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  1. If I look around this beautiful and inspiring thread I notice that most people with large collections sort their Lego by colour and subsequently by the various different and special parts. At the moment I don't have room for anything elaborate (I'm still waiting to find proper housing -- here in the Netherlands the housing situation is FUBAR), so I just use ziplock bags to store sets as I purchase, build and dismantle them, and store those in flat, stretched containers that roll under my bed and various other places. My cupboards also overflow with ziplock bags :) But my question here is how do you feel about sorting as described above, versus sorting by set or theme? Say that everything gets mixed by colour, isn't it a hassle then when you want to rebuild a particular set? Considering the prevalence of the former system with larger collection, I assume it is the more robust option. But part of me rebels against breaking up and spreading all the various sets I have into nondescript piles of Lego.
  2. Age: 28 Age you started building: 5-6 Country: The Netherlands Occupation: Writer in game industry Married: No Children: No Does your spouse or child/children build: No Do you have close friends who build: Yes Do you build together with your friends: No Do you regularly attend Lego conventions: No How much money do you spend on Lego product a year: 800-1000 Euros How much time do you spend building/playing a day: 1-2 hours (varies a lot) Favored theme/themes: Pirates, Modular Buildings Do you primarily collect retail sets, build MOCs, or both? Retail sets Did you experience a "dark age": Yes If yes, what age did you enter your "dark age": Around 15 What age did you exit your "dark age": 24 Other hobbies (other toy collecting, sports, drawing etc.): Gaming, drawing comics In your own words what makes Lego bricks so special: It's incredibly fun and soothing to create order into the chaos of the world with the clickety-clack of bricks popping together in perfection.
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