Have you also reported it to Walmart? The set was stolen from them, not eBay. When Shop@Home is used by these stolen CC dropshippers TLG quite often asks the recipient to return the goods to them. When you unknowingly buy stolen products the original owner can still demand it sent back. It's a bit worrying how you just seem to be shrugging this off like it's no big deal and are already happily building your stolen set.
On a more general note it's a bit perplexing for me how naive buyers can be.* I'm shocked how literate, educated people can't resist the temptation to buy 500 dollar UCS Millenium Falcons and stuff like that. Have you given it a thought before buying where the seller could have sourced the set so cheap? Small time eBay seller John Doe can't buy at wholesale prices just as you can't either. And even if he somehow indeed could buy a few at rock bottom prices why would he sell them so cheaply, leaving money on the table? When he is selling at 100 USD, he will end up with less than 90 USD after fees.
*Another sentiment is that "I'll just go in recklessly, eBay, PayPal or my CC company will have my back anyhow if the 99.99% chance that it is a scam materializes. Hey, no risk for me, why not take that 0.01% chance that it's legit?" To me this one is even more annoying than those who are simply naive and just can't help jumping on a great deal.
Btw I'm a Nigerian prince and I need 1000 USD to access my heritage of 150 million dollars. Just send me 1000 USD with Western Union please and we will both be filthy rich. (/jk)