Yamanote Line E231-500 series
Thanks guys, I'm glad everyone likes it!
Yamanote Line E231-500 series
My first train project and the largest MOC I've done so far. Inspired by my first trip to Tokyo, the Yamanote line became essential for getting around. Initially this project was going to be a lot smaller. A 4 stud wide mini train, but then I decide 6 wide which would be minifigure scale. It then became 8 as I suddenly wanted to fill the thing to the brim with figures. It also was originally a lot shorter with only 3 of the 4 sets of doors. Then the platform came, and then a second coach! The platform is a mish-mash of stations. The design is based on the smaller stops but the signs suggest its Shinjuku (which would require a larger platform). I've tried to utilise used bricks to give the station a bit of age. The roof is made using brick separator sprayed grey (sorry to the purists!) I then filled the stop and trains with all the salarymen, OL and students that you would see during a typical morning rushhour. This was also the first time I used custom printed decals. There was a lot of trial and error with these either being too weak and tearing or blurring up. The decals I made include Suica inspired IC cards, station signage, advertisements and details to front of the train. The adverts are for Mega Donki stores, Family Mart, Apple Coca Cola (its delicious!), Boss Coffee and everyones favourite JPop group LGO 48! The 2x6 sign unfortunately ended up a bit blurred and the arrow is actually pointing the wrong direction. Something I will fix when I next print decals. Some more photos can be found here
PAB Cups: What Did You Get?
Slightly off topic, but Wilkinsons in the UK have started selling a clone brand pick a brick. £4.99 for a cup about the same size the official £6. the selection isn't that great being I think is 6 colour options with mixed pieces in each. First time I've seen this, the pieces of course felt cheap and easily breakable. Looks like Lego PAB has some competition. They also had bases.
Soviet recorder Mayak 203
Love it! looks awesome
Advent Calender Tray Display
So now that all the windows have been open I decided to reuse the plastic tray instead of chucking it like last year. I made a simple frame with whatever I had to spare. Its a bit flimsy at the top however the ray seems to stay firmly in. Maybe this could be an idea for future calenders, redesign the tray a bit so it could be build around and used as a design. --- I saw a topic about what to use old trays for in the past but can't find it now (maybe was a different forum), so please excuse me if there's already an appropriate topic.
Horror Stories - Lego you bought off flea-bay and BL
I intentionally bought two lots of broken pieces off ebay this week. the first considered of plates, which i'm satisfied with. the second is a whole bulk lot (a kilo I think) , mainly bricks, which are more dirty then damaged. Looks like vintage 70s pieces to me, some pieces I've never seen before. Not really a horror story as I wanted damaged pieces.
Amazon Lego Lightning Deals
The Creative tower was 24.99 two days ago, 50% off.
Your LEGO regrets
I regret selling off most of my childhood lego set when I was in uni about 10 years. Mainly large pirates, two train sets, all in original boxes. Was surprised at the time that was getting pretty much the original value for them.
VIP Points Question- UK
I find it sometimes takes a day or so before the online account properly updates.
Lucky LEGO finds
Yet to find anything substantial so far, have to check out more charity shops and car boots. However a few weeks back I did find a single Series 5 minifigure packet in Tesco, lying in the crisp section section no doubt. It had gone down to 80p as well. looked around for some others but all they had was series 10 and 11.
UK Sales
Some lego books and the Creative Tower set will be going down in price tonight as part of Amazons Black Friday week: Edit: Creative Tower went down to 24.99, sold out within a few minutes. Thankfully managed to get one for myself.
- PAB Cups: What Did You Get?
MOC: Microscale building in ruins
So here's my latest model. I warn you, I have used some clone brand. I've wrote a bit about it on my flickr page which I'll quote here;
MOC: Birds
These are fanastic. I love when you can produce so much with so few pieces.
Early LEGO in Central Europe
I love these posts on Lego history. They are really fascinating. I think you could make a great book from this
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