LEGO DC Minifig Review...and raffle!
Here is my raffle entry! Lusius Fox is showing Bruce Wayne the new Bat-Bot!
EB SW X-mas Raffle 2011
Awesome entries so far! Here is mine... "Unto us a new hope is born" All across Tatooine there was no place for Anakin and Padme to stay, but lukily Watto let them spend the night in his junkyard. When Luke was born R2-D2 told the Rancor and Bantha wranglers to come visit. The wise Jedi also turned up and gave Luke the gift of his father's lightsaber. However, the family will have to flee shortly, because the Storm Troopers have been told to kill anyone who looks like baby Luke. Merry Christmas everybody!!!
Jack Sparrow Can't Escape the Classics
Overall this is a pretty solid entry. You have some great dialogue and you are very descriptive. The story is centered around one main joke, which is pretty much all you can do with 300 words. I have been having trouble writing a 300 word story because I feel like I have to cram every Classic Pirate joke into one single story. This is a great entry despite it's brevity. I really wish we were allowed to write longer stories. Oh Well, good luck with the judges.
Eurobricks: Strategic change!
It's about time you did this. Lego just doesn't understand girls, so I'm glad we are now letting all the females of the world get in on the Eurobricks fun. As for me, I have always had a soft spot for kittens.
Eurobricks' 2nd LDD RCB
Swiss Army Droid replied to Brickdoctor's post in a topic in Digital LEGO: Tools, Techniques, and ProjectsHey, I have a question. Am I supposed to be building now, or has "wmanidi" just not finished yet? Its been a couple days now and I haven't gotten my PM message or seen any updates on this thread. It seems like the three days of building is up. I'm not trying to be a pain, I just want to know what the deal is. The model looks great so far! Swiss Army Droid
FOUR NARNIA!!! I apologize for the bad pun, but it's the only one no one else has used yet.
Harry Potter Original Wizard Contest
Seregus Trevor Quinton Seregus Quinton is an agile wizard and a highly skilled "Sharpcaster". Sharpcasters are wizards who can use wands to cast spells at long distances. They lurk at the tops of towers and building during battles to snipe the enemy. Sharpcasters also specialize in apparating right behind the enemy, taking them out, and apparating away before they get hit themselves. Here Seregus has his wand with his specialized wand handle to allow for better aim. On his back he carries a pair of magical binoculars and an extra wand with a detachable barrel. Seregus was a unnoticed, but important player in the Battle of Hogwarts. He took out many Death Eaters before they could enter Hogwarts, and then aided the wizards at the castle with his remarkable aiming skills. Seregus was a member of Gryffindor as a student and some think that after Professor Flitwick retires he should teach Charms. Brickshelf Folder
Single Pane Star Wars Funnies
Clone O'Patra: Woah! I will never look at my Obi-Wan minifig the same way again... He's starting to disturb me!
MOC: "Where Amelia Landed"
Wow, this is a nice MOC. You capture the nature scene quite well. And I can completely understand using LDD to build the things you don't have the parts for. I hope your collection grows soon so you can build more things like this. I'm looking forward to seeing more MOCs from you!
Single Pane Star Wars Funnies
I'm loving these comics so far. I don't think we will ever run out of ideas. Here is one I did real quick today:
Single Pane Star Wars Funnies
Here are some more comics, and there are more where these came from! It is really fun making these.
Single Pane Star Wars Funnies
I have really enjoyed these comics, so I decided to make a few of my own today! Here are a few of them, I'll post the rest later.
Star Wars LEGO Photography
I got a new camera for Christmas and I have been taking lots of pictures with it. I have also been working on editing pictures with picnik. I'll post some of my "normal" pictures later, but for now let's see what you can do with a little editing. The neon effect in picnik can make some really cool pictures. They are always very interesting, enspecially with Clone Wars minifigs. I love how Anakin's head glows in this picture. This picture here is my favorite. When I was done editing it I decided to turn it into a poster. Since I made a poster for the rebels, I had to make one for the Empire too, right? I went crazy trying out new effects on this one. I don't think Darth Vader has ever looked so colorful! Now for a more "normal" looking picture, this is my "Potterized" avatar. I am really glad that my camera takes good macro shots like this.
Is Lego nerdy?
This is an issue that I always struggle with. I don't really know if I would be considered a nerd or not. I definately do some "nerdy" things. I do fairly well at school, I enjoy science (except for biology), and I build robots. However, English is my favorite subject in school, I like photography, I am learning how to make movies, I write fiction, and I make rap beats. How many nerds do you know that make rap beats? The point is, most people don't fit snuggly in a stereotype. Lego building can't clearly be defined as "nerdy" or not. However, it is pretty unusual for a grown man to be buying what is considered a children's toy. The main basis of the "nerd" stereotype is being weird, so adults into Lego should expect to be called "nerdy" by people who don't fully understand the art of Lego. Most of the people I talk to actually miss Lego after they understand what I do. Lego is simply a tool for the imagination. If imagination is "nerdy" than I am proud to be a "nerd". Calling people "nerds" is actually discouraging people from being smart, responsible, innovative, and hard-working, which is definitely a bad thing. I think stereotypes in general are a bad thing. Lego is simply what you make it out to be, no matter what anyone else tells you. And just to clear things up, here is my opinion on the whole "geeks v.s. nerds" debate. The same goes for "dork". The deeper meaning of all three of those terms is "weird", so there isn't much of a difference between them.
MOC: Cad Bane's Swamp Speeder
I love this speeder. It looks exactly like the real thing. The engine details are great! Todo looks a little big though. Just like the General's medic droid.
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