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Star Wars Moderator
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Everything posted by KimT

  1. I never expected You to admit losing, but I did at least expect some kind of honour. But then again, where's the honour in having invented the guilloutine or however they spell it. You lost every single match we've ever had and You'll lose every single match in the future. Maybe it'll be best if You got rid of the Flying Belgian and the ever frog-leg-eating Frenchman, then You might stand a chance of becoming number 2 with some gratitude. Viking Team ON! French Team OFF![including Belgium in which they also speak French] KimT
  2. Don´t get me started on the brake incident that caused a beloved member to fly like a superhero for several seconds. :-P That truly was a great firefighting contest, which I recall the non-Viking team DID NOT WIN X-D X-D KimT
  3. Wauw - awesome microscale work. I like how You've made everything so obvious with so few bricks. Concrete mixer *y* *y* *y* KimT
  4. ROFL! This war on who squirted water on who and who stole Snefroe's bionicle bricks is surely getting funnier each time X-D. I say STAY ON TARGET! LEILF and BLAME THE FRENCH - who else could we blame? Now that Belgium has finally decided to get a governemt after some 9 or 10 months in ANARCHY. Funny though, I'd always seen Belgium as part of France and Holland. And now for the final insult: "Isn't Hergé (Tintin's father) FRENCH?" KimT
  5. Odd question. I'm Danish, born in Denmark and speak Danish. Is it me or is it typical American to think about this? Who cares if Your grandfather was German*. Heck I'm destined to have some Spanish blood in my family. But I really don't care at all. The question might as well have been "How many vocals are in Your name?" (33 1/3% for me). - It really doesn't matter, does it? :-| * No offense meant. I've got several German friends. Kim T
  6. I'm sorry to say, that I find no customization in painting a Snowtrooper with a permanent red pen. I'd suggest covering the not-to-be-painted parts with tape and using a small paint spray or spraycan. That would give a much better product. KimT
  7. Ups I missed this one. happy B-Day Khorne. KimT
  8. The only religion to discuss here is LEGO The only politics to discuss here is the ones concerning LEGO for example VAT and enviromental issues concerning the oversized packing of LEGO. Take Your real-world discussions elsewhere like facebook or religiousblabla.com >:-) KimT
  9. Hey Holodjinn, could You grab one for me too? KimT
  10. That is one awesome book - IMHO one of the best Stephen King every wrote. I am currently reading the new Jan Guillou "Fjenden inom os" - something like "The Enemy within". And he's without any doubt one of the best modern authors. KimT
  11. Really? Are You aware that You're going to sleep with two vikings? Can't wait to see, what it is: "You know to do about that" X-D X-D The plan looks great TT. Event ON! and kicking non-viking butt in the firefighter contest:-) KimT
  12. Yes! That'll teach You NOT to come leave prematurely KimT
  13. Thursday to sunday. *y* *y* *y* KimT
  14. 40 Euros..That should get me t-shirt, a coffee mug and some decent surprises on top of that. But should the price hit 50...then I'll still have the full package. Event and Extras ON! KimT
  15. PSP,Wii,Ninentdo and the rest can kiss my megablocks. :-P PC rules and there's only one game to play: CounterStrikeSource. X-D Bring the pain! clan-der-deserteure.de ON! KimT
  16. Maybe this thread should be renamed to "what I wish for 2009". It has absolutely nothing to do with Castle 2009. Just to make it clear to everyone, what's being discussed here. I, for one, eagerly opened this thread in hopes of news on the 2009 line, but naaaah! it's all about glow in the dark and which factions would be cool. |-/ KimT [slightly dissapointed]
  17. You're more than welcome Christian - if You like Havana Club that is! X-D KimT PS Despite the rumours, I do NOT swoosh in the nude, at least not in "public" like some other members :-X
  18. Happy B-Day both of You. Stay cool and remember to be a the event or be ****** KimT
  19. Sign me up for one of those 4-men rooms.. I'm kinda sure that Morten and I would love to share a room with our fellow GothenburgBuilders - Ras and Copmike X-D KimT
  20. KimT


    Hmm apparently I'm some kind of a news wiz :-| CLICKY And I don't even like America :-P ;-) KimT
  21. I'm pretty sure it doesn't - that would be typical LEGO :-X But fortunately we bring the ultimate negotiator, so I'm pretty sure we'll get some kind of deal out of this offer. KimT BTW I can bring some brasso for You Holodoc. Just PM me and it's a done deal.
  22. Happy B-Day Rickard. I hope it's a good day with all those important to You will be celebrating with You. Enjoy and prosper. I'll be seeing You at the Event and this time we'll be sure to bring plenty of Havana Club X-D X-D RB ON! :-P KimT
  23. Nice work. Only thing that makes me wonder is how the dwarves, being short, actually get around to turning the handle on top of the gas tank? Perhaps You should construct a gas-transfer-device next to the tank? The ballon reminds me of the work of gnomes (in a Dungeons and Dragons way). The gnomes always had to design weapons of destruction X-D KimT
  24. LOL. Just as I was about to link to my altern8 folder on this, I discovered that it had already been done. KimT
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