Everything posted by Capn Frank
Account Summary
Even without an account, we still would have seen it in the ship form responses. Once his account was created, any property yields and license expenses would have been applied to his account.
Account Summary
Mesabi Landing gained a settlement point with a licensable build submittal. I couldn't find the exact build though. Your account has been added now and shows you signed up in May with your build submittal in the same month. Not having your account setup would be part of the problem. I couldn't find a ship licensed under your name. And it looks like it hadn't been licensed. Are these the settlement values for each property type?
Account Summary
Bart, Town banks were originally setup to only receive half of their income. I believe it's because of inefficiencies of running a settlement and local NPC officials need to get paid. Your settlement is getting the right amount of town bank. The net income is 2.5 DB each.
Account Summary
- [OL-FB] Fatu Hiva Expanding
These builds were part of a collaborative layout. The blue building is someone else's. Oh my goodness, you're right. I'll have to take another picture.- [OL-FB] Fatu Hiva Expanding
I've been busy building for Brickworld and Brickuniverse. I finally had some time to post my builds. Fatu Hiva is expanding. Here are the latest additions: Here is a new blacksmith. I really like the new Lego Elves architecture and adding oriental figs to them. Here is a nice little peppercorn plantation I whipped together. I love throwing imperial and pirate crabs onto the beach. Here is a small pumpkin garden. I used the back wall as a place to add various Lego convention bricks that I've attended. Thanks for looking and enjoy.- Account Summary
No problem. I'm glad we got it squared away.- Account Summary
I had made the update in June 11, after the previous mayor had been paid. Your mayoral pay begins in the July Account Summary.- Account Summary
Thank you CG. Now that Brickworld is done, I can take the helm.- Account Summary
Go ahead and license it and let me know when you do. I’ll make the necessary adjustments. We had added and removed some accounts. It should be a quick fix. Done.- Account Summary
Most of the time, people have one build with one topic, which was easy to automate calculations. You are correct. Once you have licensed a build in a topic, any new builds in that topic won't be counted towards trade value or settlement size as a build submittal. You still get your funds. However, the topic ID gets an expiration date from the first build being licensed and anything in the topic will no longer count towards the settlement size and trade value. Once you have licensed another build in the same topic, both builds have settlement size and trade value counted towards the settlement. Properties don't really have a good label like ships having names do. Plus, accounts license other's builds. Because build submittals count towards settlement size and trade value, using the topic ID was the best I could do ensuring build submittals that count towards settlement size don't get double counted. Thank you Captain Genaro.- Pirates Forum design
Welcome back Mr. Phes. It would be greatly appreciated if you were to complete the pirate skin.- Pirates Forum design
I know Mr. Phes was going to work on something, but hasn't. He was the one that made the awesome skins we had before. It took a lot of work to get that skin working really well. Hinckley typically handles the forum-wide banners. I know he is very busy - as am I - with Brickworld Chicago coming up, then Brickworld Wisconsin. There likely wouldn't be anything done until after the shows are done. The banner image would be the easiest thing to update. It looks like the web archive didn't save the banners.- Brethren of the Brick Seas (BoBS) Intro Thread, Era II
It actually doesn't impact just you two. It impacts myself too, and others I'm sure. I've got a backlog of builds to be licensed. I don't think of it as a big deal, and completely agree with the rule's intent. There has always been a variation of the 3 property licenses a month rule. As Bregir has said, build bigger or better. Do you think the leadership team wants to constantly deal with criticism with snide comments and poor attitude? Such attitudes will actually kill the game. Leadership exhaustively defending rule updates and complaining will cause leaders to quit and regular members to leave who don't want to deal with a bunch of complainers and constant drama. I'm perfectly fine with criticism. In fact, you figure out a slick way to drastically streamline the rules, I'm all ears! And if you genuinely try to help, I'll even work to add you to the Brethren Court. However, continuing to be offensive and constantly debating rules that have been established after a fair warning, is a sure-fire way for me to escalate the situation. I really don't want you or Drunknok to go down that road. Mesabi, I don't find your response offensive in any way. As Bregir said, no one has been punished in the game, and no one has had their warn level increased as EB members. If you find my recent comments threatening, perhaps you need to chill out and realize we are playing a game with made up points using a children's toy, Lego. I think the game is really enjoyable and exciting and dedicate a lot of time and effort.- BoBS Leadership Team
Oh my goodness, yes! Thanks for reminding me.- Brethren of the Brick Seas (BoBS) Intro Thread, Era II
You've definitely made your objections to the rule update known. You are really pushing it and trying to force others to exhaustively justify why the update is needed. Your approval is not required for rule updates. Your and other's ideas are taken into consideration. I believe the leadership team and others have been more than patient with your questions. BoBS is not perfect, and it's leadership is not perfect. Not everything is going to make sense or be realistic. If you don't like the way the game is run, then don't play. Continuing with a poor attitude and snide comments is not helpful and is a sure fire way to get yourself removed from the game or worse. I would ask that you simmer, try to enjoy the game, and be genuinely helpful.- [OL-FB] Small House in Fatu Hiva
Thanks for the compliments. The Tudor framing uses a 3-4-5 right triangle. So center of stud to center of stud along the hypotenuse is 5 studs long which is perfect for a 1x6 tile, and the tile fits perfectly on both ends .- [OL-FB] Small House in Fatu Hiva
Some local rabble were bothering a little girl and stealing her milk money. It's a good thing the girl's mother was nearby. This is a new corner module for the Collaborative Standard I use for a Pirate Town. This building was completely rebuilt to accommodate the smaller base and not have the roof protrude past the 18X18 base. There are a few other members of our LUG who have been building modules, so I came up with these corner modules the make the layout more flexible and large enough for Brickworld Chicago.- Having a Ball
Bregir has invited many members from Brethren of the Brick Seas at a ball in King's Harbour. Come check out who all attended and check out other MOCs in the Brethren of the Brick Seas Forum.- [OL - A-MCRA] Mission to Mardier
- [OL - A-MCRA] Mission to Mardier
Formalized Relations: Seeking a defensive pact Milords, Thank you for meeting with us. Our hearts are elated from the last meeting. We seek to formalize relations with your great country. I am the Giovanni Berini of the Royal Court. You have already met with the Port Admiral and the Foreign Minister. How would you like to formalize relations? Milord, Our desire is to create a defensive pact with Mardier. I have provided you the draft for this treaty. The terms are simple, We would promise to support each other militarily, to defend each other if any of our colonies were attacked. Any country that seeks to invade a territory of Mardier or Oleon, is a threat to both nations, and war would be declared by both of our nations. Upon the unlikely event of an invasion, our nations will respond together to quickly vanquish our enemy. Retaliatory attacks if one of our nations decides to initiate war another country do not fall within the parameters of this treaty. We would hate to see any more of our colonies lost to rebels or other nations. I believe that this treaty would make our colonies safer. I humbly ask that you review the terms and let us know your response, so that we may return to Granoleon with the news. We will convene and review the terms. We should have an answer in a timely manner. I know the royal court has taken interest in your diplomacy thus far. Thank you.- Account Summary
Yes, it is.- Account Summary
Yup, it'll be done once I get to it, sometime between the first of the month and the next MRCA.- Settlement: Poppy Port, Sabre Island, Sea-Rats
- Oleon's Index of Recurring Characters
This topic is for sharing recurring characters throughout our various Oleon stories. Oleon is looking to build stories that intersect. If you'd like your character to venture into other stories, share your characters here! Please use the Oleon Intro Topic to discuss. This topic should be for characters only. Feel free to post multiple characters in one post. The following general format is recommended for each character: NAME OF PERSON: A brief description with whatever information you feel is necessary or important to know. Please keep it under 200 words. [Single Small Image] [INSIDE A SPOILER: Additional pictures of the fig along with relevant links to their story] - [OL-FB] Fatu Hiva Expanding
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