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Star Wars Moderator
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Everything posted by KimT

  1. Welcome to Eurobricks and thanks for sharing that great V-Wing MOD of yours with us
  2. Thanks Stiddertjux I believe you're right about that. Nude Swoosher would be the right one.
  3. Are you nuts? Thanks for finding this. Great news finally getting a Luke in a Yavin outfit. So this is why Luke has been absent this year
  4. Navy Trooper Fenson has found the final design of the upcoming Star Wars Dictionary minifig. Looks like we're getting Luke in a Yavin outfit. Go here to discuss
  5. Wow this is a really great modification of the V-Wing. Thanks for showing us this
  6. Wow these are really neat LuxorV. Great job
  7. The background story must be part of the first post, so go back and edit it into your entry.
  8. The wife's cool with me collecting LEGO. She's even cool with me spending money, lots of money on it. The issue is space - it's beginning to get on her nerves. We live in a 3 room appartment and that doesn't leave much space for a hobby such as this, plus the invasion 2+ years ago has forced me to cut down the space previously used for LEGO. So the way things are going right now I am downsizing the public display of LEGO and storing it in the attic. She fully understands that this is my hobby and she would rather I do this than buy a motorcycle, start hunting or some other really expensive hobby If she only knew Anyways, I'd never ever met anyone who thought I was nuts or teased me for having LEGO as a hobby. Even my in-Laws think that it's a fun hobby to have. Point is: She married me, she gave me a child and she accepted to buy an appartment with me (and get a debt that'll last forever) - so I think she's cool with it
  9. Isn't this a little odd. Should have been "Can you think of any minifig you wouldn't want in chrome?"
  10. Erhm... voting hasn't started yet But yeah it's a good entry.
  11. Sure... I have no problem with that. It came because we had a fiery discussion on the UCS Y-Wing and to emphasize how much I like it and to put a little humor into a topic that'd gone off track and was becoming a little flaming, I decided to say: "I'd swoosh this even in the nude" (or something like that). Then the topic turned around and went totally off-topic for a while
  12. So that's why he's got an awesome colour mix (red/black) and looks like something you don't want to meet in a dark alley. This following comment might get me in trouble, but isn't he going to slam dunk Mata Nui if it came to a showdown between them? Mata Nui is yellow and a little "skinny" to look at. What chance would he have against this guy
  13. Thanks Grevious for setting me straight on this I do recall vaguely that Mata Nui was mentioned a lot in the early days of Bionicle. As for the parts, that's another thanks for an elaborate explanaition and correction
  14. Except for the fact that I don't understand a single thing you've posted, I'll still give it a shot at commenting on your MOC. From what I can see it looks classic and has some neat design features, but I need more pictures to gather information from before I can evaluate your work properly. So please show us more and how about deeplinking a few of those pics? Check my signature if you are in doubt on how to resize and deeplink pictures.
  15. Wait no.... that's....not....arw crap. I'll hide you Mr Stoudetjes I think I also had a title going "Mr Nudeswoosher" at some point... Are you sure about that? Nope...You misspelled optimistic. You goddam right
  16. Personal comments and questions are best left to pm's "Stay on Target!"
  17. Front dazzles us with reviews of some of the new Glatorian Legends from the Bionicle theme. 8984 Stronius 8989 Mata Nui Click the pictures to go to the reviews or click here to go to the Bionicle Forum
  18. Thanks for setting up this poll VBBN. Just what we needed to keep a clean and on topic discussion going in here
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