Everything posted by omot
- Review: 21103 Back To The Future Time Machine
Review: 10240 Red Five X-Wing Starfighter
Oh dear, what a review ... and as i wished ... you've not forgotten the comparison with the old and still outstanding finish of 7191 One true: I will do my very best
LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
All sets are presenting in a retailer-catalogue .. the sets are intended for the launch in Februar 2013 ... this date is for the regular retailers, so the LEGO-Stores etc. will sell them End December/Beginning January. So there is nothing, what is just intended for the summer 2013 ... All sets are regular and not exclusive.
- LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
- LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
- LEGO Star Wars 2013 Pictures and Rumors
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
Yepp, KAM, the minifigs fit twice of them in the "side compartments" ... ergo: 2 x 2 = 4 Figs ... and one in the rear-canon-cabine ... one on the ship's bridge ... and about three or four in the salon-cabine (under the bridge) ... summa summarum ... 9 to 10 figs on board! Have you seen, that the lightsaber green has - as pronounced - a new coulor?! I've made an edit in my review right now:
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
First review + many pics on IdS (Imperium der Steine): 7964 Republic Frigate
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
The Christo-KAM (Ki-Adi-Mundi)-Head is principal the typical simple LEGO-Head, just a little bit higher. I'm proud to have one copy of this figure, but isn't it a one without expression, the right sw-feeling?! The new TCW-KAM-Head is one in a row of the new Head-solutions, which concerns on the normal head with a put-on-piece, as we can see on the new Zabrak-Figs "Savage Opress" and "Darth Maul". Imho the new KAM is not the best solution, ... it shows more details of the crumpled real Head and his queue of hair
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
I'm "tomo" from IdS ("Imperium of the bricks" as a translation ): the only thing in this set, that might be worth as "controls" is this 1x2 tile with sw-computer-pattern:
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
The summer sets are available in the german "LEGOland" since the last weekend ... Reviews will come from certain members of "imperium der Steine" the next days ...
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
it seemed to be, that there are mini-mini Versions of a tie fighter, a LAAT/i, and a slave1 in this LSW-calendar ... such as tiny Christmas gifts as seen in the past City calendars. hold on €dit: Navy was faster^^
Star Wars sets anyone?
White Boba Fett returns ... ... in Legoland Günzburg (Germany) ... but only this weekend (cause there is a great StarWars-Event, the "German Garrison" as a SW-Reenectment-Group take part) When you buy Lego-staff for 75 EUR or more you'll get one (white boba) for free ... hope, my friend get one for me
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
There are two detailed pics of the two big ships for only a short time ... follow link and post 323:
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
it's true
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
I'm tomo on the information, that navy trooper fenson has posted yet to KimT., came from a german local dealer, a friend of mine. So, he only "heard" this evening the set-names (pictures will follow the next days, he persuaded), so i think, that T6 Shuttle, which is part of TCW Season 2, would maybe arranged which a "Fett" Figure (Boba?) ... i red, that in Season 2, episode 22 (Lethal Trackdown) Boba Fett and Bossk were prisoned by Plo Koon & Ahsoka, who take their ride with the T6 Shuttle... maybe one version ^^
10214: Tower Bridge
Whung, once again thank you for these early pictures ... for the first: the cars aren't nearly in minifig-scale; but this doesn't matter ... It's amazing ... with 1 metre it's a huge diorama, so i have to make a deal with my wife I'm now waiting for detailed pictures and the first of October ...
LEGO Star Wars 2010 Pictures and Rumors
I hope, there will be the opening door under the cockpit, as it was seen in DMACs moc ...
Favorite Falcon
Yeah, Big Cam, it's a desaster: at the beginning of my LSW-Story I told my wife, that the UCS-MF would be the only set to buy ... tricky for myself: now we have a "small" room, ' is called "the lego adventure hall" I vote for the UCS-solution, the detailled One ...
LEGO Star Wars 2010 Pictures and Rumors
All this rumours ... and why does KimT only update that hidden information? Is 10212 soon coming ... maybe May'10 as the asia-minifig-poster persuade us? KimT, please answer ^^
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