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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Yes!!! Love the fig and hopefully I can get my hands on one!
  2. I can't wait!!! :D Maybe I'm slightly biased since I will be attending... Did I hear someone say Raven??? Needs moar Raven! Hahaha... ;)
  3. Thankfully, LEGO has done more obscure characters this past year. However, characters like Shazam!, Spider Woman and Phoenix Jean are somewhat minor characters yet still rather popular. Similar to Raven, heck Green Lanten, a JL member was an exclusive for the longest time. Let's hope for the best!
  4. Well to be fair, Rocket Raccoon was never an exclusive figure. The set he was in was, but the figure itself was never said to be. I could definitely see Raven as a SDCC exclusive. No DC female exclusives yet, she would be a prime canidate. See Phoenix Jean/Spider Woman. Realistically no matter what the exclusive will be later this year, someone will still always complain.
  5. It would almost be a crime if it cost any more than $40...
  6. Not bad, but no Gondor Soldiers or Faramir?
  7. greeklad97 posted a post in a topic in Community
    Hello fellow LEGO enthusiasts! I was wondering how many of you fellow LEGO collectors are planning to attend this event later this year? Wether you plan on trying you luck during the public badge sell coming up soon or have already secured badges through pre-reg, how have your previous Comic-Con experiences been? What do you do during the day with your time besides visiting LEGO, do you have other interests? Have any of you ever meet fellow eurobricks members? I know that Comic-Con can be rewarding for some, but dissapointing and unrealistic for others. So please be respectful of others opinions, and post our thoughts down below! I hope that I can schedule and meet more of you excited eurobricks members and LEGO enthusiasts later this year in San Diego! (Credit to: Adeel Zubair on flickr for the image!)
  8. Seriously, one of my favorite Marvel characters, and he never seems to be in the discussion. It would have been a great opportunity to put him in a polybag since I doubt he'd get his own set. Doesn't even need any new molds, and could have used the design from the video game. I was hoping we got him last year, since it was the 50th Anniversary of DD and with the hype from the announcement of the show. I know MARVEL ownes the rights for DD so their shouldn't be any issues with that. What is it popularity? (Speaking of which, really interested to see what the GOTG sets sale numbers look like before and after the release of the film. Before the films release, all my local stores had all the sets, after the release, almost every store was sold out. Wonder if LEGO needed to send out extra shipments due to the films unexpected success?) DC got Flash and GA this past year and a half, possibly due to the popularity of their shows. Maybe there's hope going forward... :/
  9. We could definitely still get him, but he would have to have different printing from the SDCC one. Like Green Arrow from SDCC 2013 and the new one from The Javelin.
  10. My bad, shouldnt have included the word "marketed". But as it is, the figures will remain exclusive and are packaged as such. There is a reason that only the Bard figure didn't have the word exclusive anywhere on the packaging, hence why we saw him in a set. All three of the other figures will remain exclusive and are packaged as such. You are correct, that LEGO did not have an obligation to keep them exclusive as an item that was purchasable, but they do have an obligation in other regards, unfortunately. That obligation is to the fans that spent their sacred convention time in line for an item specifically marked as exclusive, when they could have been doing something else. LEGO were very clear about Bard not being exclusive beforehand, unlike the other figures. Trust me, LEGO has no intention of rereleasing these exact figures at all. Rereleasing them would just create negative buzz, hence their obligation. Any company could mass produce any exclusive, but high chances are they won't. The main reason that LEGO and its partners do these exclusives is for the sheer amount of buzz and attention that these figs bring to their booth. The buzz is incredibly profitable, just do the math for profit on the three exclusive chibi sets they sold out, its ridiculous. Every companies goal at SDCC is to be in the spotlight of Con-Goers for a portion of the day, nomatter how short, and exclusives bring that much desired attention from everyone, even non LEGO fans. Thats their goal, theyre competing, its marketing. Hasbro, Mattell, LEGO, and all the other big names all do it, and they wont stop, they don't care how much scalpers sell them for. If they were to suddenly widely release one of the exclusive figures, it would obviously bring the after market prices down tremendously. Thus reducing the amount of attention and buzz they would get the next year if everyone knew that the so called "exclusives" weren't really exclusive. People wouldn't waste their precious time at the LEGO booth if it wasnt profitable for them. Comic-Con time is incredibly expensive and sacred. You really need to choose whats most important to you, because you just wont have time for everything, its hectic enough as is trying to plan your day. If the figures arent exclusive, a lot of people will see LEGO as a waste of time and choose to visit another booth or panel with their time instead of LEGO, thus greatly reducing the buzz. It's a simple choice for LEGO really. Thats the unfortunate truth, and you can blame the Twilight films for it. Those films and their fangirls turned Comic-Con into a pop culture phenomenon, where big toy companies now have to struggle and compete to bring attention to themselves, thus introducing exclusives. SDCC will never be the same as it once was. Im lucky enough to experience it first-hand, as a true fan, it's a struggle.
  11. Not happening, unfortunately. SDCC raffle figs will not be distributed anywhere else unless specifically stating beforehand, ex. (Bard). All other figures will remain exclusive and are marketed and packedged as such. Figures in SDCC exclusive sets can be distributed however since only the build/packaging must remain exclusive. :/
  12. Trailer was decent. Don't care for the film from what I've read so far, but if it gives us a chance to get comic-based sets, however unlikely, im all for it!
  13. Exactly, multiple credited sites reported when we first saw it, that it would be available as a toysrus promo, and that they made 100,000. This info was given to them by a LEGO employee. So buying one on eBay is silly if that many were made! They wouldnt just throw away that many figures. But the film came out so long ago, so im trying to figure out why they waited so long? I guess that the only question is when, if anyone knows?
  14. I'm aware, but I was not able to find any information regarding as to when it is expected to be available. Unless I've missed it, and if I did, sorry for posting, but I've surfed nearly every post about it. I asked simply because at this point, it's a little redundent to release it. Also that polybag in particular was offered to me in a trade, and I don't want to overvalue it, if it will be widely distributed soon...
  15. http://www.thebrickfan.com/lego-marvel-tasm2-electro-polybag-5002125-available-at-toys-r-us-later-this-year/ Anyone else know anymore on this? It's been nearly three months since KidsFest VA, and eight months since the release of the film! Seems rather odd to release a promotional item so late after the release date of a film, no? Also, not sure weather later this year meant last year, or sometime this coming up year. At this point, it's obviously the latter, unless the promotion has been canceled... :P
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