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Everything posted by oDDerFisken

  1. That's.. huge! The roof is very neat, and I generally like the hole scene. The walls are beautiful, and the minifigs really makes the whole in look active. Absultely great! Keep that thing coming.
  2. oDDerFisken replied to legotrainfan's post in a topic in Pirate MOCs
    There's some pretty cool stuff there.. and some of it is freakin' awesome!! What a collection of pirate-LEGO. I'ld love to have all that, though I'm not sure where to store it. Super nice find!.. Thank you for sharing
  3. oDDerFisken replied to Wouwie's post in a topic in Pirate MOCs
    Yarr.. that's real internet piracy. Great find!
  4. oDDerFisken replied to SlyOwl's post in a topic in Pirate MOCs
    Omg!!... Thats freakin' brilliant. How come you always use these marvellous bilding technics?? It's so nice! Really great work. I'd like to see some more pics though. The chair is great, and the candles are awesome. As well goes for the smoke and the small dock. The skull is really innovative and the dog (?) is also quite nice.
  5. oDDerFisken replied to oDDerFisken's post in a topic in Pirate MOCs
    I've also thought of that. But somehow I think one sail is to little for the mast at the back. Well.. I'll think about changing it. I totally agree with you. And if I make changed to the ship, that has top priority.
  6. Dr. Steve - 1 Guss - 1 Infomeniac - 2 oo7 - 3 Dr. Steve - So much gold, jewels and women. Thats how every pirate captains cabin should be. Guss - Nice big cabin. Lots of good furniture and other stuff. Great entry. Infomaniac - The chandlier is nice, and the small ships and seamap-thing is cool. The whole cabin is stuffed with great details and all the furniture is very well done. I like especially the closet with the close in it. oo7 - The world map is marvellous! And all of the cabin is so extremly well made. There's so many nice details. Only thing missin' is a bed Poor captain.. no place to sleep. But I think there's I also considered Majeks entry. It was nice and simple. Nice idea with this contest! Well done admins and moderators and who ever has contrubuted with the idea of the contest. uhh.. and the participants.
  7. oDDerFisken replied to oDDerFisken's post in a topic in Pirate MOCs
    Thanks Sly Owl I've considered it. I actually think it was slopes first, but then I tried this out. So if it's gonna be stepped plates or slopes in the end I'm not sure.
  8. oDDerFisken posted a post in a topic in Pirate MOCs
    83b Ahoy! I realized that I'd published this ship, so I though now was the time. I've made it at least half a year ago, so it's pretty dusty. It's called Servant To the Slave, and is a part of the Royal Navy. It's mostly a transportship, and is not at all heavily armed. An easy pray for a pirateship :pir-skull: I'm particular proud of the crown in the back of the ship. Enjoy There's a couple more pics in the folder when it's public. Comments are most welcome.
  9. oDDerFisken replied to oDDerFisken's post in a topic in Pirate MOCs
    Hello everyone! Last time I've updated this ship is a long time ago. But now I've uploaded some new pictures of The Dead Captain which the ship is called. You can find them in the first post. Some sails have been added, but there's still plenty to go. I've also made the crew, and think most of them turned out pretty nice. Then the forecastle and the bowsprit has been changed a bit. Tell me what you think. Comments and ideas are welcome.
  10. oDDerFisken replied to oDDerFisken's post in a topic in Pirate MOCs
    I'm not sure about the sails yet. I'd like to use TLC's sails, but I'm pretty sure that I haven't got enough for this ship. Not enough in same style anyways. Then it'll be blue and black.. not so cool. So either I'm gonna use all the TLC sails that I've got in black and then make the missing ones in paper and draw some black lines so they match the "real" ones. Or I'm gonna make all of them in paper. I'm gonna do some rigging, but not nearly as much, and as correct, as Captain Green Hair. But my rigging are gonna be a bit difficult 'caus I wont to be able to move the deck. So I can't really "connect" the masts with the rigging. we'll see
  11. oDDerFisken replied to oDDerFisken's post in a topic in Pirate MOCs
    Thank you very much. You make me clever! I know most of the ship is a bit bare but I'm not at all done with it yet. It's still only a WIP, and normally I'd put the crew and the barrels and such in the very end. So be pacient! It will come. SlyOwl: thank fo rthe explaination. Now we both agree what we're talking about - which normally is a good thing. Capt'n Greenhair: I'll make sure that you get a picture of the entire ship next time I upload some pics.
  12. oDDerFisken replied to Lego12's post in a topic in Pirate MOCs
    Hahaha.. nice idea! Maybe I should add some of them to my ship. Good find.
  13. oDDerFisken replied to oDDerFisken's post in a topic in Pirate MOCs
    Aye! Cat-head? What cat-head? So you think I should lower it? I just though it'll look better if it was this tall.. With the mast given by LEGO there's not that many opportunities of hieght when building masts. I've also thought of making it possible ti climb up the mast by a rope ladder. Could you please explain to me what the "poop deck" is? I've also considered to remake the "wall". It's very solid as it is now. But I also want it to do some protection if someone is shooting at the firstmate or anyone else at the bridge. But I'm gonna try to make it a bit less solid. I'm sorry to disappoint you. It's just because of the flash on the cam that it looks like that. It's just regular red and grey. I'm glad you like (some of) it Broadside: Why would you wait givin' it a name till there's a crew? Cap'n Blackmoor: I'm glad you like the improvements. It was about time that I made the forecastle.. someone could have get hurt
  14. oDDerFisken replied to Lego12's post in a topic in Pirate MOCs
    It's a nice sandcastle. And I think it's a good use of the baseplate. I'm not at all fond of it, but in this MOC I think it's just perfect! Good find.
  15. Gratz Zorro. What an honor for you it must be! How come you'r not going to hang around that much any more Mister Phes?
  16. oDDerFisken replied to oDDerFisken's post in a topic in Pirate MOCs
    I've updated with some new pics. Hope you like them. Please comment and tell me how you like it. And btw here's the folder.. when public. I'm aware of my doublepost, but if I do not make a new post in the thread no one will see that there's new pics.
  17. A really outstanding set! I think I'ts the best ship ever made. Nice review. And it's really picture heavy, but it's just birlliant. I think you've taken som good pics showing the ship in all it's mightyness. I miss one picture though. I'd like a picture at the very beggining of the ship. Maybe a picture of the front of the box would do. I think it would be good to start with a presentation of the ship before starting with all the small details. But it's only a minor thing. I also like how you compared in the end. Gives a good image of how mighty and big the ship are. Keep up the good work!
  18. oDDerFisken replied to oDDerFisken's post in a topic in Pirate MOCs
    Well thank you.I'm working on the squares but some of them are hard to eliminate 'caus I'd like to be able to remove the midsection to look down on lower gundeck. I've made the forcastle now. Twice actually I didn't think the first one worked out. And the front is way more detailed. Also I've added some furniture in the captains cabin. Now it almost look inhabitated I think I'll upload some updated pictures tomorrow.
  19. oDDerFisken replied to oDDerFisken's post in a topic in Pirate MOCs
    I'd say you're right, but unfortunately I haven't got any winows in other colours So unless a couple of right-coloured-windows just drop down from heaven I'm not able to change them to some that fits better with the colourscheme.By the way I think I will call the ship "The Dead Captain".. story will follow..
  20. oDDerFisken replied to oDDerFisken's post in a topic in Pirate MOCs
    Hahah.. I know. But as said this is a work in progress. And I've also started to build some railings on the forcastle now. Be patient I know.. thats the difficult part I think. I'm glad you like it. And yes the colourscheme is heavely influenced by the SES . I've dropped the white parts though. Instead I've put some more grey there. I think It's better this way. Four "maincolours" is too much I think. I've only got three. And some green to make it colourfull.
  21. oDDerFisken posted a post in a topic in Pirate MOCs
    Ahoy everyone. I've started to build this ship, which I think will be called "The Dead Captain" Anyways here are som pics from the work. Some of them are not so great, but since this is only a teaser for the finished ship I didn't think it was important that all of the pics was 100% perfect. Update April 5 2009 The folder Update 1/15-09 Please tell me what you think of my progress. Enjoy And here we have The Dead Captain himself Original pictures Here's my test-guy. He has a great overlook from up here. The white thing is a skull The inside of the cabin. Maybe some furniture would be a good idea? IT's possible to remove the mid-section of ship to get down to the lower gundeck. I've stolen this part of the ship from SES. I think it's a very nice ship and the way the cannons are able to move in it is great. All together there's 12 cannons at this point. There's also two chasers in the back. of the ship There's no crew yet, but they will come soon I'm sure. Comments and ideas are appreciated. Thanks for watching
  22. It mostly depends of the condition of your ships. And if the box and instructions are included. I've checked about 14 auction of SES, but this is all kinds of conditions, it's says about $200. But it also depends where your from. In Australia the price of Lego is insane. I GB it's pretty cheap as far as I can see. I don't know about BSB, but Phred have made a thread with ships on auctions, and he also lists some past auctions. So check that out. Good luck
  23. Captain Greenhair - Target Practice SlyOwl - The beacons! The beacons are lit! Hinckley - Port Invasion Phred - Dorks Sorry SlyOwl. Captain Greenhair's entry was just too hillarious! But your building tecnichs are really great. The roofs are sweet.
  24. 1) 36. Lord King of Everything - Die for the King! 2) 27. Capt. Kirk - Le Quartier Brique 3) 32. SirNadroj - The Pillaging of Neptune's Noggin Lagoon 1) That ship is absolutely terrific! The skull in the back is incredible! I really love it. Plus the story is great, and beside that the ship is fabulous, the cliff and the rest of the scene is great too. A truly deserved first place! 2) It's not an entry. It's a city. There's so much going on in this MOC. It's all very well made, and the details are great. There's lots of plundering, killing and such, so it deserves my second vote. 3) I really like this entry. The six pictures doesn't do this entry justice. I'd say that about 60 would do. There's to many detais to describe and they are all very good, so I think this entry belongs here. At my third place. These choices have been incredible difficult. Much more than the two other categories. The large category has been stuffed with so many amazing entries. Everyone have done a great job. And because of these hard choices I've made qiute long list of honorable mentions! Honorable mentiones 2. DNL It's cruel, it's bloody, it's chaotic and it's completly perfect for the contest. It's a great entry! 15. Erdbeereis1 - Gorilla Bay Really nice. There's so much blood in this entry, and I really love that! The cliff is absolutely great! Stuffed with nice details. 19. Lt. de Martinet - Attack on Fort de Triomphe I considered this for my third vote for a long time, 'caus it's really nice. I love these scenes with pirate attacking some poor soldiers og villagers from their ship. 20. AL FREDDO - The Atrocity Island The blood effect in the sand is so great. 29. Exotrator - The Pirates of San Pedro The fort is sweeeet. And the burning roof is also very well made. 31. Fat Tony - We pillage, we plunder, we rifle and loot.... The dark setting only lightened by the fire. It's very a nice scenery
  25. 1) 20. Capt. Kirk - Walk the plank, you scabby dog 2) 14. Erdbeereis1 - Murder In The Market! 3) 12. Dreamweb - Killed in his sleep 1) Really nice MOC. And it's got it all. It's cruel. Invetitative, there's a good story and it's well build. Easy chosen in my top 3 2) Such a great MOC. The two levels are great, and I'm especially fond of the sewers. The water-effect is great, and it really looks kinda creepy and groose down there. The murder on the market is also blood-covered which is nice. At the market there are so many great details. 3) So cruel to kill someone in their sleep. It's a nice little home, and the fireplace is great. The entry needs a story though. Honourable mentions: 7. Fat Tony - Marooned Simple but yet cruel. The palm is great, and the story is funny. Good entry! 16. SirNadroj - Quartering The Quartermasters Stuffed with blood and simply fantastic building technics! As always SirNadroj has made a MOC that belongs in the absolute elite. 24. Infomaniac - A Bloodbath Funny idea. And pretty groose. Cruel and once again perfect for the contest.
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