Everything posted by Gioppa
Virginian 2-8-8-8-4 Triplex (Version 4)
If you made the STL is wonderful, i'm still think how to made that small plastic part...there is one piece is impossible to made with Lego
Little Crane
it is supercute!
Free English Translation of my "LEGO Eisenbahnwelt" book available
Thank you very much! I enjoy your book, but the german is not my language , now with this , i give a Five stars on amazon! thank you again!
Any tips on 3D printing train parts?
Hey a Flsun Sr here, my first printer is a delta and is very easy to use, as somebody tell before, the slicer parmeter is what you need to Combine in the best way. When i find the big big boy wheels i try to print, for now i have made for a friend(he give me the drawing)the wheel for the A-team car.. don't know the scale but it fit perfect with lego tire.
Question about U.P. locomotive
Thank you very much, is that! i start to be crazy thinking about that. thank you!
Question about U.P. locomotive
Good Morning to everybody, and Happy New Year, I have this question in my mind from a lot of time: Time ago, i see on the web a drawing of some U.P. locomotive, not steam ,but the classic shape of diesel\gas\turbine; in this drawing, there is one of that have rods on wheel. The question is this, wich model is that? Sorry for my english and if i write bad terms about the american loco, but i'm italian. what i can remember about that, is maybe that loco was not produced, and when i search for model (H0, N, 1 or G) i find only one handmade. But i have forgot the model name, and (for me) is a good MOC, because you don't see it very often. Thanks for the Attention , have a nice New Year, Take care .
Diesel Train Filling Station
Wowowowow, that is wonderful, small and detailed, great job!
Shell Chemical Plant
very good..i love to see the place where i work in lego! happy new year... after you have to made the reactor where the gas is change in Pet
Road-rail excavator 2.0
i know, i also appriciate the new rail from external company, but really i can't cut lego, my heart is bleeding, do you remember in the '90 when we don't have all the parts there is now?we have build without problem.but don't worry, is my personal way of thinking, i'm the boss only at my home.
Road-rail excavator 2.0
You know i don't like when you cut the lego or use not lego parts... i'm a purist..
Uaai 839 Heavy duty wagon
Really impressive, i never think about the swing movement, because the original trix model is rigid. Wonderful. and you start to sell the instruction, very well, i take your model around the Emilia romagna!made the instructions for the triplex and the Up 9034!
BR 59-035
You Did it again! I go away for few days and you made another good job. And you read in my mind again..x-12-x i have start yesterday to project the U.P. 4-12-2; do you have already made it? i don't remember..
Few question like a newbie
I find it!! if This link broken some rules, please delete the post. Thank you!!
Few question like a newbie
Thank you for your answer, but that is not the web site i mean, the Crocodile in the site i mean is really detailed and very expensive(300\400 euro) because they sell also the pieces
Few question like a newbie
I'm very sorry to ask that, but is two days i try to find the correct topic, but nothing, I'm in search of two links, we have talk here time ago: Ther first is a link to a clone brand, for a heavy duty car, that one with 32 or less wheel; The second link is about some train/loco Moc, in this web site they sell the instrucion+all the piece for this Loco, and i remember ther is the world famous swiss crocodile(i don't know if is the same or not like the one of mr Holger Matthes) Thank you for the future answer
E 194
I want to made the big sister! and wonderful like usual
E 194
Made a smal search on the web about SJ Dm3..and have fun!
E 194
I have to made complimets to you ? no i don't do! as usual you have made a real good job. if you like i have a new idea, i have the idea and you made it, we have to made a s.r.l --sell instuction and pieces ..if you want to know what is my next me
- Goliath 2.0
Do you come to verona the for the exibition? saturday and sunday?
Bravo, Excellent.. like ever! i have find another strange loco..i think you like!
- MOC: LEGO turntable by Tupolev
SJ Da 939
Excellent job like ever,everytime i tell you, someday you have to made me a tutorial for the stickers!
Anyone know the secret history of the gray era 12v/4.5v system?
About the 12 volts,never forget the never-come-out-in-the-shop you can find int his topic;go down and see, i appriciate to recreeate the crocodile (copy and paste,that is the link..sorry i never learn how to put photo or link...)
Looking for help with my steam train
i see another problem: Sorry for my english, but i'm italian and i hope i can explain it vewry well. you have the same problem have the original Emerald Night The rods have to be in line with the center of the big weels, like the in the Emerald that one go forw-back is not in line with the center of the wheels. Very easy; when i fix that on my Emerald, it run for one day and the only problem is the low battery.
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