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Everything posted by Catanas

  1. Yes! Another Aunt May. Such a dynamic addition to any set... First thought was that venom looks amazing, spider-mech is...there...and Spider Gwen looks seriously bland. The colours that really make her costume pop just aren't there.
  2. The odd thing is, he has the old one.
  3. Sets at lower price points usually have a lower number difference. Willow is $69.99 to £59.99 and the Great Hall is $99.99 to £89.99 . Hogwarts Express sits between them so would likely be $79.99 to £69.99, but don't quote me on that.
  4. I'm sure you can work it out based on the other price differences.
  5. Earlier in the year the UK ones were 75950 - £12.99 75951 - £19.99 75952 - £44.99 75953 - £59.99 75954 - £89.99 75956 - £34.99
  6. Agree with the above. I really love the Jurassic films and you've captured the elements wonderfully. Your designs are simple yet extremely recognisable, it's great! The dead cow in the Raptor pen is a nice touch. :D
  7. Yus, it's the thrasher suit from the Night of Owls storyline.
  8. Thank you very much! It's still one of my favourites too actually. :) And ooohhh, that's quite a good one. I like that! The flight theme is also one of the only things that was truly memorable to me about the Green Lantern movie too. We're going to fly now.
  9. Although I probably put John Williams at number one, I rate Basil Pouledouris as my close second as he's done some of my favourite scores, like Starship Troopers and Robocop as well as the amazing score to Conan the Barbarian. He does bombast really well. Regarding tracks themselves, I'd probably put the list something like this. 1: Starship Troopers - Fednet March/Klendathu Drop. Just an awesomely powerful piece of music. 2: The Empire Strikes Back - The Asteroid Field. I don't why, but to me its just what comes to mind whenever something is flying through space, The Battle of Endor is up there too, as the space battles were always my favourite parts. 3: The Trio - The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly Just a highly enjoyable piece of music that builds up one of cinemas most iconic scenes perfectly. 4: Man of Steel - Flight I really enjoyed the movie and it has my favourite score from Zimmer, this being a standout! 5: The Rocketeer - Main Theme One of my favourite underrated movies with such an inspiring and fun score. I could probably fill lists of scores all day, but I'd say these are the ones I tend to return to a lot! I've also just realised I have a thing for themes relating to flight. Hrmmm.
  10. Whoop. Just the third set left now. 'Big' surprises and all. >_> The Batman in Talons is/was supposed to be Thrasher suit by the way. And I've been looking forward to Batwoman for so long. She looks pretty good!
  11. It could be because someone was seen by no less than seven muggles. Ohhh dear, they are in trouble.
  12. Bit of a topic diversion, and not sure if it's been discussed already, but I found this which is quite interesting as I was always curious about it. I was doing some 'research' and watching cutscenes from the old game 'Rebel Assault 2', and came across what could be the influence for the Sandspeeder pilot outfits. This guy is called Ace Merrick (Yes, Merrick), and is the leader of Rascal squadron. He has a beat up Red Four pilot helmet and a grey suit. And following that, I found this guy from the Rebels episode called ...dun dun dun ....'Rebel Assault'. Not exactly the same, but I think the connection is pretty strong! And I guess they just decided to throw Reys helmet in for good measure! It does make me wonder though if they got the faces mixed up somewhere along the lines pre-photography and one is supposed to represent Ace Merrick and the other Dosmit Ræh.
  13. I would keep an open mind on this one as this doesn't quite line up with what I'm aware of.
  14. I did not say anything, but yes, there are, and some exciting unique pieces. Can't be giving any specifics I'm afraid. And it isn't.
  15. Very cool! Thanks for the review! I'm glad to see more and more cats appearing...for reasons! I actually think the dragon or the Balloon girl are my favourites among these so far, though the Elephant costume and cat costume are pretty high up there!
  16. This is gorgeous! Great job. I love all the little details and I'd love to know how it all works!
  17. Ohhh, fair enough. Timelines muddled. :P I'm sure we'll be getting at least one cat though.
  18. Oh no...glaringly obvious omission! The have Hedwig.. They have Scabbers... But where is Crookshanks? :(
  19. Weirdly, McGonagall seems to have a double sided head. That isn't going to go well with that hat...
  20. That's in some of the most recent friends sets. It's based on the early years, so the jumpers don't have the logos. But they're colour co-ordinated! Tie and all! ^^
  21. Well, technically, Voldemort is in this set. :P The sets seem to be based on early years Potter, so Dementors are unlikely. Unless the CMF throws them in.
  22. Pretty sure, series 18 has a mouse. So we get two rodent moulds this year!
  23. New moulds from what I can tell. Feel free to correct me. Harry's hair. Hermione's hair. Dumbledore's hair. All Hagrid. Quirrel's Turban. Wands. The rat, which also appears in the Arctic sets. The candles? The flames are at least. The lattice windows in that shape? The small spires, and the larger textured roofing parts. Hagrids lantern. Oh, and the less crummy looking sorting hat! It's £89.99 here.
  24. A treasure trove of wonderful new hairs and parts! Love Hermiones hair and Hagrids lantern! Are the tiny spire pieces new too? This also connects with 75953 in case you were wondering what the pin holes were for.
  25. Honestly, the Toy Fair thing makes sense financially, especially London. If they're cutting costs, this is probably part of it. Retailers have to travel to Toy fair anyway, so why not have them travel to the LEGO HQ in the country. It's also more secure and they have to lay on less staff/devote less time to it. Let's face it, right now they don't really have to promote the brand anymore.
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