Video review (MInifigure Maxreview ep#2) - Friends Heartlake Cupcake C
Hi everyone, Fred Frank here - minifig reviewer (That is, I am a minifigure who does reviewers not someone know what I mean) We just reviewed the Cupcake Cafe on the second episode (third counting the pilot) of our series - Minifigure MaxReview so please check it out! Remember, the review is by minifigures FOR minifigures (and general people too hopefully) so it'll be a little more...story based and subjective than a normal review. Thanks! Fred Frank
Video Review "Battle of Takodana" by an actual Minifigure!
It's alright. i vouch for him. He's using my computer. Dangerous work for a minifigure - gotta respect the guy.
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
Nope, only seen the larger sets, still need that and weather top..
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
Darn. That would have gone down real well at our house. And thanks Jonwil for the updates..will have to go out there tomorrow. Was at Target at Bullcreek today and they had the new star wars sets ..but not the malevolence and the other cool ship..I don't remember what it's called. No r2 though.
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
Im in Perth and im interested!! Why do they have everything come out at the same time! New star wars have been sighted, lotr monster fighters out here too? I was going to do some bricklinking but if theyre here i think I'm going to have to go shopping..
Lego club at libraries
Excellent! Thanks for that
Lego club at libraries
I did post this elsewhere but thought I might update any of those who are following this thread. I've had to expand it into 2 sessions as the response has been pretty good without any marketing or promoting at all. The problem now is my kids (and myself) dont really want me using our own Lego anymore and the council doesnt want me to purchase second hand lego as they dont get the right kind of paperwork out of it, so I'm pretty much restricted to brand new sets. Can anyone recommend something for me to buy to get the most pieces per cost? I was thinking those 80$ tubs of lego plus some creator sets? I'm not sure if theres something I'm forgetting.
Which set should I buy?
I thought this could probably go here rather than starting up a new thread. I'm starting a lego club at the library where I work and seemingly we're not going to be getting any donations and the council frowns on me buying second hand stuff so its new sets unfortunately. What sets woudl be the best in terms of number of pieces for the cost. I have the 80$ buckets of Lego and was thinking maybe the creator sets? They wont be making the sets I just need a mass amount of mixed Lego. Thoughts?
Lego club at libraries
I dont think we have polybag sets in Australia - at least, I havent seen them. Yep - we have a glass cabinet by the doors at one of the branches - I'm assuming its secure and would love to display the kids creations during the times between sessions. Well, give me a bit of time and I can tell you. :) There are probably more boys than girls but not by that much. I would have to assume it has a postive effect, its getting people into the library that may not come in previously and since we're buil;ding on various themes each week hopefully we'll see more castles and cars books go out beside books on Lego itself. And finally I'd def take my son to a Lego club depending on how it was run. I really want to try my best to make this something special as I think this could really develop into something substantial here.
Lego club at libraries
Well as I said I've been using my own up till now but don't really want to do that permanently. I've heard of libraries being able to ask for donations and running lego clubs off that but I've tried and received nothing. No suprise really. I've got a bit of money to spend on Lego but I'm a bit concerned if I'll have enough and dont want to bring my stuff in as well in case it all gets mixed together. Problems problems.
Lego club at libraries
Penguin: Yeah, it's been immensely popular which is great! I work at Cockburn Libraries in Perth, Western Australia. I know theres a lot of Perth guys n gals on the forum too! Silva: I was thinking of the theme thing and also thinking if there was a way i could display the creations until the next meeting. Have to make sure they're safe and secure tho'. Thats a good idea with the lego board games - I have a few that I wouldnt mind donating. The game idea is good too but I worry that if i brought them in then that could cause problems. I'm sure to have lego games well represented once I get the gaming elemnt introduced next anyway. I am intrigued by the polybag set idea. Do you mean you make up the bags themselves or are youtalking about multiple copies of actual sets you buy from stores. Cos that could be a bit pricey.. Great suggestions though - thanks!
Lego club at libraries
Hey all, So I just started a few months back as being the Young peoples librarian at my Library and one of the things I've started up is a Lego club. I ran Lego sessions over school holidays that went really well - I did basically an adapted version of Creationary, gave out minifigure and Lego book prizes and also of course had free build sessions. It was so popular I'm starting up a regular Lego club. Just wondering if anyone has any thoughts as to what I should be doing with this. I was thinking each month could have its own theme but I was thinking pretty much to just let everyone do what they want to do. Has anyone been to Lego clubs held at Libraries before?
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
I might have to do that. Don't have time to be finding lego with 3 kids under 6 in tow. Has any One else done this or can anyone recommend some good sellers? Edit: stoopid autocorrect.
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
of person who'd think to ask. I could have had them all by now if i had. I don't even think of it..I'd just assume if they had them they'd be out there. Good to know though, thanks! I'll be heading out there Monday morning..
Aussie sales! Share the news of LOCAL sales!
I was refrring to the Garden city in WA, i didn't specify as I thought i had already mentioned WA in my previous posts but, yeah, if you just read that post by itself it could be a little confusing. Sorry. As to it not carrying toys...? Damn.. I can't really get into Perth.
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