate, a monkey and the treasure which seems to have just been dug out. Back Here we have our classics alternate models. You can see closer pictures in the next chapter, and built models in the last chapter. Side An alternate setup of the main model. ~Alternate models~ Alternate model 1 Alternate model 2 Alternate model 3 As with other impulse sets, it's hard to make alternate models out of such a small part count. However I really like them, especially the first and third models, which depict nice scenes. ~Box opening~ Yo-ho-ho! Every remaining MISB Buried Treasure now has gone up in value! Inside the box One loose plate, one plastic bag, and the folded instructions. Unlike any other Pirates set I've reviewed, it didn't come with a promotional catalog or flyer. Instructions A single two-face sheet, with only five steps. Any skilled builder shouldn't have too much problem ~Parts and minifigure~ Part layout There's not many interesting parts here. However it's always nice to get a monkey, and we never have too much gold pieces! Minifigure It is the most common Pirates minifigure after Captain Redbeard. I shot his back, but at this time they wasn't being printed. I have a nostalgic feeling looking at it, as it brings back so much good memories! ~The build~ After step 3 The whole structure is built here, as you can see it's not very elaborated without the accessories. ~The finished models~ Main model With the accessories added, it really becomes a lovely scene. At this time, the shining metal gold made its first appearance and looked way better than the yellow round 1x1 plates that came in Castle sets. Alternate model 1 I love it, it's a clever use of parts to make something different. The monkey seems nice here. Alternate model 2 I don't quite get why the treasure's lid is put like that. It's the weakest alternate model in my humble opinion. The monkey is holding a sword this time. Alternate model 3 Again, we have a clever setup by remonving the pirate legs. However the chest looks really deep that way . Meanwhile, the monkey keeps getting nastier, with a cutlass AND a pistol. The pirate should really be careful... ~Final thoughts~ Design: 7/10 - It's hard to rate impulse sets. This one is average, with a really small sand and rock structure. What makes the set good is all those accessories which come along. Parts: 8/10 - Several useful accessories, a monkey, and gold! However I think it's lacking a treasure map. Minifig: 6/10 - Back in 1989, it was a good way to start getting pirates minifigures, but today, it really is a common minifigure. Build: -/10 - Built under one minute, so there is nothing much to say. Playability: 6/10 - Having a bluecoat instead of the monkey would have make it more playable. Why not include a treasure map? Alternate models: 9/10 - A clever use of parts, and actually I think the first one looks better than the main model. Price: 10/10 - $3,25 for all those parts was a pretty good deal. Today it can be found for ~$4, which is still a great deal for Pirates lovers. Conclusion: 6/10 - A good impulse set, and a nice way to start a Pirates collection. As a standalone though it's not a must-have.
  9. At work : 1680*1050 Chrome (22.0.1229.94 m) Connexion speed : unknown, but VERY high At home : 2048*1538 (new iPad) Safari (IOS6) Connexion speed : 2Mb
  10. Introduction Welcome to my fifth review on Eurobricks! On my way to review every old Pirates set that I buy new (full story on my 6247 - Bounty Boat review), it's time now to make a leap in time to the last Classic Pirates wave that came in 1997. With only 4 sets, only released in the American market, it was clearly the end for our beloved theme. Today I'll present you the medium-sized one, a small Pirates base. Last Pirates waves are often overlooked for several reasons, let's see if it's justified : was the Pirates Ambush a buyer trap? Product Details Set No: 6249 Set Name: Pirates Ambush (USA - Not released elsewhere) Theme: Pirates Released: 1997 Minifigures: 3 Pieces: 155 RRP: $22 Purchase Price: $115 new on Bricklink ~Box~ Front Great picture, although it's cropped here and there. No doubt here : it really is a Pirates Ambush! The unlucky Armada soldier really should look behind from time to time if he doesn't want to get so easily caught! Back Two nice alternate models (there are one more on the box side) on a map-like background. However, unlike older sets, some elements are cutout (the crocodile, the flag and the net) and the three minifigs are also pictured. For close-ups of the alternate models, see next section. Sides Although it was only released in American Market, there are translated names in French and Spanish. Two another views of the alternate models. A new alternate model. ~Alternate models~ Alternate model 1 A close-up of the Armada soldier capturing the crocodile. The whole model. It seems the Armada soldier finally teamed up with the two pirates . Overall it's a nice fort, which looks great. Alternate model 2 Again, a close-up of the boat. Looks like a real war machine! The whole model. Due to the high amount of parts used for the boat, the pirates fort looks too simple, with a weird cannon design. Alternate model 3 Another boat, another fort, but this time it looks good. However I don't quite get what the net is supposed to be. ~Box opening~ Yo-ho-ho! Every remaining MISB Pirates Ambush now has gone up in value! Inside the box As you can see, the box is quite full. Let's see its content! As usual, the baseplate comes apart, alongside four bags full of Lego goodness. Under all those bags, we find the holy paper trinity of classic sets : instructions, catalog, and Lego Direct flyer. Let's have a closer look : Instructions Strangely, the artwork is really trimmed here. Back of instructions Exactly the same artwork as the back of the box. Random instructions page In my opinion it's the best compromise between old "40 Bricks added per step" instructions and new "40 pages per brick added" instructions. No part callout, but it's hard to miss one. The colors are perfect. 1997 Catalog A space diorama that doesn't move me : Lego was slowly getting into its dark years with models far from their ancestors in terms of look and design, but... Random catalog page ...there were still very good themes like those beautiful Western ones! Random flyer page These are really fair prices don't you think? $6,75 for five minifigures (including the rare shiny armor) is quite a good deal. I wish I had bought tons of these... ~Parts and minifigure~ Part layout Lovely colors here, with lots of these "new" (at that time) brown log bricks. Parts of interest are the cloth Jolly Roger flag wich really looks fantastic compared to old clipped ones, the small palm leaf, the net, and the crocodile, even though it has been in too much Pirates sets in my opinion. Minifigures How refreshing to see new faces! The new pirates (left and right ones) are perfect, and the only downside of the Armada soldier (or conquistador) is its torso printing which lacks some details and/or colors in my opinion. However it's still a very great alternative to our beloved (blue/red)coats. ~The build~ Building the boat Your classic rowboat, with yellow seats though. After step 3 Foundations are very small as you can see. The back of the prison is made by superposing two fences. After step 8 It's starting to take shape. Note the red/yellow hinge brick that will be used to set the trap. Building the trap This structure will be covered by another 1x10 black plate and will act as a weight for the net. Here one side of the net is enclosed by the lance. At the other side we have a hinge bar which will not be movable. We have positioned the trap, let's see how it works. The weighted side of the net is enclosed between two 1x1 bricks with hole, and if we pull the red handle... The net falls, there's no way out! It's actually a very clever design, and it works very well. ~The finished model~ Overall view A very nice model, isn't it? The structure is good, the play feature isn't too apparent (Lego had a bad habit at this time, favoring play features over design, as we'll see in some of my next reviews). However something strikes me as odd in this setup (same as the box cover) : how will the pirate activate the trap if he's standing on it? Is it supposed to be a rope bridge? Back view Again, nothing bad here. The only downside is the weird color choice : red bricks seem out of place, it would have been better in light gray. Side view I don't really get what the red brick is supposed to represent. A table? Then why would it stand in the water? Prison view Simple yet effective. It would have been better with a plate on the floor, actually any prisoner could swim under the door and escape... Tower view I really LOVE that flag. The cannon is put on a small turntable, but with those cannonballs and flag its movement is rather limited. It also lacks a ladder to access it. I could forgive it for older sets like Lagoon Lock-Up or Broadside's Brig since ladders didn't exist, but there's no excuse here. ~Final thoughts~ Design: 7/10 - Good but not outstanding. With better color choices and ladders it would have scored a 8. However, considering the period it came out it was still a good looking model. Parts: 6/10 - The cloth flag really stands above all here, since it's pretty rare. Other than that, there's nothing interesting, just common parts. Minifigs: 9/10 - I love them. With a better torso for the Armada soldier I would have given it a 10. Build: 7/10 - The trap building is clever, the rest is quite simple. Playability: 10/10 - Two pirates, one soldier, a cannon, a trap, a crocodile... Nothing to add, it's just great! Alternate models: 7/10 - They are nice overall, but it's always the same scheme sadly (boat + fort)... Price: 6/10 - $22 was okay for this set back then. Today it can be found at about $55, which is too much in my opinion for a set like this. It would have been much cheaper if it was released worldwide. Conclusion: 7/10 - A nice little set, considering it was the end for the Pirates theme, but it cannot stands comparison with older Pirates forts like 6270 Forbidden Island which almost have the same parts count. Now I'll introduce a little game I want to put at the end of every upcoming review : can you guess what will be the next Pirates set I'll review from this picture? There's nothing to win, just have fun guessing!
  11. Great review! I'm really thinking of buying it now (it's at a tempting 139€ in France, for once we've got a good price). As I've read somewhere, I think it would make a fantastic doll house by "fixing" it replacing sand green parts with pink parts. I might buy another one for my daughter if this is doable (pink parts are really hard to find sadly). One question : do you have other modular buildings? If yes, could you shoot it alongside to see how it compares? Thank you.
  12. [pid][/pid] Introduction Welcome to my fourth review on Eurobricks! On my way to review every old Pirates set that I buy new (full story on my 6247 - Bounty Boat review), I've chosen another bluecoats set this time, the smallest one from the second wave that saw the daylight in 1991. Among the four Bluecoats bases (the three others being 6265 Sabre Island, 6276 Eldorado Fortress and 6267 Lagoon Lock-Up), this is the smallest one, so how does it compare? Let's have a look. Product Details Set No: 6259 Set Name: Broadside's Brig (USA) - Governor Broadside's Prison (UK) - La prison des soldats (France) - Gefangnis (Germany) - Gevangenenpoort (Netherlands) Theme: Pirates Released: 1989-1993 Minifigures: 3 Pieces: 68 RRP: $8,75 Purchase Price: $31 new on eBay (still in sealed bags but box opened and in poor condition) ~Box~ Front As you can see, the box has seen better days. It's the purple version from 1992 or 1993 (in 1991 it was sold in a yellow box). As always the picture is very nice (I know I say that in every review, but hey, could you only find one ugly Pirates box?). This sure is a tiny island, but it looks like a peaceful place now that the evil pirate is in jail. However the two soldiers still have a weapon at hand, rumor has it that a pirate is still sailing nearby waters with a ship almost twice as long as the Caribbean Clipper... Back As usual with those old boxes, we have thee nice alternate models, which will be covered in the next chapter. There also are two close-up of the pirate. I really love the hand drawn background. Side An alternate setup of the main model. ~Alternate models~ Alternate model 1 A guarded entry attacked by a pirate. Alternate model 2 A small fort with a prison. It looks great. Alternate model 3 A nice tower. The three models are really different and look actually quite good, without two many holes or weird designs we often see in alternate models. In my opinion they all could fit in a pirates diorama alongside the mighty Eldorado Fortress. TLG did very good work here. ~Box opening~ Yo-ho-ho! Every remaining MISB Broadside's Brig now has gone up in value! Inside the box One loose light gray plate and yellow jail door, with two bags. Since the box was opened, I didn't get any flyers. Instructions A single two-faces A4 sheet, with only ten steps. There aren't too many bricks added each step, so the build is really easy. The tricorne hat is pictured smaller than usual, but it's still too big. Keep trying, Lego, you're getting closer ! ~Parts and minifigure~ Part layout Your classical yellow and white Bluecoats scheme. We get a nice selection of parts, which explains why alternate models can be this good. Parts of interest are the white brick 1x3x5 which I never saw before and the yellow corner with red bricks pattern. It's nice to get two muskets since they are the rarest pirate weapon though. Minifigures Two bluecoats and a pirate. Nothing unusual here, but I think it would have been better to have two soldiers instead of another officer. Notice the gold printing on the soldier's torso, which is misaligned. The officer's one is perfect, but hey, that's why he's an officer after all! ~The build~ After step 4 The whole plate is filled. The four antennas make nice prison bars. ~The finished model~ Front When completed, it really looks like a small fort, with merlons all over the top. The jail is similar to the one in Lagoon Lock-Up. In my opinion it only lacks a ladder, as with every other Bluecoat bases, thinking of it. However the ladder piece (id 6020) appeared in 1992, bad timing sadly. Back Hey! Isn't the pirate trying to escape? Not all sets look nice from behind, this is not the case here. ~Final thoughts~ Design: 8/10 - Quite good for a small set, but nothing mind-blowing. In my opinion, it looks best standing near Eldorado Fortress or Lagoon Lock-Up than as a standalone. However, if you buy three or four and add its alternate models, it can turn into a fantastic fortress for a very cheap price. Parts: 7/10 - Good parts for building forts, but nothing unusual. Minifigs: 8/10 - It's always nice to get bluecoats (especially for the small price back then), but the pirate if really generic. At least we don't have another redbeard. Build: 6/10 - Nothing interesting here, pretty straightforward. Playability: 10/10 - Two soldiers, a pirate, a jail, lots of weapons. For such a small set, it's perfect. Alternate models: 10/10 - They are all different, and they look fantastic. As I said below, it's worth buying four boxes to build all models and display them together. Price: 10/10 - It's difficult to rate the price back then, seeing how much it costs today. But $8,75 for a fort, weapons, parrot and three minifigures was a fantastic deal. Nowadays, it can be found for about $15, which is still fair, and a cheap way to get bluecoats. Conclusion: 8/10 - Overall it's a really great set, which only lacks a "wow" factor like Lagoon Lock-Up. However no pirates fan can go wrong buying it.
  13. [pid][/pid] Introduction Welcome to my third review on Eurobricks! On my way to review every old Pirates set that I buy new (full story on my 6247 - Bounty Boat review), this time I've chosen another bluecoat set, the smallest one available when the Lego Pirates theme appeared in 1989. Was this impulse set a good choice back in those days? Let's take a look at it. Product Details Set No: 6245 Set Name: Harbor Sentry (USA) - Governor Broadside's boat (UK) - Le canonnier dans sa chaloupe (France) - Ruderboot (Germany) - De Watersoldaat (Netherlands) - Barca con cannone di difesa (Italia) Theme: Pirates Released: 1989-1991 Minifigures: 1 Pieces: 20 RRP: $3,99 Purchase Price: $18 new on eBay ~Box~ Front A nice picture with a beautiful background. Everything is set so we can see what we get, even the pistol and cutlass. Please note that unlike Lagoon Lock-Up, the cannon shown here is the shooting version, despite my set being sold in America. Maybe TLG got many questions about that and then decided to make two covers for future sets? Back Here we have three alternate models, without many variation due to the limited part count. I'll cover them in the next chapter. Side An alternate setup of the main model. It was a really cheap way to get cannons, don't you think? ~Alternate models~ Alternate model 1 The cannon has been put on the front of the rowboat and therefore cannot turn anymore. Alternate model 2 A little defending scene. The rowboat isn't used here, and we have a little stand for cannonballs. Alternate model 3 It's pretty much the main model with separated rowboat and cannon. As you can see, like Bounty Boat, it's hard to make alternate models out of such a small amount of parts (only 11 generic parts, including the six cannonballs). However I like both the second and third ones since they look good. Isn't that what we want? ~Box opening~ Yo-ho-ho! Every remaining MISB Harbor Sentry now has gone up in value! Inside the box One loose rowboat, one bag, two flyers (one promoting our beloved Pirates, and one to subscribe to Lego Club) and the folded instructions. Promotional flyer The same fantastic diorama I've got in Lagoon Lock-Up, promoting the new sets coming this year, which mean my set has been produced in 1991. Lego Club flyer One free set every birthday, free magazines, it sure sounds good! I really wonder what answer would I have if I ever sent this to TLG today... Maybe I'll try, stay tuned! Instructions A single two-face sheet, with only four steps. There was still some place to put the third alternate model picture. ~Parts and minifigure~ Part layout You can see why making good alternate models out of this set can be troublesome. For Pirates lovers though we get a very nice selection : rowboat, oars, cannon *, flag, one additional yellow epaulette, and a unique bicorne that will stay exclusive to this set for 12 years (we'll see it again in set 1411 Pirate's Treasure Hunt -Quaker Oats promo-). It's the black alternative to Governor Broadside's black and white one. * Non-shooting version. As far as I know, TLG did produce 3 versions for the cannon between 1989 and 1997 : - The very first model is the shooting one, for all markets : it's not decorated and full dark gray. The handle can be pulled and when released it can shoot a round 1x1 brick at a very good distance (about 2-3 meters). This model can be found in every European sets and in very (very) early North America sets (sold in 1989). The two other models can only be found in North America though : - The second model uses the same mold, but has a black handle and cannot shoot. This is the rarest version, since it was used in North America as a transition before the third version which came with a new mold. - The third model (which I have in this set) is a single mold cannon which is nicely decorated. As I said in my Lagoon Lock-Up review, as an AFOL these are my favorite since I don't play with my sets. They look fantastic and very realistic. My guess is that TLG planned to make shooting cannon for everyone at first. Shortly after they hit the market, maybe they have been warned to be sued in North America for shooting cannon not being suitable as a child toy. Then they quickly disabled the shooting cannon and put a black handle on it to avoid confusion, while designing a non-shooting version with some decoration for the same reason. Minifigure An exclusive minifigure. Some may think he is the officer that we get in a few other sets with a tricorne hat, I prefer consider it to be a unique member of the bluecoats. Fun fact : in the United Kingdom, the set is named "Governor Broadside's boat", which is a mistake since he only appears in Eldorado Fortress and Caribbean Clipper sets. ~The build~ Between step 2 and 3 We have built from left to right : the cannonball stand, the seat and the turntable. It's a really fast build which shoudn't give trouble to any Lego veteran ~The finished models~ Main model I think the cannon is really too big for the rowboat, add those cannonballs and in real life it would sink in a blink of an eye. Alternate model 1 The cannon cannot turn anymore, making this one even worst than the main model. Alternate model 2 Finally a good looking one! Typically the little scene that we can place anywhere on a Pirates diorama Alternate model 3 Here we have a much better setup of the main model. In my opinion this is what the Lego designers first wanted to do, but prefered to have the main model as only one structure. ~Final thoughts~ Design: 4/10 - The cannon is way too big, making the set looking weird. Fortunately alternate models show much better setups. Parts: 9/10 - This impulse set does its job quite well, it only lacks a musket which would have make it perfect. Minifigs: 9/10 - An exclusive one, and a bluecoat on top of that. Maybe as an impulse set it should have been a soldier with backpack to help us build huge armies, but still it's a great one. Build: -/10 - Built under one minute, so there is nothing much to say. Playability: 3/10 - With only this set there isn't much we can play with. However you can add 2 points for european version with shooting cannon. Alternate models: 9/10 - Let's forget the first one and look at the others which really demonstrate how the set should be displayed. Price: 10/10 - It's difficult to rate the price back then, seeing how much it costs today. But $3,99 for all those parts was a pretty good deal. Today it can be found for ~$5, so you should really go for it if you like Pirates and don't have it yet. Conclusion: 7/10 - A good impulse set, providing nice and useful parts, but lacking some enemies to battle with. For those only searching for parts, I give it a shiny 10/10.
  14. [pid][/pid] Introduction Welcome to my second review on Eurobricks! On my way to review every old Pirates set that I buy new (full story on my 6247 - Bounty Boat review), this time I've chosen one of the few classic sets with our beloved bluecoats : the Lagoon Lock-Up! Time to discover how a once peaceful inn has become a fortified place! Product Details Set No: 6267 Set Name: Lagoon Lock-Up (USA) - Soldiers' Tavern (UK) - La taverne des soldats (France) - Hafenschänke (Germany) - Zeerovers-landingsplaats (Netherlands) Theme: Pirates Released: 1991-1993 Minifigures: 5 Pieces: 187 RRP: $24,99 Purchase Price: $80 new on Bricklink ~Box~ Front As usual with older sets, we get a nice picture of the set on a pre-rendered background. Luckily I got the rare yellow-box version from the very early sets (1989 to 1991), instead of the common purple box. I really love the overall colors, it has a fantastic tropical appeal, and it's just screaming "open my lid!". Back Here we have 4 (!) alternate models, although they're quite similar to each other. I'll cover them in the next chapter. Side An alternate setup of the main model. Let's all cry together. Damn, where did I park my DeLorean? Back of the lid Here we have a good story to start the adventure, among nice shots of the model. I wish TLG still made those lids, and be willing to pay a few more bucks for them. I remember looking under every lid in stores as a child, full of dreams. For those who want to read the story, let's have a closer look : Quite comprehensive, isn't it? It's funny to see that eventually, the pirates aren't really the bad guys, since they're just after their ancestors' gold. Under the lid THIS is the reason I love those lids! A fantastic overview of what you get, and we can hear a loud scream "BUY ME!". The round cuts also add a nice touch, we clearly see that TLG wasn't trying to limit the costs back in those days. ~Alternate models~ Alternate model 1 Alternate model 2 Alternate model 3 Alternate model 4 Nothing to comment, the pictures speak for themselves. As I said earlier, they're quite similar. I still like how they put the pirates in water by removing the legs in the third one, and the arch that hold the rowboat in the fourth. ~Box opening~ Yo-ho-ho! Every remaining MISB Lagoon Lock-Up now has gone up in value! Inside the box One plastic tray, four bags and a few loose plates, blue baseplate and the jail door. They have stayed in this box for 21 years, time to let them breathe a little! Promotional catalog A small catalog promoting 1991 sets. Random (really?) catalog page I could look at those diorama for hours and hours, not you? By the way, can someone tell me what is redbeard doing with the maiden at the Black Seas Barracuda's stern ? Instructions Exactly the same picture as the box, or is it...? Time for a little "spot the difference" game! Did you spot it? The cannon is the american non-shooting version on the box, and the european version on the instructions. Do you know any other set that have american version on the cover? As far as I know, it's also the case for 6273 - Rock Island Refuge. I first thought of some kind of photo retouching, but looking closer I saw that the american version cannon has been pushed a very little to the left (we see more red at the left of the white brick underneath). Also, every other pictures has this difference (even alternate models). TLG sure did have an eye for detail! Back of the instructions Two already-seen alternate models, and a nice portrait of captain redbeard. Random instructions page No part callout, and a nice amount of brick put each step. Old-styled instructions, nothing to add! ~Parts and minifigures~ Part layout First, I'll NEVER do that again . A lot of white parts, and overall a nice assortment of colors. Interesting parts are the rare 6 * 24 black plate (only found in this set), the large Bluecoat flag, brown doors, and the cloth sail (which make its very first appearance, with a blue alternative on 6273 - Rock Island Refuge). The cannon, as said above, is the non-shooting version, which is much better in my humble opinion, since I don't play with Lego and this one looks way better that the "flat" shooting one. As a kid though I'm glad I got the shooting ones! There is no additional part. Minifigures Good old times, 5 minifigs for a ~150 parts set. Okay, we have another captain redbeard, which earn the reward for being the "greatest most distributed minifig ever", but three bluecoats ! Who would say no to three bluecoats? We also get an almost-exclusive pirate (in this assembly, it also appears in 6255 Pirates Comic), named Bo'Sun Will. Overall, as a standalone, this is a fantastic selection for playing. ~The build~ Building the small ship Here we can see the structure that will hold the sail. It's placed on a turntable so it can face any direction. Plenty of room for our beloved captain! If there is no wind, he still has two oars to go wherever he wants! I love the simple yet effective design, which will be reused many times in upcoming waves with color variation. Just one thing : HOW can redbeard hold his cutlass with his hook? After step 1 With the help of a bird-eye view instruction, we have placed the bricks that will hold the two large black plates. The yellow brick is supposed to be sand : this is where the palmtree will be placed. After step 6 The four antennas will be at the back of the jail. Slowly the tavern is taking form with the two doors added. We cannot see it but there is a red panel inside which is supposed to be some sort of bar I think (pictures of it can be found under the finished model section). After step 10 I just LOVE the sunblind. It's only made of four bricks, but this is what makes the set look fantastic. Without it I don't think it would look like a tavern. Next we only have to add the jail door, the roof and it's finished, so let's go. ~The finished model~ Overall view An old tavern fortified to help battle against pirates. That's what they say, that's what we see, that's what we get. I can see only one little design flaw, it lacks a ladder to access the roof. Other than that it's an absolute winner on everything : colors, minifigs, sturdiness, playability. No wonder why this is one of the most appreciated set among the most appreciated Lego pirates wave. Just one thing : HOW can redbeard hold his pistol with his hook? Bird-eye view The cannon design is flawless, with amazing details. We got as usual six cannonballs and one additionnal musket. Back view Here we can see the "bar". Pretty simple is the least I can say... Look at how the four antennas are enclosed by an arch to close the jail : it looks perfect! One more view Imagine the set without that sunblind, it would really be lacking something don't you think? It still looks like a nice place to live in. ~Final thoughts~ Design: 10/10 - The pictures speak for themselves. Plus it's the one and only pirates/soldiers tavern you can get. How could they live without it? Parts: 8/10 - Great colors, but a lot of common parts. Minifigs: 10/10 - Okay, one more redbeard, but for building a story there couldn't have been a better selection. Build: 6/10 - The jail design is good and the small ship makes its first appearance. No advanced technique is used. Playability: 10/10 - Three good guys, two bad guys, a tavern, a jail, a boat, a cannon. Need I say more? Alternate models: 4/10 - They are just small variations of the main model. I've seen much better alternate models among pirates sets! Price: 10/10 - $24,99. If it still was in store, I'd buy all I could find. Nowadays we can easily find it for about $50, which is still a very fair price for such a great set. Conclusion: 10/10 - A legend among bluecoats set, a beautiful design, a fantastic minifigs selection, top playability : this is simply what every Lego model should be.
  15. Boomchil replied to Cecilie's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    Simply awesome. The maternity really do capture the feel of real ones, I love the babies (clever idea) and the overall details. One of the best entries in my opinion (among other fantastic buildings, I never thought this contest would bring such beauties)
  16. Boomchil replied to Boomchil's post in a topic in LEGO Pirates
    Thank you all for your commments. I buy my MISB sets on EBay, since it's usually cheaper than Bricklink (for used sets, Bricklink is much better though), but when a Bricklink seller has several sets and is willing to make a offer, I go for it. I think the next one will be Lagoon Lock-Up, one of my all-time favorite :)
  17. Hi! I've just done my first review on Eurobricks, and I think it might be nice to improve myself for my upcoming reviews. Hope I can join :)
  18. Boomchil posted a post in a topic in LEGO Pirates
    [pid][/pid] Introduction Welcome to my very first review on Eurobricks! I've always been a huge Pirates lover and after two years collecting every sets ever released, a silly idea came to me : I don't want them already used and played with, I want to have them new in box. So I've been restarting my collection, searching only MISB sets (or at least with unopened bags), just to have the pleasure to open and build them for the very first time. And by the way, I thought that making a review for Eurobricks each time I open a new set would be a great idea. So here I am! I've picked randomly a little set among the ten or so I got, and it was the Bounty Boat, a pretty good pick since I had it as a child. Please note that my english may not be quite perfect so don't hesitate to correct me. Enjoy. Product Details Set No: 6247 Set Name: Bounty Boat (USA) - Admiral's Launch (UK) - Ruderboot (Germany) - Soldaten-schatsloep (Netherlands) Theme: Pirates Released: 1992-1995 Minifigures: 3 Pieces: 22 (counting gold coins on sprue as one part)* RRP: $4,75 Purchase Price: $22,50 * Strangely, the box is saying "33 interlocking pieces", however, I don't understand how they come to that count. Even when considering torso and head as a same piece (since they come attached), I count 34 pieces... ~Box~ Cover As usual with older sets, we get a nice picture of the set on a pre-rendered background. No action or special effect here like nowadays, but the story is crystal clear : the two soldiers have caught the poor Pirate while he was digging for a treasure and captured him, stealing (back?) the treasure. On the way back home, they made him raw the boat. Like we say in France, there are days where you'd better stay in bed! Except for the trasure's content, we can see everything the set has to offer. Side On the side of the box, an alternate picture of the set. However I find that the minifigures positions are quite unnatural. ~Alternate models~ Alternate model 1 A treasure digging scene. This is probably what happened a few hours before the main model. But why in Davy Jones' name do they have inverted their epaulettes? Designing alternate model with so little parts (excluding special parts like the boat, chest, flag, etc which roles can't be changed, we're left with only 6 parts...) is a quite difficult exercise in my humble opinion, so I really think that this is a good alternate model. I especially like the "earth" on the shovel. Alternate model 2 Another scene, with the same 6 parts! Here the Lego designers have decided to make some sort of bridge to help put down the chest. Let's imagine that this happen a few hours after the main model. The story is now complete! ~Box opening~ Breaking the seal Yo-ho-ho! Every remaining misb Bounty Boat now have gone up in value! Inside the box One bag (I LOVE those old bags with small holes, they feel so much better than actual ones!), a loose rowboat, a Lego Club flyer ("Are you a Lego maniac?" - Yes, but please don't tell the wife!), a little poster showing some Pirates sets, and of course the instructions. Promotional poster A nice Pirates diorama. We can deduct that the set was produced in 1994, since this poster really promote Islanders (Skull Eye Schooner aside, there are all and only Islanders sets). Lego Club flyer front Lego Club flyer reverse I wish they still offered free sets for our birthday! Maybe I should try to send them the coupon... Instructions A simple sheet with a very few steps (come to think of it, nowadays it would come with three booklets of 10 steps...) very clear and easy to understand. Notice the usual early Pirates sets error about the three-cornered hat proportion which is way too big. Also, did you see that the cover is the same picture of the box, but inverted? I'll let you find which one is the original shot (clue : ) ~Parts~ Part list and minifigures Only six plates and one antenna as common parts. Everything else is about minifigures accessories. And that is just great! I love the colours used, there is a LOT of weapons (three cutlasses, two pistols and one musket!), gold pieces, treasure-digging tools... So much in a little set! As you can see, at that time, minifigures came with the head already put on the torso. As for minifigures, as a child I had to have this pirate the instant I saw it. If I recall correctly, this was one of the first head with colored hair (2 colors heads were also pretty rare, I can only think of the Pirate Lady face before that). The two other soldiers are ok, but I'd have prefered another soldier instead of the Officer that can be found in too many sets. However, 3 minifigures for $4,75 is a fantastic deal, and I don't think they could have add another one : it would have to swim! There were no additionnal parts, unlike what is stated on Bricklink (I only got three cutlasses). Maybe because this is one of the latest batches? ~The build~ After step 3 Here we have built the seats, everything else is now accessories. Notice that a pistol, a cutlass and the gold are put in the chest. Like I said earlier, the build is quite simple (but removing the parts from the rowboat can be quite painful...). It take about 2 minutes, now let's see the result! ~The finished models~ Main model Could it be better? I don't think so. Every space on the boat is used nicely and there is everything to expand the story for hours. A huge success. Alternate model 1 The bridge is simple but effective. However there is nowhere to sit on the boat now, but hey! With the treasure they will now buy an Imperial Flagship! Alternate model 2 This is supposed to be a hole but it's really not that good. But let's face it : making two alternate models out of so few usable bricks is nearly impossible, so it's still a nice try! ~Final thoughts~ Design: 10/10 - Think about the story Lego would tell : two soldiers that have caught a pirate digging a treasure and returning to the fortress. Could you get something better? I don't think. Parts: 10/10 - Again, a lot of useful Pirates accessories, come on, you can never get too many of them! Minifigs: 7/10 - I absolutely love the pirate, but did we really need another officer? Build: -/10 - Six plates to make the seats cannot really be considered as a build, nothing to say here. Playability: 10/10 - I can imagine hundreds of stories by only looking at the cover... Price: 10/10 - $4,75 for three minifigs, a rowboat and over ten accessories/weapons. Do I have to comment? Today it's still rather cheap and can be found for about $30 new, or $15 used. Conclusion: 10/10 - One of the best Pirates impulse set. It has everything to be played with for hours, it also displays very nicely. And voilà, I hope you liked it :). If so, sooner or later I'll come with others reviews, at this time I've got Lagoon Lock-up, Broadside Brig, Harbor Sentry, Cross Bone Clipper, Pirates Ambush, Pirates Perilous Pitfall, Armada Sentry, Black Seas Barracuda in sealed boxes.
  19. Great review! I must say that I love this ship, even if it's obviously not as mighty as 6285 BSB and 6286 SES. It has a great color scheme (though not really realistic), the skull is fantastic, the black bandanas were very rare at this time, and the sails are beautiful. The rigging is also very smart.
  20. 2 points for : Maellie Colombet - Jack to the zombies: "Who among you is the father of this fish? Worthy father, I admit, considering the sculptural scales of the offspring. Or married to a mermaid maybe? But please, spare me the image of this view, do not tell me that the Kraken was your partner..." So silly it made me laugh 1 point for : Ben White - Too late, Captain Jack realized that Zombie Pirates are immune to fish slaps. Well, they really may be ^^
  21. I made the model with SR3D (a LDD-Like ldraw compatible software, way easier to use than MLCad), then I used MLCad to optimize the steps, include sub-models and manage rotations, and finally used LPub4 to create the instructions. If you want the MLCad file, I'll gladly upload it
  22. Hi folks, you probably have seen the Youtube video or DreamTeam's ldd file, but if you want to build it away from your computer, both are not very useful. That's why I decided to make Lego-Styled, printable instructions for this fantastic build made from both London Escape & Whitecap Bay. After about 30hrs of work (took me a veeeeery long time to rethink the entire build process, as LDD's build order is really sh... chaotic ), here it is, a 57MB (ouch) pdf file : https://www.mediafire.com/?82bgvj879n7aiia Some screenshots : The only change I had to make is for the corner walls : since the new one is not in the ldraw library, I used the old style ones + 2 1x1 Bricks. I hope you'll like it, and feel free to distribute it If you spot an error, please report it so I can correct it.
  23. Boomchil replied to Adrian86's post in a topic in LEGO Pirates
    I emailed Lego France friday, and I just received their answer : "Je suis désolé de lire que vous n'êtes pas satisfait avec nos derniers set PIRATES DES CARAIBES. Malheureusement ces éléments ne sont pas fautifs et c'est la façon dont nous les produisons." I'm sorry to read that you aren't satisfied with our latest Potc sets. Sadly these parts aren't faulty, this is the way we produce them. I don't know if I should email back them that thread...
  24. Boomchil replied to edon581's post in a topic in LEGO Pirates
    6296 is not that rare, and the price will highly depend of the missing parts. If it's uncommon parts (like the blue cannon base, the sail, the armada minifig...), you won't be selling it over 15/20$. The part quality is also important. For a complete set with instructions, I wouldn't go over 30$. Don't be fooled by the MISB prices, they are always very high and are not represantative of the used price. On top of that, it's far for being the most sought-after set, since it's one of the ugliest Pirate Set ever
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