- Future Superhero Set Ideas
Review: 6866 Wolverine's Chopper Showdown
my son (and me) we're REALLY disappointed lego didn't put wolverine in his mask! they even had a picture of him with his mask on the back of the box! wolveine isn't wolverine without his mask! very disappointing!!!
PETITION to keep the Pirates theme beyond 2010
signed. not my favorite theme but i did purchase one of all the new sets. and i always thought pirates should be one of legos evergreen themes. not to mention the imperial flagship might just be my favorite lego set of all time.
King's Castle 7946 Review
i really like this set but i think its a bit to small. my son has a hard time playing inside it when its closed. a problem he doesn't have with his crownies kings castle seige set. i get inflation, so instead of making the set so small for $99 make it a good sized castle for $119-$129. people should understand prices go up... that being said, i give it an above average vote.
2011 Kingdoms + US prices
do you really think they will not release a castle set for the entire 2011 year because of the release of those new lines? has lego ever had an entire calendar year which they have not released a castle set? also, how may waves does a typical line have? the "castle" theme had 3 correct?
2011 Kingdoms + US prices
6918 Blacksmiths Attack $9.99US 104 pieces 9.6 cents per piece 7187 Escape from Dragon Prison $19.99US 185 pieces 10.8 cents per piece 7188 King's Carriage Ambush $39.99US 286 pieces 14 cents per piece 7189 Village Mill Raid $69.99US 663 pieces 10.6 cents per piece 9349 Fairytale and Historical Minifigure Set
Favourite castle set
i loved all my classic castle sets (6080 was my favorite as a kid), but i have to say my favorite set is my sons 7094 "king's castle seige"
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