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Everything posted by Merc4hire95

  1. Nice same here I just remembered, I don't know if this is old news or not but Walmart is carrying all the Ninjago rebooted sets.
  2. I was under the impression that all the Ninjago 2014 sets had a pair of two bandanas per color, one for the fig and another extra.
  3. I see now, so like in the Thunder Raider has a total of 4, 2 blue and 2 black, but say the ninjacopter has only 2 white ones. Well those are going to be great for some custom ninja's I have in mind.
  4. The bonus shot is perfect, well done.
  5. The antennas and visors are just extra's that are given to provide customization to what ever it is you want to put it on. If you do not want these extra's, I might suggest selling them in bulk, give/trade to a friend or simply dispose of them.
  6. Last I checked GregF only writes the books/comics for themes, but he has no association with the general story of the themes he has worked on. He is only allowed to work with the material given but nothing outside of that. Personally If I was in TLG, I would have had GregF work on the backstory for themes as HF books were the only backstory in HF that actually had story depth. Point is I hope (if true) that this new theme has a story that has more depth than HF but not as complicated as Bionicle. That way everyone wins.
  7. Its a good thing we get a total of two mouthguards in each set, or at least I'm told, I know the Mechdragon has two of the green bandanas.
  8. Pretty cool set, this will definitely be a must buy from me. The figs look great, I need more droids and Neimoidian guard is superb. Stickers have never been a problem for me, or the AFOLs that I know, so no problem there. In terms or accuracy there is no need for cockpit, but this is useful for children to store the battle droid and its a bit big but granted its a major improvement. I would rate this a 8.5/10, the set is solid, at bit overpriced by 5 U.S dollars but overall worth buying.
  9. Speaking of new pieces, I am very eager to see how TLG will use this new triangle A-piece in future Ninjago sets. So far it has made great detail for nindroid gliders and the thunder raider's missile shielding covers.
  10. The last part about Zane would be quite a dark twist for Ninjago comics or heck even the T.V show if they were to have an episode set in the far future.
  11. Wow, honestly that's ridiculous, a moderators job is to help and improve forums not dictate discussions. If ruffling there feathers is all that it takes to get banned from this forum, then I will personally leave myself. That is all I have to say on the matter. Now I would like to continue the earlier discussion over the December/2014 Ninjago wave we have and speculate on what could be in summer of 2014.
  12. Well if LEGO does ever make an Invisible Hand flagship, I will be the first to buy. While I do have my doubts about it being a possible summer set, in a few more years(4-5) it could very well happen. It wouldn't be the first time TLG surprise us with a set we all asked for, cough Palpatine's arrest cough
  13. Glad to know, I was very curious about that, and a very intriguing idea you got there with the mecha arms. I will be doing the same thing, hopefully rebuilding the tank-bike to a more slender smooth build.
  14. At first glance, the Cyrus Borg or Overborg minifigure looked very disturbing to me but very detailed nonetheless. Anyway, does the spinning blades on the tank-bike actually function as well as the hover hunter's front saw blade, or was it a rather failed gimmick?
  15. You do realize this subborn pursuit of yours not only has nothing to do with this topic, but you are intentionally steering away from this forums topic subject, discussing Ninjago 2014. Let people discuss however they want, if we want to link the show to the sets, we have all the freedom to do so. Allow me to continue our discussion, being that Nindroids are military based, I would hope TLG would create more artillery based sets in the rebooted wave 2, if there is any.
  16. I think JayWalker's comment was accidently misplaced. Now I don't mean to offend, but no one here was not talking about the sets and/or the mini-figures. Don't let the inclusion of show references confuse you, the main focus in everyone's comments is still set info and personal opinions on the sets.
  17. I actually saw the ultimate weapon episodes as a way to introduce new characters(Dareth, Lloyd's childhood friends) and more importantly it brought us to the point of no return, Lloyd becoming an adult, I wouldn't exactly call that filler, but understand your position.
  18. Actually Ninjago is one of the very few LEGO shows that remains very consistent in its plot. I have never seen a show were each episode is always progressing in plot without the use of filler episodes.
  19. I have doubts we will be getting the overlord as a set in 2014, but I can see the Mechdragon as a possible last resort body thus indicating that we have one of the Overlords forms, its just speculation but I can see the usefulness
  20. The mistake you made was to make your opinion a fact, as your personal experiences are not everyone's else's. In my residential area(southern California) Ninjago and Chima sell like hotcakes. Obviously you will see that the general audience in LEGO products are children, but I always manage to see teens and adults buying from these theme's. Now this may not be the case everywhere, but you see how our experiences differ. One of the mistakes LEGO made with Bionicle was trying to market to teens and AFOLS during its last year. Teens and AFOLS are the minority consumers in LEGO, thus they are not what make toy sales successful. This topic has become what I have feared, Bionicle fanboy battles. I was hoping to come here and share thoughts about what this new constraction theme rumor could be, but instead I find a forum flooded with Bionicle fanatics.
  21. I don't think anyone was arguing about who is better, we were all just imagining how epic it would be to see two titans battle. Nonetheless this Sentai mountain sticker so far is only a little Easter egg for our amusement. I do hope they continue this futuristic look as I have never wanted to purchase the entire Ninjago wave until now.
  22. Meca One was impressive, but we can't just overlook General Cryptor's abilities of superior hand to hand combat skills
  23. I see you clearly missed the Robocop reference, and the bionic part, ooh and the last part were this forum should get back to the to topic of the rumor instead of it getting flooded with Bionicle debates. Lets keep this from out breaking into a fanboy war and get back to all the fun of speculating on what this rumor could indicate besides the revival of Bionice. TTV had some good ideas, I would love if they made a mech theme that's similar to that of the HF 2014 winter line-up.
  24. Yes the story took Bionicle to an entire new level of organic beings covered in metal, but the toy franchise began as Bionicle(bionic ergo use of mechanical parts, Robocop comes to mind) being a robot constraction figures, hence there gears and abstract designs. The sets themselves are robots, the backstory is obviously canon to the figures, but the theme was always about sentient robots. Point is, its not about being "uneducated", more rather about knowing the theme and second of all following the story behind it. Before this goes on to a battle of Bionicle fanboyism, lets get back to the topic at hand.
  25. I never said HF and a new constraction theme could not co-exist, you miss-read my comment and yes HF and Bionicle are in the same genre, as you so clearly said it yourself, "Hero Factory is about robot heroes on fictional planets. Bionicle is about robot heroes on fictional planets.". I was merely expressing my view on this unconfirmed new constraction theme rumor.
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