Everything posted by CCOOK
Here's the finished product - rebuilt wing attachments to reinforce them: -CCOOK
This is by no means a done deal just a prototype - I've tried to make the cockpit look as spherical as possible: Thanks for looking and giving suggestions! -CCOOK
Here we go I fixed the insides of the wings: Here's the badass Sith cockpit: Uh-oh a teaser - this is the front of the missile bay of a TIE Bomber: Enjoy! -CCOOK
Here next to two regular TIE fighters: Top view: I have three more TIEs on order plus a bunch of parts - expect a bomber and interceptor soon to match these; I am also going to rebuild the insides of the wings of the TIE X1 so they aren't so blocky. -CCOOK
Missing inside grey trim is easily resolved by placing and rotating black 1x2 jumpers as cams that can position the grey bar/plate pieces to attach to the exact same positions, only this time on the INSIDE of the standard TIE fighter wings: You will also need to modify the 6x6 attachment points to fit the long bar pieces with dark grey jumpers and plates centered over them to meet up with the wings. Hope you all like it and e-mail me if you have any questions on how to do this. -CCOOK
Here I rebuilt the last LEGO TIE Advanced X1 set: Let me know if you think I should submit it to CUUSOO. Thanks! -CCOOK
MOC: High-Detail Top Loader
Here's something I blueprinted and put together recently: The bottom feeders open to dispense grain: Enjoy -CCOOK
Pirate Trading Post
Here it is finished (and yeah I need to bring it outside for better photos): Side view: Front view: Other side view: Throwing knives to impress a girl: Wide view (I plan on filling in the right side with 3 more 8x16 blue plates so that it fits next to my other MOCs on the shelf): With a little boat: I actually only made this to take up some lower shelf space on my big metal shelves - this little boat was sitting in open space next to the green-roof MOC that I made a couple months ago - now I can connect this to the side of that MOC. There's a lot of those 1x1 plates modified with loopholes - these hold the bridges in place and are really hard to get - I hoarded about 40 to 50 of them off of Bricklink over the last few months for this project. Also a big thanks to BrickArms for the bad-a$$ custom chrome swords, and also to Bricklink for the chromed LEGO cutlasses (don't know how they did this since they're not ABS plastic!). Anyway, enjoy - maybe I'll take it outside tommorow for better photos. -CCOOK
Pirate Trading Post
It's been a long time since I've been active on this site - here's a little something: I plan on adding three more rope bridges in a circle over rock emplacements with cannons: There's also going to be a large dock around the main house; there's a really nice bar and cow stockades on the first floor: Here's the bar; notice the mugs hanging on modified plates in the back: Here's the other side - there's a really nice balcony here (thanks to MAGICBRICKS for the quarter-circle reddish-brown railings): Here's the back with two eves; there's a slot cut in the back of the roof here (hard to see because of the flash): Put a tile in here and push down on it: Here you have the center of the roof (with chandalliere) and can access the second floor: Pirates of the Caribbean parts are really great additions to any new pirate MOC: Some nice old parts in here - the Lion cloth seemed to go well here; everyone should try to Bricklink as many of those chrome gold bars as possible - I nailed about 70 of them at the first opportunity: Anyway, enjoy. -CCOOK
MOC: Emerald Night Observation Car
Here's my passenger Emerald Night with the red caboose replaced by a short observation car: Here it is with the roof removed: And here's the whole train on my dining room table: I am unsure about the modest (24-stud) length of the observation car - I think that maybe I should buy a 6x28 dark bluish grey train base and stretch it to the same length as a standard Emerald Night train car (all I'd have to do is lengthen the lateral bay windows from 6 to 8 studs in length - what do you all think of a longer observation car? Anyway, enjoy! -CCOOK
MOD: Fun with the Emerald Night
Here's the black and red Emerald Night with a tender - it took me a little bit of thinking to make the red wheels hide behind some outside mounting brackets, but it worked out fine: Just a little bit larger than a standard Emerald Night tender (makes sense for a cargo puller anyway): -CCOOK
MOC: Another Cargo Car
Here's another car for my "vintage" steam engine cargo train (it will be pulled by a black and red Emerald Night in another post): Here's the opening side, similar to the other boxy cargo car I made (again I had to trim the inside pegs of the sliding doors): Open: The front and back came out nice with the old ladders, some newer parts, and black minifigure hands stuck into flexible 3mm tubing: -CCOOK
MOD: Fun with the Emerald Night
I'm building a smaller "cargo" train in the mean time, and this modified Emerald Night will pull it: Here's my slightly modified Emerald Night passenger engine/tender in the meantime (got rid of that stupid light grey ladder on back of the tender): You can see here I also replaced the ridiculous tan technic axles/collets with smooth black ones (insanely expensive): Here's another Emerald Night that I was too lazy to build the tender for - notice the tanker car in the back: -CCOOK
- 10219 Maersk Train (Exclusive 2011)
MOC: Cargo Car
I blue-printed this a few weeks ago and finished it tonight - it's a good way to make a cargo car with the look of stamped sheet metal sides: Here's the opening side: You have to trim a little off the top and bottom of the inside pegs of each door, since they block the use of supportive plating inside: Lots and lots of 1x2 jumper plates required for this, along with 1x2 and 1x8 modified rail plates. This is actually a really small car - I plan on doing several 8-wide super long versions to attach to the diesel engines that I plan on building in the coming weeks. -CCOOK
MOD: Improved Passenger Train 7938
Really excellent, especially the doors; the only thing I hate (that is not your fault) is the roof bricks on the front ends of the cars - LEGO should have designed one smooth slope to run parrallel with the front windows. -CCOOK
MOD: Ultimate Emerald Night
All right - here's the train split up and set on straight track; there's not really enough room to take a decent photo with the whole train in a straight line: Here it is from the back - I hesitate to add power functions since they really mess up the look of the engine and its tender: Here it is again: Stay tooned in the coming weeks - I've already blue-printed the designs for an Allegheny double-piston locomotive and a General Electric ES44AC. . . . . . . -CCOOK
MOD: Ultimate Emerald Night
Here's the Emerald Night in all its glory, only with multiple unique cars attached to it: Two first-class club cars: Baggage car and caboose: First-class regular car: Club cars opened: Second-class car - notice the small tables in front of each seat: Third-class car - just seats in here: Baggage car close-up: Baggage car top off (two safes and a huge luggage rack in here): Baggage car wide open; the ramp folds up and slides into the bottom of the car: Back view: -CCOOK
MOC: Emerald Night Caboose
Here's the caboose I hyped up in the "club car" thread: Double bunk beds and a dresser inside: Roof sections lifted out: Hope you all like it, and no I'm not aiming for a perfectly realist train of the time (American or not) - just something that looks bad-a$$ and is well-made. -CCOOK
Emerald Night coach - sell or keep?
Shit sell it to me.
MOC: Emerald Night Club Car
Glad you all like it. I say in the first post that this is only the beginning because it is. I am currently out of town with no photos for this post, but I have constructed a red caboose (using special red log bricks from a place on brick link - "A Slim Chance" if I remember correctly) with a double bunk bed and dresser in it. The only problem was I was drunk and buzzed off a cigar when building it and the furniture is inverted so that one of the end doors doesn't open correctly (one of those black 1x4x5 doors with the squared-off inner corner to prevent it from closing in too far), so I will have to flip the furniture before posting. I will have the parts for a second club car very soon; there will be one first-class regular car (interior re-done), plus one second- and one third-class car, along with a baggage car and the caboose. I am also building an enormous train engine shed and have two additional Emerald Night trains for this (this helps me with the extra engines, and also provides some good parts for custom cars) for a total of three train engines with tenders. I've also purchased several sticker sheets for the Emerald Night off of Bricklink, along with dozens of small and large tan train windows. The train engine sheds are going to be totally insane - one will have catwalks and ladders for workers, and the other will have a sliding crane that allows for lifting of large engine components. The tender coal loader I have not really seriously desinged yet, but this will likely be adjacent to the sheds. -CCOOK
MOC: Emerald Night Club Car
Here's a little something I've just finished today: Hinged top to view the restaurant: Restaurant deck removes to access the sleeper deck (thanks to ChromeBricks for the mirrors): You can see here I ripped off the doors of one side; there are steps up to the restaurant, and the old blue gunport covers make a nice shroud for the sleeper deck: I ensured that the ends of the car meet up flawlessly with a regular Emerald Night train car: Here's a little teaser; I am building an enormous train engine shed which will likely have a tender loader platform adjacent to it. The train engine shed will have a side-mounted garage that houses this work truck: Enjoy the photos! -CCOOK
Fun with Monorails
A little update; finished the black monorail: New white monorail: What I've go so far: I'll be making a yellow monorail in the next couple weeks and will post photos as soon as it's done! -CCOOK
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