42006 - Fully Motorized using 4 Motors
Juhlengo replied to Juhlengo's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingTotally agree ;) Absolutely m8
42006 - Fully Motorized using 4 Motors
Juhlengo replied to Juhlengo's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingHmmm, looks like we have no winners here today? ;) Speaking of challange, truth is, making the lower part (chassi with tracks) was a challange I didn't see coming. Those that have tried knows ;) How many people have you seen motorizing the tracks with m-motors and batterybox in the buttom in a way so that: * It's a sturdy design * Not far off original design (as in same axle-width and length). * Not going too fast (just look at youtube, how the user Piolo Pakwann has been struggling using different motors and finally settled for a solution using only 3 batteries in the batterybox = cheating imho ;) Not saying my solution there is the best, cause obviously it would have been smarter using L-motors, simply cause their design allows for motor to be part of the "frame" = more mounting points = less support needed since the motor becomes part of the chassi.
42006 - Fully Motorized using 4 Motors
Juhlengo replied to Juhlengo's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingYou know what: no offence taken at all, actually, I'm glad you asked, cause I have a valid answer. And my answer will be returning questions. What's the challange in buying a 8043? None. How many ppl have you seen making a 42006 doing all 6 functions with only 4 motors, slim, as in almost untouched design (and batterybox not visable - on top)? Hmmm... just realized that sounded defensive ;) Sorry. No, but seriously. As you can see in the video, I already have the 8043, and yes, it has crossed my mind that a person not having any of em would be better off buying the 8043. So yes, Zux said it: And like I tried to say earlier, now that my daughters are finally old enough (8 and 5) to pick up on Technic, we try to stick to 4 motors per thing. And now that I figured out a good way to use 1 motor as an endless (as in, hold it forever, nothing breaks) switch (don't like the shifting in the 8043, since the 5 year old kind of "burns" the motor by holding the gearshifter too long), this was my first model to use it in. If you just give it a little thought, with this shifter idea you could use 1 motor to switch inbetween.... yes, how many functions? I know the answer....can you figure it out? ;) 1 million dollar question is: Using only 2 motors, like I did in the "turret", how many functions could you control using this technology?
42006 - Fully Motorized using 4 Motors
Juhlengo replied to Juhlengo's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingActaully just downloaded LDD and I'll see what I can do ;) If not, I have a few more pictures I took while building it.
42006 - Fully Motorized using 4 Motors
Juhlengo replied to Juhlengo's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingAs MrNumbskull13 said: COMPACT.... hehe, putting the "gearselector-housing"together wasn't all that easy, it's compact ;) However, I'd like to point out that the whole construction is very sturdy. The few changes I've made, only made it more sturdy. Yes, Well, I've thought a little bit about instructions, and I guess that depends on a few factors ;) * Is people interesting in getting instructions? Cause with two kids, I don't have all that much "free" time ;) But I'd love to help ppl. * Secondly, just picked up on Technic Lego... been off for a couple of years now. What I'm trying to say is: What program do I use? Played around with LCad (I think that's what it's called) a few years back, so I guess I need help in that department ;) What do I use? When it comes to creativity and solutions: Yes, I'l like to think so myself, especially when it comes to the crankshafts used as gearselectors. That's the main reason for taking the time to share this with you all. Cause that's the point with forums like this, to share good ideas and inspire together ;) I'd be more than happy to see someone copy that idea into their own MOC/Mods. I for one will use it more, since as I pointed out, my future MOC/Mods will most likely have no more than 4 motors.
42006 - Fully Motorized using 4 Motors
Juhlengo replied to Juhlengo's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingYep, that's it ;) As I wrote in the youtube movie, the actual pin used could've been a Lego Rigid hose (3mm), cut to a length of 7-8mm (a black uncut shown in picture below). However, I like my Lego just too much, so I couldn't bring myself to cut a piece. So insted, I used a piece of wood (barbeque stick = large tooth pick... kind of) which by the way is NOT shown in the picture, but you see it well enough in the youtube clip. The good part with the crankshaft is: 1.) It fits perfect without causing NO friction against the clutch (see picture below). 2.) It makes that perfect half studlength move that is required for the "clutch". Also, worth to note is that I used the smooth axle-connector in the center, since I didn't want friction/"clicks" in the gear changing, my own gear selector has it's own clicks and works better with less friction. ***edit - should of course be NO friction*** Thx m8 ;)
42006 - Fully Motorized using 4 Motors
Hello ppl, I'm new here and I wanted to share the mod I've done to the 42006. When I got it, it only took a few minutes before I noticed how much empty space there was in this model. Secondly, it's really boring when not using motor(s). So it only took 2 minutes before I added a motor. When kids started playing with it I saw how still boring it was, flipping those selectors back and forth. At once I started modding it. A big challange for me, was to only use 4 motors. Why? Cause as you all know, you can only use 8 motors at the same time and having 2 kids, we have this "golden rule", that they have 2 channels (4 motors) each ;) Since I really love the design, I tried to stick to changing as little as possible on it. Don't think it's possible to do that if you wanna have all 4 motors in the main chassi, so, I decided to live with the "flaw" of having 2 motors and hence the batteries in the bottom, which due to the cable limits the turntable to not spin forever. So I did put a stop in the front, so turret (is that what you call it?) can only turn 180 in each direction - which is oki if you plan ahead when "digging" ;) So, I have 2 motors in the bottom for the tracks and 2 motors in the main turret. 1 motor controlling a 4 function sequential gearbox, changing between: Turntable, arm base, arm mid and finally the claw. The 2nd motor in the turret of course powers all these 4 functions. Please, check out my video on youtube and let me know what you think ;) All feedback is welcomed.
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