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Star Wars Moderator
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Everything posted by KimT

  1. Agreed, a good review and thanks for sharing your thoughts on this set with us At first I thought this was bad compared to the older version, but I guess I was just sentimental. Because I went to the attic and checked the old version and this is way better.
  2. Agreed
  3. Last post was on March 30th and you bump it to ask if the reviewer knows wether this will go on sale on S@H? That is not really what we want when we allow 'bumpin'. Post something that has to do with the review or don't post. As for questions on sales and availability, I suggest you check the "Star Wars Sets Anyone?" Topic.
  4. Ok ok ok... There's some rereleases within the Star Wars theme Now can we get back on topic here?
  5. I am sorry Omicron, but you're way off there. Claiming that the new Star Wars sets are spin-off's on older sets is not right. But you seem keen on keeping that impression, so I'm going to let you keep it Also I'd rather not turn this topic into a discussion on Star Wars since the intent was to discuss which themes might end next year. So let's stay cool and get this back on track, deal?
  6. Great... thanks for the youtube embedding - but where's the link to the topic? Don't you want feedback and thoughts on your work?
  7. That was the point, wasn't it? Personally I love that we get to know these robots and even like them a bit and then >BAM< they're gone
  8. You couldn't be. I saw you typing as I started to type my post. I guess I had more to say thus it took me longer to post
  9. Which is very unlikely. I just don't see how or why a wampa/tauntaun should be in a Battle Pack? The price difference between the battle packs and the set with the tauntaun should lead to the conclusion that we wont be seeing a tauntaun or wampa in such a set. - The price just isn't right. Also why would they release a set with a tauntaun just to add it to a Battle Pack? Why would they include a wampa in a battle pack? I am so sorry, but it's a dream not going to happen. Looks like a white speederbike to me, which would correspond with the usual brickcount and size of a battlepack. Damn, you beat me to it
  10. Agreed. Who cares if someone else designed a sphere that looks the same? There's a limit to how many different spheres can be designed with LEGO Great job... now where's the next one?
  11. Batman was shut down because the new movies are a little too dark and evil for a toy like LEGO. Spongebob is still around, isn't it? Harry Potter... grew dark too or didn't seel enough (not sure of that one). Star Wars releases old sets? Like Pirate Tank, Rebel Blockade Runner, RAS, Sep. Shuttle, Anakin's Y-Wing and so on? ...
  12. That's a good question. I suggest you repost it here, then it wont drown in this topic.
  13. Are you ok? I've changed the title to suit the discussion. Now can we leave this and get on? This is the place to post and discuss availability.
  14. This is fantastic. I love the humor used and the especially the Travel Scrabble scene with the robots is extremely hilarious. You are quite the skilled stop-motion director
  15. KimT


    Meber pe668 just posted this great Brick Flick named "Cyclic" Go here to discuss and check some of the tricks used to make it.
  16. Which is the same for Anakin's Y-wing where they are used as the cannons in Ahsoka's part of the cockpit. It's a nice part, but let's not overdo the use of it TLG
  17. "Stand down people!" I actually like the simplicity of it. I do not recall the Jedi Temple in the movie to be overfilled with greeble Having Ming-vases and expensive paintings in a room where novice jedi fight with light sabres might be a little stupid the way I see it Great SNOT use for the floor
  18. Nerds Thanks for the brush up Svelte
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