Everything posted by Cpt. Dan
EB Members Trading Collectable Minifigs Portal
Hey everyone, I have some figure I was interested in trading. Series 3: Pilot w/ backpack (1) Robot Cyborg Villain (2) Hula Girl (1) Gorilla Suit guy (1) Series 4: The skater with the beanie and sweatshirt (1). I am a big Star Wars collector (looking for Ep 3 clones, Onoconda Farr, Nute Gunray, Hoth Luke or Space Police III aliens or Clone Wars characters, and willing to do 2 for 1 on some figs) but if anyone is interested just let me know in a PM. I am located in the US! Thanks!
Series 3 and 4 Minifigs for Trade
Hey everyone, I have some figure I was interested in trading. I have from series three the old man/pilot with the leather jacket and backpack (2). Half robot guy with the fake leg and robotic arm (1). Series 4: The skater with the beanie and sweatshirt (1). I am a big Star Wars guy but if anyone is interested I would listen to offers for other minifigs. Thanks!
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 4 Discussion
I was just hoping they would go into some detail on those for some reason. I have a feeling there is a lot we may not know that was just assumed. Either way I think this season of the CW might be the best one, looks like the action is really picking up, at least I hope that is the case.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 4 Discussion
This season does look great but here is my other question based on the series: Will the show extend into ROTS? I was curious because it would possibly make sense to show what happens to the majority of the Jedi that we don't see the fates of (Shaak Ti, S Tin, etc.) I was just wondering if anyone had any idea or even the same intuition on that one.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Season 4 Discussion
I hope not, Rex is by far my favorite character in Star Wars. I did read somewhere though that Rex can't follow through order 66 so he and several other clones take Ahsoka away to prevent her from being killed. This does go against everything for Rex, but when I read it was interconnected on that article that is the first thing that comes to mind. I would definitely be upset if Rex and Fives don't make it through the CW.
May the Forth Be With You 2011
There is only one that I have seen from one of the trailers. Rex is on a platform with what looks like Jesse, possibly Fives and someone else, but people are also saying it could be Appo. Rex has an ARC pauldron with the ammo pouches on it too. He looks sick and when I saw it the only thing I could think of was how much I wanted to make one, haha. I guess I will have to make another Arealight Order and find some decals for Jaig eyes and some paint to get this going... It's gonna be interesting that's for sure .
May the Forth Be With You 2011
If it is a camo ARF, I will lose my mind. That would be an awesome figure to have the geonosian ARF troopers are awesome.
May the Forth Be With You 2011
Great ARF trooper, I cannot wait until the new line comes out in May. Quick question though for 2011 to everyone else - for Clone Wars fans, I am sure some of you have seen the trailer featuring the Phase II armor on some clones, including a picture of Rex and Wolffe. Does anyone think that TLC will have the PII clones in a 2011 line? I would love to get my hands on a Rex, I would make one now but I am not very good at customizing but I am pretty excited to see what people will be making in the coming months.
Favourite Character from the SW Movies
Obi-Wan is probably the coolest character IMO, but OBK from Ep 1-3 and I want to say Luke but it's so cliche, so I will go with Wedge instead. Awesome and massively underrated character.
BARC Speeder - Clone Wars Version
BrickArtist's was excellent as well and I couldn't build either one of these models and I think both are phenomenal builds. Cheers to both
How much accuracy do you demand in a SW MOC?
Imagination does make a huge impact but I know for myself accuracy in the figures is especially important to me for MOC's such as the Clone Wars. I think TLG did a great job making accurate figs for the movies but the CW ones seem to be lacking IMHO where they don't have many options outside of a few commanders and basic clones. I have found myself making custom figures to achieve a detail standard for figures such as Bacara, Wolffe, Locke, Cody, Rex, etc and I won't lie, it drives me nuts sometimes. As for ships and those in MOCs I think that the imagination is what makes the builds interesting. Just my personal preference, I am a minifig guy to begin with
BARC Speeder - Clone Wars Version
KDM, this is probably the most accurate and best BARC speeder I have seen. Great job it really is awesome.
MOC - Dragon Knight Keep
Wow... It's MOC's like these that make me consider getting back into castle. This is great work, I love the detail in the court-yard area and all of the different knight figs with the armor on the stands with everything. This is simply phenomenal.
Dwarven Clan Wars (MOC)
Excellent work, this is a great MOC. I really love the masks on the wall, from Bionicle I think? Either way it is excellent and a great way to add those pieces to a non-technic project. Great job.
Chris Redfield
I love RE and this is an awesome fig. I love the detail to the gear he has. I think this is a pretty accurate Redfield fig, great work.
[REVIEW] 4478 Geonosian Fighter
Great review, and $25 for this set is a steal, the figs in that set alone sell for quite a bit last time I checked, especially with the Genosians.
- Show Your Army, Navy, and Collection Display
ARF Trooper Mis-Print
Yes, all of mine look close to the one on the left. It stinks because the ARF trooper is so cool looking but I am really striking out with these battle packs. Makes me consider loading up on Arealight and calling it good if my luck doesn't change.
LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 5 discussion
This looks like the best series IMO, I will actually try and get some of these. The mobster, gladiator, and boxer are pretty neat, but every one of them are really neat. Even the aerobics person isn't bad. Good job, TLG
[MOC] Ordinance Lifter
This is really cool, great MOC. I think the addition of more droids is really good for MOC'ing especially since TLG did not offer much for us consumers. Looks great and I think the color scheme looks really good on it even though there is some yellow in it, still works perfectly IMO, .
Blog Banners Vote
I think all of them are really great and voting for one was not easy. I would have to go with Def's 1, I just like the style and design, plus no one can forget the Battle of Endor.
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
Absolutely. Lego knows which figs will be in high demand and are sought after for armies and core characters, so those prices are usually super high compared to others. A perfect example of this is the Geonosian starfighter coming out in May, it has a retail I heard of $29.99 for 155 pieces, BUT, with Cody, Ki-Adi Mundi and the new Geo people will most likely buy a lot of it. Realistically, it shouldn't be anymore than $24.99 at the super highest, it is a $19.99 set. Which stinks because I would like a few of those but I would rather allocate my Lego funds on something else. Lego makes certain figs really hard to find or get just so they can charge premium prices on sets they know we'll buy anyway. I think Atlantis uses this method a bit also, making the crab figure only available in the largest set.
Star wars 212th Cody's Battalion
Wow, these are by far some of the best 212th customs I have seen. I love the AT-RT driver and airborne trooper. Excellent work
What're your favorite and least favorite Star Wars minifigures?
Captain Rex all the way! Favorite fig by far from Lego even though I have a different kama and rangefinder for mine
MOC: Clone Wars Battle Scene
Here is a diorama I have been thinking about for a while and since it was raining today and boring, there wasn't a more perfect time to do this one... Quick story line behind it: Mon Calimarian senator is meeting wit Jedi officials on Mon Calimari on a shore line base. Mandalorian intel found out about this meeting and launched an attack with the sepratists. Enjoy! DSC00933 by DanSZ15, on Flickr DSC00937 by DanSZ15, on Flickr DSC00938 by DanSZ15, on Flickr DSC00936 by DanSZ15, on Flickr DSC00946 by DanSZ15, on Flickr DSC00941 by DanSZ15, on Flickr DSC00950 by DanSZ15, on Flickr DSC00955 by DanSZ15, on Flickr Horn Company sniper unit DSC00947 by DanSZ15, on Flickr Rex snappin' some droid neck and unleashing pain... DSC00948 by DanSZ15, on Flickr DSC00957 by DanSZ15, on Flickr DSC00958 by DanSZ15, on Flickr DSC00959 by DanSZ15, on Flickr DSC00960 by DanSZ15, on Flickr DSC00956 by DanSZ15, on Flickr DSC00969 by DanSZ15, on Flickr DSC00981 by DanSZ15, on Flickr More on Flikr Thanks for looking!
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