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Star Wars Moderator
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Everything posted by KimT

  1. :laugh:
  2. Nice work Antrozek.
  3. Agreed. Please keep this topic solely about the new sets and do not stray from the path. Art and stuff like that has it's own pinned topic now.
  4. From Formula1.com: Phew - close call Goodbye Max
  5. Great! You forgot that I am in that picture as well I just know how to duck.
  6. I second that. +1 from me too And Holodoc gets +1 as well.
  7. I think he means stores that sell LEGO at fair prices
  8. Topic has been merged with topic on Instructions, Scans and more.
  9. Welcome to Eurobricks. Good to have another Star Wars fan around.
  10. Welcome to Eurobricks Milan. Thanks for sharing your work in the Technic Forum.
  11. Welcome to Eurobricks.
  12. Whatever what? 7753 and 7754 have been spotted months ago. Also we've even got reviews of them here too, plus there's pics and info in the first post of this topic on them. Please do a minimum of research before posting - check the first post here and perhaps the Review Index as well.
  13. Drawings eh? I think they're better off in the Community section, since all they've got to do with LEGO is...well....erhm....
  14. Looks like it was a great event you guys had there. Loads of displays
  15. They do get fined for pulling stunts like that. I think I've read somewhere that it's around 10.000 USD.
  16. Good to see that you're back on topic here. I was just about to put the hammer down on the Nocturn discussion and then you fixed it yourselves. Since I've been lurking this place for the past weeks, I've taken a liking to the new tan Bionicle sets. (No idea about the names) The smaller one looks like a scorpion and I am getting one to MOD for my Castle army. Hopefully I'll do good and post it here for comments and ideas.
  17. That's mighty generous of you. I'll hang onto it and if you change your mind before the next contest - it'll be waiting for you.
  18. You're not and I appreciate your effort to support this. Sorry about the 7681 I must have been extremely sleepy or plain stupid. It's a CW set and has always been a CW set - my bad! Post any missing pics and I'll resize and add them to the index. Keep it up
  19. Svelte_Corps have choosen the EB Stormie which results in Jansued winning the CW Obi-Wan Keychain.
  20. Because I just have. 7681 wa originally not a CW set - to keep you satisfied, I've just added it The minifigs are indexed according to BL Because I hate Rex and in the beginning I only did 'front' and 'rear' - when I get around to doing more pics later on I'll make sure to add the 'no helmet' and 'side' pics for those who are missing. I've got Yoda and the droids. But you're more than welcome to do those pics and post them here.
  21. The vote is over and the winners have been found. Go here to find out who won and congratulate the winners.
  22. And the winner has been found. Below follows the order in which the entries ended after the vote. Svelte_Corps Jansued Oky Wan Kenobi Calebexo01 Millacol88 L-Space Dabulls03 Rook Majek Tinn-Man Natman8000 Hewkii9 Peppermint M Green Dewback Jammiedodger714 The Penguin JimButcher Computerbug Tiggerkiddo DanTheBrick CCD7 ZiQ YG-49 The 1st place gets to pick between the Obi-Wan Kenobi CW Keychain or an EB Stormie. The 2nd place wins what wasn't picked by number 1 The 3rd place wins the poster. Go here to check the prizes. Congratulations on winning and thank you all for participating. Stay tuned for August when the next Star Wars Contest is launched! Check out the winners: - Has choosen the EB Stormie - Gets the Obi Wan Kenobi CW Keychain - One poster coming up! Svelte_corps' SQU:AT - Squiddy Assault Tank (Space Police III) Jansued's SWAAT (Space Police) Oky Wan Kenobi's Space Skulls AT-ST (Factory/Space) All I need now is the winners' adresses and I'll ship out the prizes - note that I am on vacation from this Sunday, so I'll be needing them pretty fast and no, I don't have your adresses even if you've won before. I always delete adresses I have no need for
  23. Voting has ended and I've moved the topic to prevent further posts. I'll be counting and checking IP's Hopefully I'll have the result later tonight. Good luck to all and thank you very much for all those awesome entries.
  24. KimT

    Minifig Index non-resized pictures

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