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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. If you're referring to the catalogs you can pick up for free in toy-shops or read on Lego.com (and not the pre-order catalogs), then the Swedish ones hasn't had any prices in them in the last decade or so. It's my understanding that Lego does not include prices in the catalogs unless it's required by law in that particular country. This way the sellers can set their own prices should they desire, of course nowadays anyone can look the price up online so any differences are unlikely. US catalogs generally include number of pieces in a set as well while most European generally don't.
  2. If they consider this report bad just wait til they get the next one. Making controversial changes to the WIP program and fudging up the B&P/PAB parts of the site (possible all of the site) are bound to tank the numbers. (presuming Lego.com is a major part of their numbers that is)
  3. Yeah we have this issue in Sweden as well. I can also mention that Pick a Brick is currently a mess. Before Bricks, Plates and Tiles were generally fairly well grouped together, now not so much. There's also the problem that the same piece appears on page after page. Additionally it seems like Firefox (a fairly 'heavy' browser if you add plugins) can no longer use PaB at all. (cache cleared earlier today) Seems like Lego.com is coded by monkeys nowadays, shame that it used to work well.
  4. The area between the motors body and the metal part of the wheel are clean. However looking closely i now see that the rubber outside the metal part of the wheel are worn on one side. I guess this would make the motor tilt and the metal pickups get to far away from the straight tracks to recive any current. I guess thats it, thanks for the aid guys. Regards skinkfem
  5. Thanks for the quick reply. If there's no way for a newbie like me to fix the motor then i'll just have to ask the seller for a refund. It might be a good idea to tell him to test his remaining motors on straights as well. Regards skinkfem
  6. Greetings all Recently i bought an used 9volt motor on Bricklink that is showing a problem i havn't yet encountered, or even heard of for that matter. The motor refuses go on a straight track. At first i thought that i had put a to heavy test-train on the motor and tapped it gently from behind to see if i got any reaction from it. I was rather surprised when it jumped to action as soon as it hit a curve, only to stop again at the next straight track piece. Building a loop containing only curves i was able to pull the main model of 'Hobby train' and the 2 'Mearsk' cars for some 30 mins without any problems whatsoever so the motor obviously isn't weak. I guess the Lego curves are sligtly narrover than the straights and that's why it looses connection. Have anyone else run into this problem and figured out a solution? Could i use it in tandem to a normal motor to pull the 'Santa fe' for example and let the flawed motor drag on the straights or would such actions couse one of the motors to burn out? Would be greatful for any help. Regards skinkfem
  7. Typing in banbao in brickshelf finds you a comparison of the track. Apparently Banbao is slightly higher but i doubt there would be much problem with combining them. seeing as you're currently in China and thus suffer no inflated shipping and intend to use rc/powerfunctions track i see little reason why you shouln't hoard. regards skinkfem
  8. necro i suppose. I'm currently the proud owner of 13(14) trainsets one streetcar and two monorails. On the passenger side i have: 4558 Metroliner with Clubcar, 4559 Cargo Railway +2 extra cars, 4511 Highspeed train +2 cars and an engine, 7740 Intercity Passenger Train with sleeper and post car (converted to 9v). On the cargo side: 4563 Load and Haul railroad, 4564 Freight Rail Runner, Cargo Train Deluxe(9v) and BNSF with a TTX. On the powerfunctions side i have one each of the cargotrains. Sadly motorless: Santa Fe with the five official cars, Emerald Night, Mearsk, Hobby Train Box and the 2nd Hogwarts Express + extra car. + some extra extra cars both official, mocs and factory built. Theese trains are currently filling up 4 of the medium boxes TLC SaH uses. Skinkfem
  9. i´m sorry to say that i don´t like it but its not up to your usual standards. the headlights would look better with a 2x1 tile. and the bottom of the tank at the very least should be replaced. 2x2 inverted slopes perhaps. other than that i kinda expected the tabletown army to have something more modern look after its fuel needs.
  10. what does the emblem of the side stand for? i´ve seen it of the at-ap and the arc fighter but have been unable to find it on wookiepedia. also looking forward to the review.
  11. i must say i like Deinonychus collection better as its much more clutty than this one. if your self is showing, you´re not using it enough is kinda a motto of mine. i believe Deinonychus is/was a member here so no pics for you
  12. i doubt the current crisis is to blame tho as the prices increased before them skeleton tower (7093) cost 549SEK in the beggining of the year, now cost 629SEK (aprox 11USD prizier). it seems more like yet another case of the "europe gets to pay so we can dump the prizes in us" policy that tlc seems to have.
  13. since i already use megabloks and enlighten brick in my city as well as playmobil and warhammer on ocation i find no issue in using non-lego or custom pieces in mocs. and i find the "i will burn them" crowd rather childish, ebay is there for a reason you know.
  14. as i could vote for a number of buildings i did. i found it odd that there were no wind-mill option, so i voted other for that one. as for more releases, that would depend entirely on how good the medieval market sells (same as the modular town buildings really) but i doubt they will make a new set this year(2009) unless they pull a market street. i would like to think that i would buy anything similar to medieval market that tlc spits out. but getting a job, moving and buying transportation will likley put a dent in my lego spending.
  15. just for the sake of replying its rather hard to see that ldraw/mcad picture as a town due to the lack of buildings. even with the knowledge that the majority of the buildings are on roadplates. personaly i´m more intrested in a picture (or list) better showing your hp collection, call it an ego thing.
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