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Star Wars Moderator
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Everything posted by KimT

  1. :laugh: ... oh my C'mon guys take it easy. I am a teacher.. I wish/dream for the designer job, but it's not going to happen. I am just saying that the indications of getting the RBR / Tantive IV are pretty strong. Wether I have inside knowledge or not isn't really important, is it?
  2. At first I thought "What the h***, is he 'on' sugar " and then it struck me Great picture, hilarious sugarimages in my head... what could possibly go wrong? Thanks for continously sharing your work with us and thanks for inspiring others to do the same.
  3. "Stand down people!" Topics such as this are at their best with pics, but lets keep this sober. There's always the option of not-posting in a given topic. Hopefully someone has a camera and will do a picture, if not this will slip into the void within long. @Pirate Pete - I suggest you get yourself a camera and in the future please show us what you're speakign of. "Hoah?"
  4. Patience, they'll come soon. They're available all over here in Denmark now. Now where's that 7754? And is it available in LEGOLAND GÜNZBURG?
  5. Wow. Have you read the guidelines yet? Welcome to Eurobricks.
  6. And great MOCs by the way. I'm being out-built by a girl Heck, anyone can out-build me
  7. Welcome to Eurobricks Stacey. Edit: Ooops, sorry Stacy. I'll fix your account.
  8. Welcome to Eurobricks Dave. So sorry to hear that you'll have to be next to CopMike at BW. Glad to have you join us
  9. Welcome to Eurobricks. Lean back and enjoy the ride that'll last forever
  10. Welcome to Eurobricks. Glad to have another fan come out of his dark ages. We can always use another 'steampunker' around here You'll fit right in.
  11. Mmmmm.... Classic Castle & Classic Space. Welcome to Eurobricks.
  12. Welcome young prince Arthas. Beware of the Scourge Glad to have another Castle/Star Wars fan aboard - not so sure about Bionicle, it has never been one of my favorites. Enjoy
  13. Welcome to Eurobricks.
  14. The Torta is awesome. I love the beetle look with the inverted boats, the radar dish hat and the trans-blue eyes. Great work with an equally great background story. I love when MOCs are enhanced by adding a little story and meaning to it
  15. I get plenty of e-mails. Please explain a little more If this is more of an availability information, I suggets you repost with more explainaition in the "Star Wars sets anyone?" topic.
  16. Are you kidding? They're all over the place here... as in many other regions. Unless you made the mistake to thing that this is a UK site only Welcome to Eurobricks - make sure to read and understand the jokes between the lines
  17. Rumor has it that the RBR will be priced around 200 USD
  18. Yoda isn't on all of them? That's shocking.. imagine how sad a little kid will be when not getting the poster.. It's just wrong. I like the fun of a scratch contest like this, but I think people are supposed to win a poster. It's just a little promotional fun, isn't it? - apparently not, since yours didn't have a Yoda. Did you actually read the first post? Yes, I scratched it Whatcha mean normal or thicker? - The coupon is made of thick paper, if that is what you're asking and the poster is made of glossy posterpaper.
  19. Great MOC. I'm a sucker for those Steampunk MOC's and this one is no exception
  20. Let me make it perfectly clear. We didn't see anything at the event, I really wished for it, but it didn't happen. As for your question.. how would I see something that noone has seen?
  21. The picture of the poster here is taken from that review and it's part of the instructions. The real poster (not pictured) is a little bigger than that. I'll do a pic tomorrow when the sun is here again. here's a few other coupon scans: .png 1 .png 2 EDIT: I just printed the .png's in A4 size and it looks ok. The red is a little mushy, but it's been doubled in size more than once, so I guess that's ok.
  22. Arw nuts Please hold while I upload them. link 1 link 2 I'll try to rescan and see if I can make better versions, but please remember that the coupon is only 8x4 centimeters (or something like that).
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