Greetings to all EB members. I've been lurking here forever and joined up just a few days ago to enhance my EB experience.
A little about me
Real name: Stu
Home: Derby, England
Occupation: Distorter of the truth, deciever, greed's own manifestation (Sales).
I am: married with kids, constantly hungry and tired, not affluent contrary to popular AFOL stereotype (see part about kids), a big geeky nerd.
I am not: a purist, religious, political, easily offended.
I like: Sci-fi, fantasy and comics, food, sleep.
I dislike: Textspeak and the decline of the English language, reality poking it's nose into my business on a daily basis, working for a living.
Preffered themes: None, but I tend towards a sci-fi bias (space pirates, etc.) and humour.
Currently building: Sets for a contest entry on MOCpages (Morton Zucherman, Detective Chef!) and maybe some Blacktron III for a flickr group if time permits.
Thanks for looking, hope to speak on the forums.