[LDD MOC] 71,000 piece, 13-foot Super Star Destroyer
good heavens! that's enormous! and looks great. very, very cool. One thing to note, though: if you're doing normal Imperial class star destroyer models on the same scale, for comparison, the command towers should be the same size. The Executor class uses the same standardized command tower module, it's just that the rest of the ship is so much bigger, it makes it seem smaller. Amazing job. I hope it makes it into bricks!
Future Star Wars Sets
I want to see a UCS Lucrehulk Battleship, and a GR-75 Rebel Transport. Transport could be UCS or regular.
MOC Enforcer, Fighter
yeah, the legs are one of the things i haven't finished. those are just there until i figure out some that look better. and as you can see, i've got a bunch of brand new empty drawers in the background. I've been collecting my whole life- sorting them is going to take a long time.
MOC Enforcer, Fighter
Another forum I visit got into a discussion about hobbies, and I finally got around to taking pictures of my collection/builds for family/insurance/sharing, so I thought I'd post it here, too. I build a lot of kits (Mostly Star Wars), but what I find most enjoyable is just building my own stuff. These two are my most recent projects, and the only ones left assembled. The Enforcer. (Click for album) I don't actually have a name for it yet, but I built it as my alter-ego's personal ship. It's not done yet, either. It's supposed to be really old, which is why I used a bunch of splotchy colors. It started life as a system-defense SWAT-team transport ship. They'd use it for everything from customs patrols to area-denial (park it over a city block and shoot anything that moves). That was a LONG time ago, though. It's been heavily modified with all sorts of goodies. It's not particularly fast, but is very maneuverable. Lots of moving parts in this one, but nothing mechanical. Motors take up too much space. Fighter. (click for album) Again, I don't really have a name for it, but this one is done. This is a small, single-man fighter designed for my alter-ego. This one is old, too, but it's not as splotchy because it's easier to maintain. The thrusters in the rear articulate, so they can move away from the center of mass to provide better agility. The stabilizers under the wings deploy for enhanced in-atmosphere control and better targeting telemetry (small sensors embedded in the tips). Very fast and maneuverable, lightly armored, lightly shielded (but not naked, like the Tie Fighter), heavily armed. You should be able to see a lot of my still-assembled kits in the background. Some of my older projects should be visible in other albums, going back ~10 years. The oldest look much more horrible than their designs really were, as I didn't bother with color-scheming until ~7 years ago. I hadn't intended to show them to anyone but my parents, so I just grabbed the part I wanted and didn't fuss about what color it was, because I had no way to organize my parts. One of the older builds is a pretty decent example of how I come up with ideas: You can see chunks from several different kits bashed together. Train cars serve as passenger seating, an MTT serves as a drone/hangar bay, the nose from Boba Fett's ship serves as a weapons way, etc.
MOC rebel transport
I like your current interior. It fits the lore of the ship- a shell filled with shipping containers. If you want a more detailed interior, I'd continue doing shipping containers, just modify them to do different things. That's how the Rebels did it!
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