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About JaseTJ

  • Birthday May 23

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    Legos, writing, soccer, Halo, Baritone.


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    U.S. of A.

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  1. Ooo, thank you! I've been wondering if there's a good way to purist her ever since I picked up her first issue this summer. :3
  2. Oh, right, I couldn't remember what I'd used for Ollie. I actually found Dastan's face (which is practically identical to Indy's) with the old crew cut hairpiece in brown to be weirdly accurate. (Weirdly because that hairpiece tends to only be good for very obvioisly crew-cut characters like Collosus, IMO.)
  3. Unfortunately I'm pretty sure that's the only possible option for Canary at all, at the moment. And I doubt the head by itself would be all that much better value than the 'fig, considering how expensive the set is. :/ I'm perfectly content with my Canary, barring that, too.
  4. Stuck on mobile at the time being, but I finally snagged some pictures of some older stuff, along with a couple new things. Sorry for the links, I'll edit in deeplinks if I can get to a computer sometime. Suicide Squad - Harley Quinn I'm quite proud of, and I swapped out Boomerang's head as well as dropping the gloves for fleshy hands. I used Syndromes arms for Harley, so there is a bit of silver on her wrists but it's hardly noticeable, and kindof looks like a tattoo anyways. Ideally Lego will come out with some blue/white dual-molded arms at some point but I'm still quite pleased with this. Flash - I added some speed-force to his running blur and I quite like the effect. :3 X-Men - Prof X, nothing really new but I finally grabbed that park set with the wheelchair. GiAnt Man! - I MOC'd some better arms for him way back when but never got a picture 'til now. I can put up a pic showing the construction if anyone's interested.
  5. I can't imagine that hardly any Marvel movies will get entirely overlooked any more. The last Thor movie didn't get sets, no, but that was a long time ago. More recently, we've gotten at least one set per movie, and I can't see that trend going away.
  6. Green Lantern will be a character in the Lego Batman movie, right? Looking forward to hopefully getting that ring piece in trans-mid-green (whatever his color is called). It looks like a super-useful piece regardless, though. It would make a good Iron Builder challenge at some point too.
  7. I believe Europe's getting it around June; we have to wait 'til August in the states, unfortunately.
  8. How many translucent hairpieces has Lego done before? They've been pretty strict on which Minifigure parts they'll make transparent, and the only hairpiece I can think of they've done before is much thicker.
  9. I highly doubt it's two pieces glued together, though--has Lego ever done anything like that? A dual-mold would seem more likely to me...
  10. ^I'm not a lefty, but I was about to mention that. Even on the original 'fig the quiver was printed backwards. D:
  11. It might be more accurate to just say that Marvel has all of the merchandising rights, but yes Disney does own Marvel entirely. There's no way we're getting anything for Apocalypse, even in comic-set form like we did for Days of Future Past. That set came out about the same time as the movie, not after based on how well the movie did. I'm guessing a part of the reason is that Marvel is starting to put out more and more of its own movies, and Lego is starting to produce at least one set per movie (a trend that I should hope will continue--GotG2, Spidey, and Thor 3 next year? :D ), so even if Marvel/Disney didn't mind a little Xmen merch, Lego has plenty of other stuff to flesh out its waves. Edit: Sorry, started typing before Nemo had posted. Takes a while in mobile :P Feel free to delete this post if it's too off-topic. On Hawkeye: am I the only one considering just giving him both of Superboy's arms (since I dunno what other 'fig I'd give just one short sleeve) and maybe even blond hair to make a more comic/animated show look? Either way, I'm psyched for that torso, and the legs are generic enough to find plenty of uses for--not that they look bad on Hawkeye. Can't wait to get a better look at Spidey ^_^
  12. Unless the other side of his face is different, yeah :P But if I had Dimensions I could see the appeal of just being able to play with the character. I've always been fond of him.
  13. Oh, that? That set just came with a bunch of plain blue torsos and a sticker sheet with various "teams" for the front, and numbers for the back. Not ideal, imo, although you could just put the sticker on the front and the back wouldn't have to have the flag, which would be nice I guess.
  14. Or use any plain red or black ones, if it's just the hips. The legs are still the best option for him. Ideally, Deadpool would have arms like that except with the black on the top, but that's probably the best option for now. (I do like the red hands more). I don't have one either way. ;-;
  15. Definitely not Ross's head, by the way. There's a clearer picture over there now that shows it's a fu man chu style mustache like Ras, nothing like Ross's 'stache. The prevailing theory at the moment is that it's just an "old Ras" head, and the other side is younger, so you can use the Lazarus Pit. Hate to burst any bubbles--I mean, we could still get Ross--but don't count on it. If he does come, he'd be better off using JJJ's head, though hopefully he'd get a new print.
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