LUGBULK 2012 is started
Yes, those are typically not available in LUGBULK as well, unless the part becomes available in a non-CMF set.
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
All the figs from all the available sets are now posted: Not sure when I'll get to the one-off requests. I need to catch up on all sorts of things I've been putting off while I shoot these figs.
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
Received Orc Forge set from today. Will get photos of figs up later. The free poster offer from Target appears to be the Gollum one (see below). That's what I recevied today anyway. It's also possible it's a random draw. Anyone else receive one?
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
I've posted photos for the Weathertop figs on my flickr feed finally. I'll try and get to some of the one off requests next. I should be getting Orc Forge tomorrow as well.
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
Helms Deep figs added to my flickr group: I'll shoot Weathertop figs tomorrow.
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
Mines of Moria fig photos uploaded, along with a few one-off requests.
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
It's printed.
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
Mines of Moria set in-hand now. LOTS of stickers with this set. Cave troll is nice. Gimli's helmet is sweet. Photos will come tonight.
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
Yeah, the pages with all the minifigs are from the instruction books from the sets. I posted the ones from the Uruk-hai Army set on my flickr feed. (The 2nd one is a little blurry. I need to rescan it.) I'll try and remember to do that tonight.
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
I'll try to remember tonight to get that pic. Thanks for the compliment on the photos. BTW, (I don't think I saw this earlier), has them all (including Orc Forge) for pre-order. Become available next Wednesday.
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
I fixed the Eomer pics on my flickr feed. And got Gandalf's head to sit lower - needed to "snap" it into the beard. Sorry about that - was in a hurry last night. Will try and get Mines of Moria pics up tonight.
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
Doh, I did mess up the heads. They are similar, but are indeed different. I'll update the photo.
LOTR & The Hobbit 2012
Received Gandalf Arrives, Shelob Attacks, and Uruk-hai Army sets today. Posted photos of the figs on my flickr feed. If I had more time I'd do a detailed review. Work is kicking my butt though. Mines of Moria coming tomorrow.
Heroica Storage Box
Yes, it's a new product. Sold separate from the games. It's a storage box which has slots and bins for holding all the pieces from the four Heroica games (Castle Fortaan, Caverns of Nathuz, Draida Bay, Waldurk Forest), and comes with a "map" which serves as a playing surface for the game.
2012 LEGO Boardgames Rumours & Discussion
There's possibly some hints to the 2012 Heroica modules in the new Heroica Storage Box. The map includes references to four regions - Barresh, Drandora, Seldaan, and Elsruck. See my post here on the storage box: Pics of the map here:
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