Everything posted by Manx
[SoNE Free build] Mandalorian Rigger Freighter
A bit old innit?
- [SoNE Freebuild 23] Vengeance, Bitter or Sweet?
- [Freebuild] Recruitment
[Freebuild] Part of the Team
Part Two I've been working for Green Banthas for some time now. I got used to Wellcity and I liked it. My missions weren't hard, I had to drive a lot, but since it's my favourite thing I couldn't complain. I also got some other skills, as locating the target, disarming a person and other things. This was all part of my training for Alliance SpecOps. But it seems I'll have to take a pause - I was called in to the base, because I'm needed for a new mission. I'll learn more about it when I get there. Just a small freebuild to continue the story. Please, judge this.
- [SoNE Ep. XII] Alliance Intelligence
- [SoNE Episode XII] First Mission
- [SoNE Freebuild XII.I] Still on Kuat
[MOC] Castle Mona Hotel, Douglas Isle of Man
You've done it perfectly!
[Freebuild] Through the Sky
Thank you very much! @Green Rhubarb: I got them in 21014 Villa Savoye.
I think we need to fire some English teachers in the UK. Hihi
What was the last movie you watched?
The World's End. I just love the Pegg/Frost combo.
It's always nice to see another SW fan. I'm sure you'll enjoy in this forum! If you'd like to build a MOC or two and have even more fun with it, join Shadows of Nar Eurbrikka. Have fun!
- [MOC] Barrels Out of Bond
[MOC] Imperial Bastion on the planet Valrar
What a fantastic MOC!
- [MOC] Interdictor-class Heavy Cruiser
- [SoNE Freebuild 03] They Always Listen
- Episode XII: Riddles in the Stars
[O - E11] Monkey business
Wow, everything looks just perfect!
- [BH - Geonosian] Disarmed
[Freebuild] In the Wellcity
Thanks a lot!
[Freebuild] Through the Sky
Thanks guys! This is my second build in this scale and I will surely build more.
[MOC] Sebulba's podracer (Microfighter)
Well done!
- Review: 10252 Volkswagen Beetle
[Freebuild] In the Wellcity
Part One I managed to find the group's hideout. They were waiting for me. They seemed to be very friendly, I was quickly given food and drink and a new uniform. A green one. I became part of the Green Banthas. The next day I joined two other members, Declan and Hamish in the hangar. There was one of their ships. They said we'll go on a small ride, so I can get used to the ship. They asked me if I want to drive. I quickly confirmed this. I haven't used a ship that's not stolen for two years. It can fit all three minifigs. But I haven't taken photos of the interior, since it's nothing special. Please judge this freebuild.
[Freebuild] Through the Sky
Alliance was once again defeated by the Empire. Our forces had to flee from Kuat. But, I was also promoted to the SpecOps. They sent me to one of the neutral planets, where I would locate a small hangar. There is waiting a group of mercenaries, who are cooperating with the Alliance. I have to join them and then wait for further orders. Wellcity is just another of billion metropolas in space. But it wasn't hurt by the war so it still looks clean and peaceful. But the group I have to find is waiting for me in the old part of the town. Which is not that clean and peaceful. But still, being on a neutral planet is great. Computer says that the target is just beneath me. Time to land! Please, judge this freebuild.
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