Everything posted by Capn Frank
Ultimate collectors millenium falcon, super star destroyer, Taj mahal, Grand carousel and Imperial shuttle for sale. Good prices
This topic is locked, and the link was removed. Please read the Site Guidelines for more details.
Account Summary
Nope. You should be good now. The Skiff was 21 DB.
Account Summary
No, Any builds and licenses you submit now will still count towards January.
Who let the (blue)coats out? Wof Wof Wof Wof!
The tone of your first post is not how people are supposed to post on EB. I don't know if you're trying to be funny, but you need to tone it down. I recommend you read the Site Guidelines, especially the about manners and not allowing offensive, combative posts. Thanks.
Who let the (blue)coats out? Wof Wof Wof Wof!
Great Phredions. They're wearing the right uniform too. Not sure what you're referring too here.There are other uniforms outside the UK.
SBrick Consists
I've merged the two topics.
Account Summary
That works for me. February Summary is up and going. Nope. The calculations needed to be updated to reference the current list of settlements and an old list was referenced in the past. The columns weren't all the same. Everything should be good to go now.
Challenge V - Princes of Garvey - RESULTS POSTED!
Challenge V has additional prizes! Most of the BoBS leadership team and regulators without access to hidden pirate forums did not know about these prizes and are eligible to win them. All other staff are not eligible to win these prizes. These prizes are able to be won by new BoBS members who join after the contest started. The first place winner for each category will be awarded one the prizes below. With the lack of a pirate theme, I chose five sets with the most natural colors and piratey elements. One prize per member. If someone is first place in more than one category, they will receive the highest category prize. The next place winner will then receive the prize from the previous category. If an ineligible staff member wins a category, the next place winner will then receive the prize. Digital entries are not eligible to win a prize. If a digital entry wins a category, the next place entry with actual bricks will then receive the prize. Category A: The Assassin's Creep Prize: 41149 Moana's Island Adventure Category B: ‘Till my dying breath… Prize: 31063 Beachside Vacation Category C: On Stranger Tentacles Prize: 70623 Destiny's Shadow Category D: Yum Yum, Bumbel Tuna Prize: 41150 Moana's Ocean Voyage Category E: The Treasure Trove Prize: 31065 Park Street Townhouse
Redcoats vs bluecoats
I've merged this topic with a previous topic that has this topic already discussed. @kurigan, I don't mean to overstep your bounds, but I think this topic will be recurring and I think the discussion should stay in this one topic. I've added this topic to the Index of Long Standing Topics.
General Pirates of the Caribbean Theme Discussion Thread
Its already been posted on here. [s/] [-snip-] I agree that this type of mold is under utilized. This zombie version of the mold is not appealing. As others have already said, I like the original much better.
Account Summary
How about now? Nope. Those are completely unrelated. Not sure when it happened.
Account Summary
Not according to Capt Wolf's response. In the form response, he said yes, the build is licensable. So it counted towards the settlement size and town bank.
Account Summary
There are a few builds in Terreli from the Build Submittals and no licensed properties.
[OL-FB] Working Hard Making Wine
Near Breshaun there is a small cave halfway up a small cliff. It works well for Time to work hard making the finest aged wine of Breshaun.
[OL-FB] Small Garden
I was building and sorting my 5 year old daughter's Lego during my long weekend last week. She has been amassing a decent amount of vegetation, so I decided to attempt a little food garden that could be easily added to a Pirate Town. Enjoy!
Account Summary
That was a huge pain. MAESTRO Corrington has been changed to MAESTRO COR. No take-backsies. How does it look now?
- Look what I just got - Report your latest Pirate LEGO acquisitions
- Look what I just got - Report your latest Pirate LEGO acquisitions
Account Summary
Good to go.
General Pirates of the Caribbean Theme Discussion Thread
Please don't make pointless posts like this. If there has been no POTC set news and everything has been discussed, you don't have to post anything.
Account Summary
I just checked the MRCA responses. You are correct. @Garmadon could have easily waited to until his 2F was done before licensing his 3F. His 2F is now free, and he is now 100 DB richer.
Account Summary
You already had licensed a 3F a month earlier. You should only receive the 2F for free if you don't have any other vessels licensed that are class 2 or higher. Transaction was confirmed, and the cost for the 2A license has been removed.
Brethren of the Brick Seas (BoBS) Introduction and Starting Thread
The transaction form has been updated. As a reminder, the only thing automated in this form is funds getting transferred from one account to another. The Property License Form has been modified for automating free properties as prizes, monopolies, and island bonuses. The calculations have only been modified to account for free properties. Reminder, spelling is important for these forms. If you're unsure how an account is spelled, it's listed in the monthly summary.
[OL-FB] Unknown Mine of Breshaun
It was silver. It would have been nice to have gotten some nuggets of gold, but silver works.
Rogue One movie discussion thread
I've merged your topic with this one. We only need one topic to discuss this movie. Thanks.
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